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Le Yack, 1972 | Pop urban art

Alexandre Pelletier, also known as "Le Yack", is a talented native of Tours.
He first graduated in design and arts, then in communication, and was naturally attracted by graphic design.
He chose to devote his professional career to it. Art director in publishing and web for over 20 years, he evolves daily in the middle of images and stories.
During the Covid crisis, Alexandre feels the need to find a new space of expression and launches himself into "graffiti painting". Just 2 years later, "Le Yack" is already exhibiting at the gallery "l'Empreinte" in Orleans.

Le Yack is a true master in the art of blending urban influences with classical contemporary pop art.
His work offers us a unique vision of the icons of this century and significant moments in history.
Each of his works bears the unmistakable mark of his artistic personality.
By using globally recognized images, he manages to create an immediate sense of familiarity while enriching them with vibrant colors and a vitality that imbues them with modernity.

Details take center stage in Le Yack's canvases.
He employs techniques of contrasting colors, textured backgrounds, and screen prints to present the same subject in different forms, thus separating them from their traditional backdrops.

This innovative approach allows the observer to rediscover familiar images in a new light, with captivating depth and energy.
Le Yack's artworks are a true invitation to reflection and wonder.
They testify to exceptional technical mastery but, above all, to a unique artistic sensitivity.
By exploring the boundaries between urban art and pop art, Le Yack manages to capture the very essence of our era while offering us a singular and poetic vision of our society.

Alexandre Pelletier, detto Le Yack, è nato a Tours.
Durante gli studi entra a far parte dell'École Supérieure d'Art et de Design (ESAD) di Orléans e si diploma in comunicazione nel 1997.
Svolge la sua carriera professionale nel settore delle arti grafiche.
Da più di vent'anni è art director.

Nel 2020, Le Yack intraprende un dipinto "graffiti", cercando di creare un universo riprendendo personaggi mitici della nostra società moderna, come Frida Kahlo, Uma Thurman...
Un'opera colorata e gioiosa o la presenza della "scrittura" rende omaggio all'arte urbana.
Le Yack promuove la miscela di tecniche, vernice acrilica, bomboletta spray, pennarello Posca.