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Leonard Koscianski, 1952 | Visionary painter

Leonard Koscianski was born in Cleveland, Ohio.
A student of R. Buckminster Fuller, and noted American painter Wayne Theibaud, he received his Bachelor’s degree from the Cleveland Institute of Art and his Master’s degree from the University of California, Davis.
An American painter, with a unique visionary style, he has exhibited his psychologically charged artwork worldwide.
He is represented by the Meisel Gallery in New York, and the J Willott Gallery in California.

His artwork is included in many public and private collections like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Philadelphia Museum and the Chicago Art Institute.
It has appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Art News, Art in America and Art Forum.

A popular professor and speaker, he has received numerous awards including the National Endowment for the Art’s Individual Artist Fellowship, and the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Fellowship.
He lives and works in Annapolis, Maryland where he is a member of the city's Art in Public Places Commission.

Leonard Koscianski è nato a Cleveland, Ohio.
Studente di R. Buckminster Fuller e del noto pittore americano Wayne Theibaud, ha conseguito la laurea presso il Cleveland Institute of Art ed il master presso l'Università della California, Davis.
Pittore Americano, con uno stile visionario unico, ha esposto le sue opere d'arte psicologicamente cariche in tutto il mondo.
È rappresentato dalla Meisel Gallery di New York e dalla J Willott Gallery in California.

Le sue opere sono incluse in molte collezioni pubbliche e private come il Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York, il Philadelphia Museum e il Chicago Art Institute.
È apparso sul New York Times, sul Los Angeles Times, su Art News, Art in America e Art Forum.

Famoso professore ed oratore, Koscianski ha ricevuto numerosi premi tra cui il National Endowment for the Art's Individual Artist Fellowship e la Bellagio Fellowship della Rockefeller Foundation.
Vive e lavora ad Annapolis, nel Maryland, dove è membro della Art in Public Places Commission della città.