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Pasolini, la Callas e l'Amore impossibile | Le Lettere

Quando Pier Paolo Pasolini (Scrittore, poeta, autore e regista cinematografico e teatrale italiano, 1922-1975) incontra Maria Callas (Soprano americana di origine greca, uno dei cantanti lirici più famosi ed influenti del 20° secolo, 1923-1977) per la prima volta era il 1969 e stava lavorando al suo nuovo film "Medea".
Lui ricorda così la prima volta che la vide: "Una straordinaria apparizione fisica, con quei grandi occhi in un volto dagli zigomi alti, dai lineamenti e dalle espressioni che rientrano perfettamente nella mia mitologia fisionomica".

Pier Paolo Pasolini e Maria Callas sul set del film "Medea"

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Attilio Simonetti | Neo-Pompeian painter

Attilio Simonetti (1843-1925) was an Italian painter and Antiquarian.
He was born and resided mainly in Rome: a son of Francesco, a Roman jeweler and engraver, and Carolina née Raffaeli, from a family of mosaicists.
He showed a talent for art at an early age, which brought him to the attention of a family friend, the painter Marià Fortuny.
At the age of sixteen, he began his formal studies.

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Vincenzo Capobianchi | Neo-Pompeian painter

Vincenzo Capobianchi or Capobianchi (1836-1928) was an Italian painter born in Rome, who is best known for painting realistic Neo-Pompeian genre scenes.
He was also a prominent numismatist, and author of papers on Italian coinage.
Among his works are: The Yellow Dress (1875), Roman children practice indoor archery (1881) and The Merchant of Fine Antiquities.

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Walter Molino (1915-1997)

Walter Molino was an Italian comics artist and illustrator.
Born in Reggio Emilia, Molino made his professional debut as illustrator and caricaturist in 1935, collaborating with the newspaper Il Popolo d'Italia and the children's magazines Il Monello and L'Intrepido.
In 1936 he started working for the satirical magazine Bertoldo, and in 1938 he debuted as a comic artist with the series Virus, il mago della Foresta Morta, with texts of Federico Pedrocchi.

Walter Molino | La Singoletta, 1962

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Frans van Straaten, 1963 | Figurative sculptor

Born in Hague, Frans van Straaten is a Dutch artist and known for his bronze sculptures.
He is a figurative artist and sculptor, who creates bronze sculptures in which he unites force and movement.
In 1985 Van Straaten obtained his second-level teaching certificate in Drawing and Handicrafts.
He continued his education in Rotterdam at the Willem de Kooning Academy.

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Dino Campana e Sibilla Aleramo "Quel viaggio chiamato amore"..

Nel 1916, sulle colline del Mugello, il poeta Italiano Dino Campana (Marradi, 20 agosto 1885 - Scandicci, 1º marzo 1932), conobbe la scrittriceSibilla Aleramo (Alessandria, 14 agosto 1876 - Roma, 13 gennaio 1960), autrice del romanzo "Una donna", con la quale instaurò una intensa quanto tumultuosa relazione, che si sarebbe interrotta all'inizio del 1918, a seguito di un breve incontro nel Natale del 1916, a Marradi.
Nell'ultima lettera qua di seguito, c'è tutto il dolore del poeta che non riesce a dimenticare l'amore per la Sibilla Aleramo.

Charles Amable Lenoir | Reverie, 1893

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Bazoche | Romantic painter

A self-taught painter based in the Périgord Noir, Bazoche managed to combine his two passions: comics and painting.
In a style imbued with a certain naivety, his paintings are always the pretext to tell stories, sometimes nostalgic, sometimes romantic, sometimes dramatic, but the viewer always has his place to tell his own story...

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Maria Samoletova, 1990

Мария Самолётова was born in the small town of Tarusa, in a family of ceramic artists.
In her childhood home, cats always lived; they were on a par with the owners of the house, and their numbers significantly exceeded the latter, thereby creating a special furry comfort, an atmosphere of unpretentious kindness and peace.
Memory and love, which over time suggested plots for the development of a series of paintings dedicated to furry friends (purrs).

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Plamen Dimitrov, 1988 | Abstract sculptor

Plamen Dimitrov is an Bulgarian artist of figurative and abstract bronze sculptures.
Every sculptures are unique in the visual art world because they are 3 dimensional in nature and other then reliefs, utilize 360 degrees of space requiring the artist to fully think through this aspect of the work keeping it interesting and well thought out at all angles of view.

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Svetlana Tartakovska, 1979

Svetlana Tartakovska was born in Berditchev near Kiev.
She lives and works in The Netherlands and she graduated at the Klassieke Academie voor Beeldende Kunst (Classical Academy for Visual Arts) in Groningen.
She also studied at The Art Academy in Florence and attented workshops at Sam Drukker.
She is a young woman with a rich inheritance from an old culture: a treasury of world-famous authors including Dostojewsky and Lermontov and great painters like Repin.

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Carolien van Olphen, 1971 | Figurative painter

Carolien van Olphen is a Dutch painter, born in Rotterdam.
She received her education at the Classical Art Academy in Groningen.
Carolien is a realistic portrait painter, a technical skilled artist.
She likes to dress-up her models in bright patterned dresses, silk ropes, fur coats etc.

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Jungsuk Lee | Romantic illustrator

Jungsuk Lee 이정석 is a South Korean illustrator, who makes work under the name Endmion1.
Graduated in Business Administration from Chungju National University.
Jungsuk Lee's dreamlike artwork creates beautifully atmospheric compositions that are highlighted with emotionally engaging cityscapes, starry nights and wistful figures.

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Madeleine Gross, 1993 | Abstract artist

Madeleine Gross is a Toronto-based artist who combines photography and painting to represent how we live in both reality and fantasy.
She photographs idyllic scenes from across the world - beaches, lakes, snow-covered mountains and medieval cobbled streets - and paints vibrant strokes over selections of the people, objects, and landscapes.
The result is a unique aesthetic: part photo, part painting, photorealism and abstraction in one frame.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Tête de jeune fille, 1882

Painted in 1882, "Tête de jeune fille" dates from a key period of transition within Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s career.
It was at the beginning of that year that the pioneering Impressionist dealer Paul Durand-Ruel had begun to purchase Renoir’s work, granting the artist a new level of professional and financial security, which in turn enabled him to travel abroad for the first time.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Tête de jeune fille, 1882 | Christie's

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Nikita Busyak | Urban sketcher

Nikita Busyak comes from Ukraine, the city of Kharkov, and it is this city that he depicts in his incredible illuminated architectural sketches.
In each architectural drawing, he digitally manipulates the windows so that they glow with golden light, making it seem as though someone is home.
Nikita is an inventor of Glowing Archisketch technique.

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Elizabeth Jane Gardner | Academic painter

Elizabeth Jane Gardner Bouguereau (Exeter, New Hampshire, 1837 - Paris, 1922) was an American academic and salon painter, who was born in Exeter, New Hampshire.
She was an American expatriate who died in Paris where she had lived most of her life.
She studied in Paris under the figurative painter Hugues Merle (1823-1881), the well-known salon painter Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911), and finally under William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905).

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Marie Wunsch | Genre painter

Marie (Mizzi) Wunsch (1862-1898) was an Austrian artist.
As a little girl, she took part in drawing classes where her keen sense of observation was already evident.
However, her talent was not encouraged until 1880 when she was admitted to the Austrian Museum's preparatory school to study.
She kept drawing and painting and eventually moved to Venice where she received further instructions from Eugen v. Blaas.

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Newell Convers Wyeth (1882-1945)

Newell Convers Wyeth, known as N. C. Wyeth, was an American painter and illustrator.
He was a student of Howard Pyle and became one of America's most well-known illustrators.
Wyeth created more than 3,000 paintings and illustrated 112 books - 25 of them for Scribner's, the Scribner Classics, which is the body of work for which he is best known.

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Marisa Prete | Crazy Museum

"Images are not just objects to contemplate: they are presences that speak to us, question us, seduce us, take us, grasp us, act on us and we on them" - Marisa Prete.

Marisa Prete from Milan has a degree in philosophy and deals with image and photography, writes for some magazines and manages a blog that deals with art, photography and cinema.

As the author says: "To better understand how generative TTI (text-to-image) models work, there is nothing better than starting to use them".

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Darius Hulea, 1987 | Metal Wire Sculptures

Darius Hulea is a Romanian contemporary artist born in Alba Iulia, who is specialized in metal sculpture.
He graduated the University of Art and Design from Cluj Napoca, Sculpture section, and in 2012 he become member of the Artists Union.
In 2013 he won the price "Grigore Bradea", a distinction given only to the most talented Romanian sculptures.

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Sara Gallagher, 1990

Sara Gallagher is passionate about breaking the taboos that surround mental health in the United States.
She harnesses her experience of working with houseless youth and people with disabilities to bring about an empathetic lens into the complex experience of what it is to be human.
Through her hyperrealistic graphite and PanPastel works, Sara provokes dialogue around the inner landscape of the human experience.

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Artyom Tolstuhin, 1981

Ukrainian artist Артем Толстухін / Artyom Tolstuhin studied at the Mykola Samokysha Crimean Art College, founded in 1922, and he graduated from the Kharkov Academy of Design and Arts, Restoration Department in 2011.
Tolstukhin was elected to the All-Ukrainian Young Artists Union in 2008.
Tolstuhin has emerged as one of the leaders of the Union as well as of the Degrazh, the association of young Kharkov artists.

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Ilya Zomb, 1960 | Magical realism painter

New York based Russian-born painter Ilya Zomb studied at the Odessa State Art College and the Odessa Art School between 1971 and 1979, majoring in fine arts.
In his paintings, images of ballerinas, elephants, and gigantic fruits appear as if out of a dream, but the artist says it's the everyday life in New York,where he lives, that inspires his flights of fancy.
Occupying the shadowy space "between the possible and impossible, the real and unreal", Ilya Zomb’s brilliantly conceived, chimerical paintings lie at the elusive intersection of reality and pure fantasy.

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Chris Krupinski, 1952 | Watercolor painter

Chris's watercolors are created with special consideration to detail.
By focusing much of her attention to the smallest detail, the viewer is drawn into the intricacies of her work.
Dynamic light and shadow treatments are prominent statements in her paintings.
The play of lights and darks develop effective abstract design.

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Hennie Niemann jnr, 1972

Hennie Niemann jnr’s art career began under the mentorship of his father, artist Hennie Niemann Snr.
The encouragement from Gregoire Boonzaaier and art dealer, Johans Borman, help built the confidence of a young artist early in life.
The inspiration for his unique style stemmed from two years of conscription after school, where he was placed in the Kruger National Park.
Surrounded by bush and wildlife, his love for the great African outdoors was born.

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Paul Guy Gantner 1948 ~ Landscape painter

Born in Seoul, South Korea, Paul Guy Gantner is a self-taught artist.
His passion for the Impressionists and the Post-Impressionists was responsible for his move to France.
This allowed him to freely study their work and to explore their universe.
The majority of Gantner's paintings are set in Provence and the Midi.
The artist's fascination with quaint mountain villages with their narrow, winding streets becomes a perfect vehicle for the true subject of his work's solitude.

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AI, what does the rest of the Mona Lisa look like?

AI Experiment: Full Body paintings of "Mona Lisa" and "Girl with a Pearl Earring"

Using Adobe Firefly, the American Kody Young, asked AI to expand some of the world’s most famous paintings, including Van Gogh’s "Starry Night", Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" and Johannes Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring".
One could say that Young was simply playing with a new toy.
He never asserted that he, himself, is an artist, or that these images represent some kind of improved version of the originals.

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Motherhood by Pablo Picasso

The subject of mother and child runs through the various stages of Picasso’s artistic production, although it appears more frequently in his early works.
Picasso's Maternities belong to the artist's neoclassical period, during which he developed a style reminiscent of classicism and used mythological images such as centaurs, minotaurs, nymphs, and fauns.
He created at least a dozen pictures inspired by and dedicated to motherhood and the special relationship between mother and child.

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Eugenia Gapchinska / Евгения Гапчинская, 1974

Евгения Гапчинская is one of the most famous Ukrainian artists, lives and works in Kyiv, her galleries are located in the capital and in several cities of Ukraine.
Gapchinska was a student at Kharkiv Art College and graduated from The Institute of Industrial Arts in Kharkiv.
Eugenia Gapchinska also had an internship at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg, Germany.