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Madeleine Gross, 1993 | Abstract artist

Madeleine Gross is a Toronto-based artist who combines photography and painting to represent how we live in both reality and fantasy.
She photographs idyllic scenes from across the world - beaches, lakes, snow-covered mountains and medieval cobbled streets - and paints vibrant strokes over selections of the people, objects, and landscapes.
The result is a unique aesthetic: part photo, part painting, photorealism and abstraction in one frame.

The blend of styles illustrates the fantasy and daydream of human experience.
It comments on how our emotions and expectations color how we see people and places, and it asks us to consider how much of our memories and daily experiences are projections of feelings, hopes, and dreams.

Gross was born in Los Angeles and lives in Toronto.
She studied photography and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University.
At first she applied bright strokes of paint to prints of her photographs with palette knives, and her aesthetic has progressed to cover majorities or even entireties of images in paint.

Her art also now features abstract figures painted on photographed landscapes without any human bodies underneath.
Through this, Gross continues to develop her visual and symbolic language and push both genres of photograph and painting.
She exhibits and sells her work around the world, and it has been featured in publications such as i-D, The Coveteur and Interview Magazine, as well as fairs such as Art Miami, Scope and Art New York.

Madeleine Gross è un'artista con sede a Toronto che combina fotografia e pittura per rappresentare il modo in cui viviamo, sia nella realtà che nella fantasia. Fotografa scene idilliache da tutto il mondo - spiagge, laghi, montagne innevate e strade acciottolate medievali - e dipinge tratti vibranti su selezioni di persone, oggetti e paesaggi.
Il risultato è un'estetica unica: in parte foto, in parte pittura, fotorealismo e astrazione in un unico fotogramma.
La miscela di stili illustra la fantasia ed il sogno ad occhi aperti dell'esperienza umana.

Commenta come le nostre emozioni e le aspettative colorano il modo in cui vediamo le persone ed i luoghi e ci chiede di considerare quanto dei nostri ricordi e delle nostre esperienze quotidiane siano proiezioni di sentimenti, speranze e sogni.

Gross è nata a Los Angeles e vive a Toronto.
Ha studiato fotografia e si è laureata in Belle Arti presso l'Università dell'Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD).