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Stanley Cursiter | Post-Impressionist painter

Stanley Cursiter (1887-1976) was an Orcadian artist who played an important role in introducing Post-impressionism and Futurism to Scotland.
He served as the keeper (1919-1930), then director (1930-1948), of the National Galleries of Scotland, and as HM Limner and Painter in Scotland (1948-1976).
He was born on 29 April 1887 at 15 East Road in Kirkwall, Orkney, the son of John Scott Cursiter and Mary Joan Thomson.
He was educated at Kirkwall Grammar School before moving to Edinburgh, where he studied at Edinburgh College of Art.

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Vanessa Bell | Post-Impressionist painter

Vanessa Bell (née Stephen; 30 May 1879 - 7 April 1961) was an English painter and interior designer, a member of the Bloomsbury Group and the sister of Virginia Woolf (née Stephen).
Vanessa Stephen was the elder daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen and Julia Prinsep Duckworth.
The family included her sister Virginia, brothers Thoby (1880-1906) and Adrian (1883-1948), half-sister Laura (1870-1945) whose mother was Harriett Thackeray and half-brothers George and Gerald Duckworth; they lived at 22 Hyde Park Gate, Westminster, London.

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Hans Laagland, 1965 | Neo Baroque style

Hans Laagland was born in Koersel (Belgium) to Ludo Laagland, a professional painter.
His father trained Hans throughout his childhood.
At the age of ten, Hans completed his first oil painting and two years later held his first solo exhibition.
As he continued to develop his skills, he became enthralled with the works and techniques of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), and at fifteen he set out to study those masterful techniques.

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Roger Fry | Post-Impressionist painter and Art critic

The British art historian, curator, critic and painter Roger Eliot Fry (London, 1866-1934) was one of the foremost advocates of modern art of his time and was largely responsible for introducing modern French art to Anglophone audiences in Great Britain and the United States.
As a member of the Bloomsbury Group, cofounder of the Omega Workshops, curator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and professor of art at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Fry remains among the most important critical voices on art in the early twentieth century.

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Konstantin Makovsky | Academic / Genre painter

Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky (1839-1915) left a significant artistic legacy.
He worked as a genre painter, was a master of history painting and was also a skilled landscape artist.
However, portraiture was definitive in his oeuvre.
The artist's son, the famous Silver Age art critic, Sergei Makovsky, considered that his father's legacy included 'very many portraits, more than all those by Kramskoi, Repin and Serov put together'.

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Scott Prior, 1949 | Realist painter

Scott Prior lives and works in Northampton, Massachusetts, where he has been a resident since 1971.
Born in Exeter, New Hampshire, he received a BFA in printmaking from the University of Massachusetts in 1971.
He has artwork in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the DeCordova Museum, the Danforth Museum, the New Britain Museum of American Art, the Rose Art Museum and other major public and private collections.

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Jennifer Diehl, 1982 | Figurative painter

Born in Madison, Wisconsin, Jennifer’s ability to focus on her drawings at an early age was noticed by all.
Her intensity and desire to study art grew over the years.
Jennifer's parents, being artists themselves, shared their knowledge and philosophy with her and in her early teens sent her to study Russian Impressionism with Henry Stinson, her mentor.

Jennifer currently works as a full time painter in Portland, Oregon where she is a mentor for dozens of students.
By her early twenties, she had already received many awards for her work; she has been featured in many publications, and has paintings in public and private collections both at home and abroad.
Jennifer travels monthly for classes, shows and plein air painting.

In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys rock-climbing, hiking, camping, and anything to do with the outdoors.
She spends a lot of time reading the classics and playing the piano.

Artist Statement: Each artist should find what it is in painting that speaks to them...the reason they paint...and all other things should be of less importance in their paintings…. You must "find your own voice", figure out what you are trying to say, by figuring out what elements most speak to you. For me, light and color are the reasons I paint!

Nata a Madison, nel Wisconsin, la capacità di Jennifer di concentrarsi sui suoi disegni in tenera età è stata notata da tutti.
L'intensità ed il desiderio di studiare arte sono cresciuti nel corso degli anni.
I genitori di Jennifer, essendo essi stessi artisti, hanno condiviso con lei le loro conoscenze e la loro filosofia e nella sua prima adolescenza l'hanno mandata a studiare l'impressionismo russo con Henry Stinson, il suo mentore.

Jennifer attualmente lavora come pittrice a tempo pieno a Portland, Oregon, dove è mentore per dozzine di studenti.
All'età di vent'anni aveva già ricevuto molti premi per il suo lavoro; è stata descritta in molte pubblicazioni e ha dipinti in collezioni pubbliche e private sia in patria che all'estero.
Jennifer viaggia mensilmente per lezioni, spettacoli e pittura plein air.

Nel suo tempo libero, Jennifer ama l'arrampicata su roccia, l'escursionismo, il campeggio e qualsiasi cosa abbia a che fare con la vita all'aria aperta.
Passa molto tempo a leggere i classici ed a suonare il pianoforte.

Dichiarazione dell'artista: Ogni artista dovrebbe trovare ciò che è nella pittura che gli parla... il motivo per cui dipinge... e tutte le altre cose dovrebbero essere di minore importanza nei loro dipinti... Devi "trovare la tua voce", capire cosa stai cercando di dire, capire quali elementi ti parlano di più. Per me la luce e il colore sono le ragioni per cui dipingo!

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Isabella Karolewicz | Romantic painter

Isabella Karolewicz is an Australian, Melbourne based artist who is passionate about the many beauties life has to offer.
She has a raw, natural talent and has chosen Artist mentoring over formal art education, always staying true to her vision and direction.
She is currently completing her degree in Bussiness at RMIT University to expand her knowledge.
Isabella began her artistic journey focusing on the traditional styles using oils which are her favorite medium to work with.

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Kira Panina, 1961

Кира Панина is a Russian painter, born in Fryazino (Moscow region).
Kira graduated from the Abramtsevo Industrial Art College named after outstanding Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov.
Panina is a member of the Union of Artists of the Moscow region.
The Russian artist is engaged in painting, graphics, and interior design.

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August Malmström | Symbolist painter

Johan August Malmström (1829-1901) was a Swedish artist and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts 1867-1894 and its director 1887-1893.
Attracted by Gothicism, he fondly drew motifs from Norse mythology.
He was also much appreciated for his rural motifs with children.

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Diana Malivani, 1976 | Impressionist painter

Diana Malivani was born in the USSR, in the city of Sukhumi (Republic of Abkhazia), in the family of teachers of physics and chemistry.
Graduated from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University (1993-2001) in Saransk, she is a Doctor of Medicine by her training and profession (M.D., Ph.D), specialized in obstetrics and gynecology.
She acquired an extensive experience in sports medicine and dietology in fitness industry, with "World Class Club" in Moscow.
Also she is the author and illustrator of children’s books published in Russian, English, French and German.
After many years spent in France, she now lives with her family in Cyprus.

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Kenn Backhaus, 1951 | Plein Air painter

Kenn Erroll Backhaus, born in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin and spent much of his childhood on the family farm near Burnett, Wisconsin.
His fondness for nature became the catalyst for his art. Kenn’s parents encouraged his artistic education and following High School, he attended Layton School of Art in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
As a commercial designer and illustrator Kenn received many awards at both local and national levels, which included acceptance in the 30th Annual Society of Illustrators Show in New York City.

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Denis Korobkov, 1982

Contemporary Russian artist Денис Коробков lives and works in Penza.
He graduated from the Penza Art College named after. K. A. Savitsky, Penza in 2006.
He devoted part of his work to the history of this beautiful city.
The artist is engaged in painting, graphics and restoration of old photographs.

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Arne Kavli | Neo-romantic painter

Arne Kavli (1878-1970) was a Norwegian painter.
Kavli was born in Bergen, Norway.
He was the son of actor Kristoffer Kavli (1845-1888) and Agnes Texnes (1851-1937).
He was the brother of actress Aagot Nissen.
He was married three times; in 1903 with Tulla Larsen (1869-1942); in 1911 with Hildur Mønniche (b. 1883) and in 1925 with Thony Drude Isachsen (b. 1897).

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Anastasia Trusova, 1988 | Impressionist painter

Anastasia Trusova / Анастасия Трусова is a Russian impressionist artist who has known how to draw and paint in a variety of artistic approaches since childhood.
In a style she calls Graphic Impressionism, she prefers working on the foreground or focusing on the main character in a piece.
She paints with oil, pencils, watercolors, and pens, but now mostly acrylics using brushes and a palette knife.

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Antonio Ligabue | Naïve painter

Antonio Ligabue (born Antonio Laccabue, 18 December 1899 - 27 May 1965) was an Italian painter and sculptor.
He was one of the most important Naïve artists of the 20th century.
He was born in Zürich, Switzerland on 18 December 1899, to Elisabetta Costa, a native from Cencenighe Agordino, and supposedly to Bonfiglio Laccabue (the true identity of the father is still unknown), native from Reggio Emilia.

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Friedrich Nietzsche: "Without music life would be a mistake"

"Le convinzioni sono nemiche della verità, più pericolose delle menzogne".
"Un uomo appare ricco di carattere molto più spesso, perché segue sempre il suo temperamento, che non perché segue sempre i suoi principi".
"È prerogativa della grandezza rendere molto felici con piccoli doni".

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Anthony Maggio | AI sculpture

Anthony Maggio, alias Zathalen, is an AI/Digital artist, husband, and lover of all things beautiful, and asthetic!
"I hope you all feel the emotion I put into my works!
I do commissions".

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Zsigmond István, 1964 | Digital watercolor painter

Zsigmond István is an Hungarian artist, born in Budapest and engaged in drawing, painting, literature and music for 25 years, from the early 1990s.
"Since the beginning of the 1990's I paint, draw and compose music too.
In 1995 I published my first book of poems titled "Trágár kocsisok bakján" ("On the dickey seats of nasty dickey's").
I am the founding member of the X-Art and the Poly art association and also the SZAK Studio art company".

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Wisława Szymborska | Un amore felice / True Love

Un amore felice. È normale?
È serio? È utile?
Che se ne fa il mondo di due esseri
che non vedono il mondo?

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Vojtěch Hynais | Art Nouveau painter

Vojtěch Adalbert Hynais (also Albert; 1854, Vienna - 1925, Prague) was a Czech painter, designer and graphics artist.
He designed the curtain of the Prague National Theatre, decorated a number of buildings in Prague and Vienna, and was a founding member of the Vienna Secession.
He was made an Officer of the Légion d'honneur in 1924.

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Wisława Szymborska | Il vecchio professore

Gli ho chiesto di quei tempi,
quando ancora eravamo così giovani,
ingenui, impetuosi, sciocchi, sprovveduti.
È rimasto qualcosa, tranne la giovinezza
- mi ha risposto.

Emanuel Baschny | Lesender Mann, 1905 | Österreichische Galerie Belvedere

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Lettera d'amore di Ernest Hemingway a Marlene Dietrich

Il romanziere premio Nobel Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) scrisse 61 lettere in 10 anni all'attrice Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992).
Iniziarono a scriversi quando lui aveva 50 anni e lei 47.
Per Hemingway, la Dietrich era 'il mio piccolo crucco' o 'figlia', per lei, lui era semplicemente 'papà', il soprannome universale di Hemingway.
Fu amore a prima vista quando si incontrarono a bordo di un transatlantico francese nel 1934, che dall'Europa li avrebbe portati in America.