Albert Chevallier Tayler (1862-1925) was an British artist who specialised in portrait and genre painting, but was also involved in the plein air methods of the Newlyn School.
He studied at Heatherley's School of Art, Royal Academy Schools and with avant-garde painters in Paris.
He was educated at Bloxham School in Oxfordshire.
Early years with the Newlyn School
He is most known for his twelve-year involvement with the Newlyn School of painting.
The Newlyn School was spawned after many international artists followed the En plein air school in France, whereby artists would leave Paris and take up rural life in small colonies of kindred painters.
Thence, as artists returned from France to their own countries, they sought out remote locations to congregate and pursue the En plein air method.
The Newlyn School is also known as British Impressionism.
A typical painting of this early period is A Dress Rehearsal (1888), hung in the National Museums Liverpool.
This painting makes use of light and shadow and is based upon a genre scene as might have occurred in Cornwall.
The Newlyn School drew their subjects from everyday life in the local area.
Other associate artists of the Newlyn School were Henry Scott Tuke, Thomas Cooper Gotch, Caroline Gotch, Stanhope Forbes, Leghe Suthers, Walter Langley and Elizabeth Armstrong.
On arrival in Newlyn, he lived in lodgings in Henry and Elizabeth Maddern's Belle Vue House with Forbes and Blandford Fletcher.
The London era
During the 1890s he maintained connections with the art centre of London and exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy; however, at about the turn of the century he moved to London and converted to a more genteel, urban lifestyle.
Tayler began painting more grand scenes of the cities of Europe.
In 1901 he painted one of his largest and most masterful works, The Ceremony of the Garter, depicting the famous late Middle Ages scene at Eltham Palace in which the fallen garter of Joan of Kent is picked up by King Edward III.
This event circa 1348 led to Edward III founding the Order of the Garter.
By 1903 Tayler was renowned and was commissioned to paint a large panel at the Royal Exchange in London; the resultant painting of The Five Kings depicts Kings Edward III of England, David of Scotland, Peter I of Cyprus, John of France and Waldemar IV of Denmark partaking in a feast hosted by the Master of the Society of Vintners in London in 1363.
Tayler was an avid cricketer, and in 1905 produced a set of twelve watercolours of famous and mostly royal cricket players.
Lord Leverhulme used the series to produce lithographs and advertise his Lever Brothers soap products.
The promotion proved popular, and the National Portrait Gallery, London has nine of these images hanging.
In 1906 he painted a famous picture of a cricket match in progress, Kent vs Lancashire at Canterbury, which was commissioned by Kent.
In June 2006, the county sold the painting at auction for £680,000, a record price for a cricket painting. | Source: © Wikipedia
Albert Chevallier Tayler (Leytonstone, 5 aprile 1862 - Essex, 20 dicembre 1925) è stato un pittore Inglese specializzato in ritratti ed in pittura di genere, ma anche legato alla tecnica en plein air della scuola di Newlyn.
Albert Chevallier Tayler studiò presso la Heatherley's School of Art, le scuole della Royal Academy e con le avanguardie francesi.
Per vent'anni fu seguace della scuola di Newlyn, una corrente artistica che si ispirava alla scuola francese en plein air e che si focalizzava sulla rappresentazione della vita rurale.
Il suo quadro più rappresentativo di questo periodo fu A Dress Rehearsal (Una prova generale) del 1888, appeso ai National Museums Liverpool. Questo quadro rivela un uso delle luci e delle ombre e rappresenta una scena di genere della Cornovaglia assolutamente plausibile.
Durante gli anni novanta del XIX secolo espose con regolarità alla Royal Academy (di cui fu anche membro), ed intorno all'inizio del secolo successivo si trasferì a Londra dove si convertì ad uno stile di vita urbano molto più raffinato e cominciò a dipingere scene delle città europee.
Nel 1901 realizzò uno dei suoi più grandi quadri The Ceremony of the Garter (la cerimonia della giarrettiera) che rappresenta la famosa scena dell'alto Medioevo all'Eltham Palace in cui la giarrettiera caduta di Joan of Kent viene raccolta da Edoardo III d'Inghilterra; la leggenda vuole che questa scena sia alla base della nascita dell'ordine della Giarrettiera.
Nel 1903 venne commissionato all'ormai rinomato Tayler di dipingere un grande pannello per la Royal Exchange di Londra, il risultato fu un dipinto dal nome The five Kings (I cinque re).
Tayler fu un appassionato giocatore di cricket, e nel 1905 realizzò dodici acquerelli di famosi e spesso nobili giocatori di cricket.
Lord Leverhulme usò questi acquerelli per produrre delle litografie che reclamizzassero il suo sapone Lever Brothers.
Le stampe divennero molto popolari tanto che la National Portrait Gallery ne ha nove esposte.
Nel 1906 Tayler dipinse una famosa immagine di una partita di cricket dal titolo Kent vs Lancashire at Canterbury che fu commissionata dal Kent.
Nel giugno del 2006 questo quadro fu venduto per la cifra di 680.000 sterline, un record per un quadro sul cricket. | Fonte: © Wikipedia