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Louis Guglielmi | Magic Realist painter

Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi (1906-1956) was an American painter.
He was well known in New York, but soon forgotten after his death, as abstract expressionism came to overshadow artists like him.
There are elements of precisionism, surrealism, geometric abstraction, regionalism and social realism in his work.
His paintings often commented on poverty and other social and political themes; bleakness and death appear regularly in his pre-war works. With Walter Quirt and James Guy, he was a prominent exponent of "social surrealism".

After the war, his painting became more planar and abstract, with elements of cubism, and he disavowed the personal sadness in his earlier works in favor of expressing the "exuberance and organic means of life itself".
The New York Times also attributed his decline to his being "a relentless borrower, an irrepressible eclectic who seemed to prey voraciously on the styles of others".
Born in Cairo, Egypt, as a child he lived in Milan and Geneva while his Italian father, a professional violinist, toured the world.
In 1914 his parents brought him to the United States, where they lived in Italian Harlem, New York.

He was interested in sculpture at a young age and worked at a casting factory.
He attended the National Academy of Design in the evening beginning in 1920, while also attending high school, and attended full-time from 1923 to 1926.
The next year he became a naturalized citizen.

The Great Depression brought financial hardship, but the difficult times inspired his artwork.
From 1935 to 1939, he worked with the Federal Art Project, which supported artists during the Depression.

In the 1930s he spent many summers at the MacDowell Colony for artists in Peterborough, New Hampshire.
Guglielmi had his first one-man show in 1938, exhibiting his new work Mental Geography.
Inspired by the Spanish Civil War-depicting a bombed-out Brooklyn Bridge -it was a warning that European fascism might spread.

Guglielmi was part of the 1943 "American Realists and Magic Realists" exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.
He was with the Army Corps of Engineers in the war between 1943 and 1945, and did not paint.

In the 1950s, he held positions at Louisiana State University, first as a visiting artist and then as an associate professor.
He died in 1956 of a heart attack in Amagansett, New York.
Guglielmi's work is in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the Whitney Museum of American Art. | Source: © Wikipedia

Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi (1906-1956) è stato un pittore Americano.
Era molto conosciuto a New York, ma presto dimenticato dopo la sua morte, poiché l'espressionismo astratto arrivò a mettere in ombra artisti come lui.
Ci sono elementi di precisione, surrealismo, astrazione geometrica, regionalismo e realismo sociale nel suo lavoro.
I suoi dipinti spesso commentavano la povertà ed altri temi sociali e politici; desolazione e morte appaiono regolarmente nelle sue opere prebelliche.
Con Walter Quirt e James Guy fu un esponente di spicco del "surrealismo sociale".

Dopo la guerra, la sua pittura divenne più planare e astratta, con elementi di cubismo, e rinnegò la tristezza personale nelle sue opere precedenti in favore dell'espressione "dell'esuberanza e dei mezzi organici della vita stessa".
Anche il New York Times attribuì il suo declino al suo essere "un mutuatario implacabile, un eclettico irrefrenabile che sembrava predare voracemente lo stile degli altri".
Nato al Cairo, in Egitto, da bambino ha vissuto a Milano e Ginevra, mentre suo padre italiano, violinista professionista, girava il mondo.
Nel 1914 i suoi genitori lo portarono negli Stati Uniti, dove vissero ad Italian Harlem, New York.
Si interessò alla scultura in giovane età e lavorò in una fabbrica di fusione.

Frequentò serale l'Accademia Nazionale di Design a partire dal 1920, frequentando contemporaneamente anche il liceo, che frequentò a tempo pieno dal 1923 al 1926.
L'anno successivo divenne cittadino naturalizzato.
La Grande Depressione portò difficoltà finanziarie, ma i tempi difficili ispirarono le sue opere d'arte.

Dal 1935 al 1939 lavorò con il Federal Art Project, che sostenne gli artisti durante la Depressione.
Negli anni '30 trascorse molte estati alla MacDowell Colony per artisti a Peterborough, nel New Hampshire.
Guglielmi tenne la sua prima mostra personale nel 1938, esponendo la sua nuova opera Geografia mentale.

Ispirato alla guerra civile spagnola, raffigurante un ponte di Brooklyn bombardato, era un avvertimento che il fascismo europeo avrebbe potuto diffondersi.
Guglielmi fece parte della mostra "American Realists and Magic Realists" del 1943 al Museum of Modern Art.
Era con il Corpo degli Ingegneri dell'Esercito nella guerra tra il 1943 e il 1945 e non dipingeva.
Negli anni '50 ricoprì incarichi presso la Louisiana State University, prima come artista in visita e poi come professore associato.

Morì nel 1956 per un attacco di cuore ad Amagansett, New York.
Il lavoro di Guglielmi è nella collezione dell'Art Institute of Chicago, del Detroit Institute of Arts, del Metropolitan Museum of Art, del Museum of Modern Art, del San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, lo Smithsonian American Art Museum ed il Whitney Museum of American Art.

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Léon Frédéric | Symbolist painter

Léon-Henri-Marie Frédéric (1856-1940) was a Belgian Symbolist painter.
His earliest paintings joined Christian mysticism with pantheistic themes, while his later works increasingly reflected social concerns.
Much of his work also shows the influence of fifteenth and sixteenth century Flemish art and Renaissance painting styles.

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Elia Volpi (1858-1938)

Elia Volpi (1858-1938) was an Italian art dealer, antiques dealer and painter, famous for having created the collection of Palazzo Davanzati in Florence.
Born in Città di Castello, Volpi was a well known antiquarian who collected many important works of art, now widely dispersed especially in U.S.A.
Volpi studied at the Florence Academy, under A. Gatti.

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Jeremy Winborg, 1979

Jeremy Winborg is best known for his figurative work of Native American subjects that blend realism with abstract backgrounds.
Winborg has had a passion for creating art since he was a child.
He grew up in Utah working in an art studio alongside his father who was an illustrator.
Winborg began receiving awards and honors at a young age.
"Being an artist was the only profession I ever considered when I was growing up".

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Salvador Dalí | Fleurs, 1948

Salvador Dalí often showcased his sense of humor and imagination by painting flowers.
In 1972, Dalí released 15 color lithographs of “Surrealist Flowers”, featuring many of his most famous symbols.
In one print, the petals of white lilies morph into melting clocks.

In another, a bouquet of tulips sprouts actual lips.
The suite also features roses covered in drawers, anemones growing forks and gladioli wearing hoop earrings.
Dalí returned to florals in 1981, painting a playful mix of butterflies, insects and roses in a series he self-referentially titled “Flordalí”.
While Flordali II (1981) exceeded $320,000 at a Christie’s auction in 2016, editioned prints of the motif remain on the market.

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Marius van Dokkum, 1957

Many of Marius van Dokkum’s paintings contain mild social criticism.
Marius van Dokkum is averse to cynicism, he wants to give the audience a (laugh) mirror.
As a child, Van Dokkum already knew that he would become an artist.

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Eduard Veith | Symbolist painter

Eduard Veith (1858-1925) was an Austrian portrait painter and stage designer.
Many of his works were influenced by Symbolism.
He was born to the decorative painter, Julius Veith (1820-1887), and his wife Susanna, née Schleif (1827-1883).
At first, he received training to follow in his father's profession.

Later, he went to Vienna, where he took classes at the Museum of Applied Arts from Professor Ferdinand Laufberger.
He capped off his studies by creating sgraffito for exhibition buildings at the Exposition Universelle in Paris.
He then returned home, where he assisted his father with painting churches, synagogues and other ceremonial buildings.
This was followed by several study trips; to Italy, Belgium and Tunisia.

He finally settled in Vienna; becoming a free-lance artist and working mostly by commission.
From 1890, he was a member of the Vienna Künstlerhaus.
In 1896, he received a gold medal at the Große Berliner Kunstausstellung.
In 1905, he was appointed a Professor at the University of Technology.

In 1911, he married Bertha Griesbeck (1872-1952), from Augsburg.
He later taught at the University of Applied Arts Museum of Applied Arts, and became a Professor there in 1920.
During his years in Vienna, he maintained contact with his home town, and held exhibitions there.
In addition to his paintings, he did interior decorations for a number of the buildings on the Ringstraße, and trompe l'oeil stage sets.

He often collaborated with the architects, Fellner and Helmer, who built dozens of theatres and opera houses throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
He died shortly before his sixty-seventh birthday, and was interred at Döbling Cemetery.
His grave is adorned with a sculpture by Georg Leisek. | Source: © Wikipedia

Eduard Veith (1858-1925) è stato un pittore di genere, ritrattista, scenografo e professore universitario Austriaco.
Molte delle sue opere furono influenzate dal Simbolismo.
Nacque dal pittore decorativo Julius Veith (1820-1887) e da sua moglie Susanna, nata Schleif (1827-1883).

Inizialmente ha ricevuto una formazione per seguire la professione di suo padre.
Successivamente si recò a Vienna, dove prese lezioni al Museo delle Arti Applicate dal professor Ferdinand Laufberger.
Ha coronato i suoi studi creando graffiti per gli edifici espositivi dell'Exposition Universelle di Parigi.
Tornò poi a casa, dove aiutò il padre a dipingere chiese, sinagoghe ed altri edifici cerimoniali.

Seguirono numerosi viaggi di studio; verso Italia, Belgio e Tunisia.
Alla fine si stabilì a Vienna; diventando un artista freelance e lavorando principalmente su commissione.
Dal 1890 fu membro del Künstlerhaus di Vienna.
Nel 1896 ricevette una medaglia d'oro alla Große Berliner Kunstausstellung.

Nel 1905 fu nominato professore presso l'Università della Tecnologia.
Nel 1911 sposò Bertha Griesbeck (1872-1952), di Augusta.
Successivamente insegnò al Museo di Arti Applicate dell'Università di Arti Applicate e lì divenne professore nel 1920.
Durante i suoi anni a Vienna mantenne i contatti con la sua città natale e vi tenne mostre.

Oltre ai suoi dipinti, realizzò decorazioni interne per numerosi edifici sulla Ringstraße e scenografie trompe l'oeil.
Collaborò spesso con gli architetti Fellner and Helmer, che costruirono decine di teatri e teatri d'opera in tutto l'impero austro-ungarico.
Morì poco prima del suo sessantasettesimo compleanno e fu sepolto nel cimitero di Döbling.
La sua tomba è ornata da una scultura di Georg Leisek. | Fonte: © British Wikipedia

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Alfredo Savini | Verist painter

Alfredo Savini (1868-1924) was an Italian painter.
Son of the painter Alfonso Savini (1836-1908), Alfredo Savini attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
In 1900 he was appointed, by competition, director of the "Gian Bettino Cignaroli" Academy of Fine Arts in Verona, succeeding Moses Bianchi, and held this position until 1924, when, still in full activity, he died on 28 October.

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Salman Toor, 1983

Salman Toor is a Pakistani-American painter.
His works depict the imagined lives of young men of South Asian-birth, displayed in close range in either South Asia and New York City fantasized settings.
Toor lives and works in New York City.

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Gustav Igler | Genre painter

Gustav Igler (1842-1938) was an Austrian genre painter.
Gustav Igler was born in Austro-Hungarian Odenburg and from 1858 he was a pupil of the famous portraitist Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller in Vienna.
He then studied with Arthur von Ramberg until 1871 at the Royal Academy in Munich.

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Mark Beck, 1957

American Artist Mark Beck is considered one of the country's top realism and landscape painters.
With a unique vision and decades-long career, he is well known for his iconic and bold images of the American landscape.
You can see his paintings in films, international ad campaigns, and on magazine covers.
Beck's artwork currently resides in some of the world's most prestigious art collections.

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Lucio Massari | Madonna of the Laundry, 1620

"Mary washed, Joseph laid... "

The subject of this painting really seems to illustrate the famous lullaby your grandparents or parents used to sing to you when you were a child.
You know, no one can escape household affairs, not even Joseph, Mary and Jesus!
The scene depicted by the Bolognese painter Lucio Massari (1568-1633) is in fact very unusual: every member of the Sacraiglia works with commitment and organization to clean and iron the laundry.

Lucio Massari Holy Family (Madonna of the Laundry), 1620 | Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze

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Pablo Picasso | My Love has withered away / Il mio amore è appassito..

I have walked through starless nights not caring what the world cared for
Amidst sighs of desperation and exasperation, i 'ave walked; only for you
you were always like the fresh mist of dawn
Yet, like the honey of the bee.

Pablo Picasso | The Meeting / The-Embrace, -1900 | Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia

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Alison Friend, 1973

Alison Friend is a British artist, born in Doncaster, South Yorks.
Her paintings are inspired by nature and her cheeky sense of humour.
Dreamy delicate brush strokes abound every canvas where she captures the secret lives of animals. Every character comes to life on canvas whether having a lolly or a gin.
Alison Friend graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 1996 with a degree in Fine Art specialising in Printmaking.

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Jane Graverol | Surrealist painter

Jane Graverol (1905-1984) was a Belgian surrealist painter of French extraction.


Jane Graverol was born in Ixelles on 18 December 1905 to Alexandre Graverol and Anne-Marie Lagadec.
After a traditional education, she enrolled in the Brussels Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in 1921, where she was taught by Jean Delville and Constant Montald.

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Reinaldo Arenas | My Lover The Sea / Io sono quel bambino....

Io sono quel bambino con la faccia tonda e sporca,
che in ogni angolo ti infastidisce
con il suo "mi dai una monetina"?

Io sono quel bambino con la faccia tonda e sporca, certamente non voluto, che da lontano
contempla gli autobus, in cui gli altri bambini ridono
forte, e fanno salti molto grandi.

Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky | At the Door of the School | The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg