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Jack Morrocco, 1953 | Impressionist painter

Scottish painter Jack Morrocco was born Edinburgh. He studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee 1970-1974.
During the summer of 1973, Jack was selected to study at Hospitalfield House, Arbroath under the tutelage of Peter Blake.
On graduation he achieved a highly commended post diploma, the highest award possible at that time, he was also awarded the Farquhar Reid Travelling Scholarship 1975.
The scholarship enabled his to leave Scotland and he headed for Paris and Florence to study and he began a European love affair.

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Frédéric Thiery | Romantic Urban style painter

Inspired by a painter father, Frédéric was interested from a very early age in drawing and painting.
He studied fine arts at the University of Aix-en-Provence.
After graduation, he moved to southern Spain where he discovered various crafts: leather work, silk painting, jewellery making…
By being in contact with these artisans he learned to make leather accessories (belts, bags) and experimented with cold enamel work (producing the same aesthetic effect as enamel, but without firing).

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Georgi Kolarov, 1981 | Cityscapes painter

Georgi Kolarov was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
At a very young age, he discovered that he was drawn to painting and knew he wanted to become an artist.
The idea of doing anything else seemed unappealing to him.
He saw painting as an intuitive and sensorial process, balancing pictorial elements to reveal the poetry of color and form in the everyday objects around him.
Recognizing Georgi’s talent, his parents sent him to the Professional School of Stage Arts in Plovdia when he was still very young.

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Daniela Werneck, 1974 | Watercolor painter

Daniela Werneck is a realistic watercolor painter, based in Houston - TX, whose work combines what is the most traditional in watercolor methods with a contemporary look.
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dani Graduated in 1999 from the Fine Arts School of Rio de Janeiro, where she majored in Interior Designer, the area she worked in until she moved to Australia in 2008.
A self-taught watercolorist, Daniela became a full-time artist in 2015, focusing on realistic figurative watercolor; since that, she has been exhibiting nationally and received several awards in regional and national competitions.
Her work has been published in books and magazines, such as Splash 19 and 21, American Art Collectors, Southwest Art Magazine, the Watercolor Artist Magazine, and others.

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Daniel Popper, 1983 | Surrealist sculptor

Shortly after receiving a degree in painting in 2006, Popper began exploring installation and performing art.
In 2010, Popper was commissioned to create a brand activation using puppetry and performance for the FIFA World Cup in South Africa.
In 2012, he was invited by Boom Festival in Portugal to create immersive stage and production design.
Popper was later commissioned to create a memorial statue dedicated to Nelson Mandela at the Nelson Mandela School of Science and Technology in 2014.

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Mary Carroll, 1979 | Narrative / figurative painter

Born in in rural West Virginia, Mary Chiaramonte Carroll spent her youth helping her family work their farm and land in an isolated area.
She had no television or other modern distractions, and was encouraged to entertain herself with objects in nature.
Left with the workings of her imagination and observations of the world around her, she translated her understanding into paintings.
She continues this practice today, gaining much of her creativity from the natural world.

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Mark R. Pugh, 1979 | Figurative painter

Mark R. Pugh began creating art at a very young age but did not pursue a career as an artist until later in his adult life.
After earning a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Pugh decided to change course and develop his artistic skills with help from his mentor, Jeffrey Hein.
Despite his short time as a working artist he has already received awards in some of the top art competitions in the world.

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Igor Raikhline, 1950 | Figurative Impressionism painter

Igor studied in Kiev Fine Art Academy, where he was awarded a Masters Degrees in Art and Architecture in 1974.
He moved to USA in 1990 and currently resides in suburbs of Atlanta.
Igor got his first International European Award For Outstanding And Gifted Children when he was 7 years old.
During his 55 years of professional career Igor participated in hundreds of solo and group Fine Art Exhibitions worldwide.

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Tjalf Sparnaay, 1954 | Hyper Realistic paintings of food

Tjalf Sparnaay has been working on an innovative oeuvre since 1987, constantly seeking new images that had never been painted before.
His Megarealism is part of the contemporary international movement now known as Hyperrealism; he is now seen as one of the most important and trend-setting painters internationally in that style.
His artworks are displayed in collections all over the world and regularly exhibited outside the Netherlands, for instance in New York.

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Valerie Palmer, 1950 | Figurative painter

Valerie Palmer was born in Toronto.
She completed her BFA Honours at the University of Manitoba in 1973.
Leaving both Toronto and Winnipeg after her studies, Valerie headed north to the far shore of Lake Superior.
Recognizing a profound love of the wilderness fostered by summers in her youth, she created a home and embraced the inspiration that has informed her paintings for the past 25 years.

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Sylvia Gosse | Post-Impressionist painter

Laura Sylvia Gosse (1881-1968) was an English painter and printmaker.
She also ran an art school with the painter Walter Sickert.
Laura Sylvia Gosse, known as Sylvia, was the youngest of three children of Ellen (Epps) Gosse and English poet and critic Sir Edmund Gosse.
Her grandfather was the naturalist Philip Henry Gosse, and the painter Lawrence Alma-Tadema was her uncle by marriage.

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Yuehua He, 1959 | Figurative painter

Yuehua was born in Beijing, China.
Yuehua’s mother was an art teacher and she taught him how to draw.
He participated in art activities in school.
His dream was to enter the Academy of Fine Arts.
However, at that time, students were not allowed to go to college unless they were chosen by someone in the government.

After high school Yuehua went to the army.
In the army, there were not many opportunities to draw, but when the chance arose he drew what he saw in his surroundings.
Four years later, Yuehua left the army and entered the cinema and drafted movie posters.
Each movie poster was 2 meters x 7 meters long, and it usually took one to two days to finish painting.
During this time Yuehua was admitted to the Central Academy of Arts and Design Night University (renamed the Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts).

The Secretary to the Minister of Electronics Industry invited Yuehua to work professionally.
He worked in the State Council and the NPC Standing Committee from 1982 until 1987, after which he worked as the curator of the Beijing Museum of Art and Design.
Yuehua worked there until 2000 when he immigrated to the United States to become a full-time painter.

Member of Portrait Society of America, Member of Allied Artists of America, Inc., 1997-2000 Curator of Beijing design Art Museum.
Portrait art work was selected for Art exhibition New York in 2009.
Art work "travel" won the award for the advancement of American Art from Allied Artists of America in 2010.

Yuehua è nato a Pechino, in Cina.
La madre di Yuehua era un'insegnante d'arte e gli ha insegnato a disegnare.
Ha partecipato ad attività artistiche a scuola.
Il suo sogno era entrare all'Accademia di Belle Arti.
Tuttavia, a quel tempo, agli studenti non era permesso andare al college a meno che non fossero stati scelti da qualcuno nel governo.

Dopo il liceo Yuehua andò nell'esercito.
Nell'esercito non c'erano molte opportunità di disegnare, ma quando si presentava l'occasione disegnava ciò che vedeva nei dintorni.
Quattro anni dopo, Yuehua lasciò l'esercito ed entrò nel cinema e disegnò manifesti cinematografici.
Ogni poster del film era lungo 2 metri x 7 metri e di solito ci volevano uno o due giorni per finire di dipingere.

Durante questo periodo Yuehua è stato ammesso alla Central Academy of Arts and Design Night University (ribattezzata Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts).
Il segretario del ministro dell'industria elettronica ha invitato Yuehua a lavorare professionalmente.
Ha lavorato nel Consiglio di Stato e nel Comitato permanente dell'NPC dal 1982 al 1987, dopodiché ha lavorato come curatore del Museo di arte e design di Pechino.
Yuehua ha lavorato lì fino al 2000 quando è emigrato negli Stati Uniti per diventare un pittore a tempo pieno.

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Richard Eurich | Modern painter

Richard Ernst Eurich, OBE, RA (14 March 1903 - 6 June 1992) was an English painter who worked as a war artist to the Admiralty in the Second World War and was also known for his panoramic seascapes and narrative paintings.
These were often invested with a sense of mystery and wonder which have tended to set him apart from mainstream development of art in the twentieth century.

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Mabel Alvarez | Impressionist painter

"I want to take all this beauty and pour it out on canvas with such radiance that all who are lost in the darkness may feel the wonder and lift to it" - Mabel Alvarez.

Mabel Alvarez (1891-1985) was one of the rare women artists of her day to receive encouragement at an early age to pursue her talents and passion as a painter.
She received training in Los Angeles from prominent artists Stanton MacDonald-Wright and Morgan Russell, whose synchromist compositions and color schemes would have a profound impact on the young Alvarez.

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Harry McCormick, 1942 ~ Interior painter

Harry McCormick (1942-2023) was an contemporary American painter noted for his closely observed renderings of shadow, light, and reflections in interior spaces.
Primarily self-taught, his paintings often capture one or two solitary individuals in moments of introspection.
He was born in New Jersey on June 12, 1942, and was died in Jacksonvillei, on 2023.

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Claude Monet | Vétheuil, 1880

"I have painted the Seine throughout my life, at every hour, at every season...
I have never tired of it: for me the Seine is always new" - Claude Monet

Claude Monet | Vétheuil, 1880 | Sotheby's

The present work depicts Vétheuil, the small village situated sixty kilometres north of Paris on the riverbanks of the Seine, where the artist lived with his wife and children from 1878 until 1881.
Unlike Monet’s previous home of Argenteuil, Vétheuil was further along the Seine and thus slightly out of reach for Parisians escaping the city on a weekend.
As a result, both the village and surrounding countryside had remained largely untouched and the remote setting became the ideal vehicle for Monet’s increasing interest in painting nature en plein air.

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Georges Lemmen | Neo-Impressionist painter

Georges Lemmen (1865-1916) was a neo-impressionist painter from Belgium.
He was a member of Les XX from 1888.
His works include The Beach at Heist, Aline Marechal and Vase of Flowers.
Yvonne Serruys studied in his workshop in Brussels from 1892 to 1894.

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Donna N. Schuster | Modern impressionisi painter

Donna N. Schuster (born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1883) was an easel painter who created work in the style of modern impressionism using the medium of oil and watercolor.
She focused her work in Wisconsin then later moved to Los Angeles, California where she died in 1953.
Schuster got her education at the Art Institute of Chicago, then later attended Boston Museum School along with Edmund C. Tarbell and Frank W. Benson.

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E. Charlton Fortune | Impressionist painter

Euphemia Charlton Fortune (1885-1969) was an American Impressionist artist from California.
She was trained in Europe, New York and San Francisco.
She painted many portraits as well as landscape views of California and European sites.
In midlife she turned to liturgical design. She signed her paintings "E. Charlton Fortune", which helped conceal her gender.

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Eleuterio Pagliano | Romantic /genre painter

Eleuterio Pagliano (1826-1903) was an Italian painter of the Romantic period as well as an activist and fighter of the Risorgimento.
Pagliano was born in Casale Monferrato in the Kingdom of Sardinia and studied at the Brera Academy in Milan until 1848.
He initially trained with Giuseppe Sogni, then under the neoclassic painter Luigi Sabatelli.
He began his artistic career with paintings in a distinctly Neoclassical style, but very quickly he was won over to Romanticism, as championed then in Milan by Hayez and Tranquillo Cremona. He painted the Death of Luciano Manara.

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Bloomsbury Group | Art History and Sitemap

Bloomsbury is the name commonly used to identify a circle of intellectuals and artists who lived in Bloomsbury, near central London, in the period 1904-1940.
In 1905, a group of writers and intellectuals began to meet at the London home of the artist Vanessa Bell and her writer sister Virginia Woolf to share ideas and support each other’s creative activities… their meetings continued for the next three decades.
They were in revolt against everything Victorian and played a key role in introducing many modern ideas into Britain.

Roger Fry | A london garden

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Duncan Grant | Post-Impressionist painter

Duncan Grant (1885-1978) was born at Rothiemurchus, Inverness-shire, the son of Major Bartle Grant and Ethel McNeill.
His childhood was spent in India.
He returned to Britain in 1893.
Although his family intended him to have an army career, he took up painting at the encouragement of the French painter Simon Bussy, entering the Westminster School of Art, London, in 1902.

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Georges Jeanniot | Belle Époque painter

Pierre-Georges Jeanniot (1848-1934) was a Swiss-French Impressionist painter, designer, watercolorist, and engraver who was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and died in France.
His work often depicts the modern life in Paris.
The artistic education of Pierre-Georges Jeanniot began with his father, Pierre-Alexandre Jeanniot (1826–1892), a longtime director of l'École des Beaux-Arts of Dijon, France.
Pierre-Georges Jeanniot started out pursuing a military career, as an infantry officer (1866-1881).