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Frans Hogerwaard | Impressionist painter

Dutch painter Frans (François) Hogerwaard (1882-1921) was known for his (mundane) portraits and figures, and for his landscapes.

Like his brother the painter George Hogerwaard, Frans Hogerwaard was born on Java in the Dutch Indies.
He was educated at the School of Arts and Crafts in Haarlem and then at the Rijksacademie of Amsterdam (1904-1906), where he became close friends with Tjeerd Bottema and Wim de Haas.

Piet van der Hem | Portrait of Frans Hogerwaard

In 1910 he won the Prix de Rome and stayed in Spain and Italy.
He was mostly known for his figures and landscapes in which the light plays an important role.
In The Hague, where he lived from 1910 on, he made his name with (mundane) portraits in which influences of the Art Nouveau can be recognised.
This imposing etching shows a female Flamengo dancer with a guitar player in the background and a woman clapping her hands.

Il pittore Olandese Frans (François) Hogerwaard (1882-1921) era noto per i suoi ritratti e figure (mondane) e per i suoi paesaggi.
L'impressionista Frans Hogerwaard, come suo fratello, il pittore George Hogerwaard, era nato a Giava nelle Indie olandesi.
Si formò alla Scuola di arti e mestieri di Haarlem e poi all'Accademia nazionale di Amsterdam (1904-1906), dove si stringe amicizia con Tjeerd Bottema e Wim de Haas.

Nel 1910 vinse il Prix de Rome e soggiornò in Spagna ed in Italia.

Era noto soprattutto per le sue figure e paesaggi in cui la luce gioca un ruolo importante.
A L'Aia, dove visse dal 1910 in poi, si fece un nome con ritratti (mondani) in cui si riconoscono influenze dell'Art Nouveau. Questa imponente incisione mostra una ballerina di flamengo con un chitarrista sullo sfondo e una donna che batte le mani le sue mani.