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Pedro Salinas | Non ho bisogno di tempo / I don't need time..

Non ho bisogno di tempo
per sapere come sei:
conoscersi è luce improvvisa.
Chi ti potrà conoscere
là dove taci, o nelle
parole con cui tu taci?

Chi ti cerca nella vita
che stai vivendo, non sa
di te che allusioni,
pretesti in cui ti nascondi.

Ron Hicks | Stolen Kiss, 1965

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Norwegian Art History and Sitemap

For much of its history Norwegian art is usually considered as part of the wider Nordic art of Scandinavia. It has, especially since about 1100, been strongly influenced by wider trends in European art.
After World War II, the influence of the United States strengthened substantially. Due to generous art subsidies, contemporary Norwegian art has a high production per capita.
Though usually not especially a major centre for art production or exporter of art, Norway has been relatively successful in keeping its art; in particular, the relatively mild nature of the Norwegian Reformation, and the lack of subsequent extensive rebuilding and redecoration of churches, has meant that with other Scandinavian countries, Norway has unusually rich survivals of medieval church paintings and fittings.

Edvard Munch | The Scream, 1893

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Napoleone Nani (1841-1899) | Pittore di Genere

Nani, Napoleone - Nacque a Venezia da Luigi e da Elisa Fortes il 18 maggio 1839 e fu battezzato nella parrocchia di S. Geremia. Iscritto all'Accademia di belle arti della città natale dal 1853, subito ottenne premi e riconoscimenti: nel 1854 per gli "elementi di figura", nel 1856 per l’"invenzione della figura palliata" e per i "nudi in disegno" sia aggruppato sia semplice; nel 1858 per l’"insieme storico in cartone" nella sezione pittura.
Già agli inizi degli anni Sessanta iniziò la sua duplice attività d’insegnamento ed espositiva.
Venne nominato nel 1862 aggiunto provvisorio all'insegnamento degli elementi di figura, statuaria e anatomia dell’Accademia di Venezia, dove espose nel 1863 Il figlio del pescatore e, nel 1864, Mezza figura di donna (n. 123; Milano, Archivio studio Paul Nicholls).

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Grecia antica

Antica Grecia (o Grecia antica) è il termine utilizzato per descrivere la civiltà sviluppatasi nella Grecia continentale, in Albania, nelle isole del Mar Egeo, sulle coste del Mar Nero e quelle occidentali della Turchia, in Sicilia, nell'Italia Meridionale (poi chiamata Magna Grecia), nelle isole del Mediterraneo occidentale di Corsica e Sardegna, nonché sulle coste di Spagna e Francia e, successivamente, dell'Africa settentrionale.
La cultura Greca, nonostante la conformazione geografica del continente favorisse l'insorgere di molteplici unità politiche a sé stanti, fu un fenomeno omogeneo, che interessò tutte le genti elleniche, accomunate dalla stessa lingua e dalla stessa religione.

Età arcaica

Le prime civiltà di cui si ha notizia per la Grecia antica sono la civiltà egea, quella cicladica e quella micenea, influenzata dalla civiltà minoica, che sorse a Creta nell'età del bronzo.

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Happy Birthday Édouard Manet!

It’s Édouard Manet’s birthday - born on this day - January 23, 1832. To this day, Manet is still considered to be the father of Modernism.

Édouard Manet -the eldest son of an official in the French Ministry of Justice- had early hopes of becoming a naval officer. After twice failing the training school's entrance exam, the teenager instead went to Paris to pursue a career in the arts. There he studied with Thomas Couture and diligently copied works at the Musée du Louvre.
The biennial (and later, annual) Parisian Salons were considered the most expedient way for an artist to make himself known to the public, and Manet submitted paintings to Salon juries throughout his career. In 1861, at the age of twenty-nine, he was awarded the Salon's honorable mention for The Spanish Singer.

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Eugenio Montale | Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio / I went down, giving you my arm, 1967

Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale
e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad ogni gradino.
Anche così è stato breve il nostro lungo viaggio.
Il mio dura tuttora, né più mi occorrono
le coincidenze, le prenotazioni,
le trappole, gli scorni di chi crede
che la realtà sia quella che si vede.

William Brymner | In the Orchard Spring, 1892

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Alfred Stevens | Academic Classical painter

Alfred Émile Léopold Stevens (11 May 1823 - 24 August 1906) was a Belgian painter, known for his paintings of elegant modern women.
After gaining attention early in his career with a social realist painting depicting the plight of poor vagrants, he achieved great critical and popular success with his scenes of upper-middle class Parisian life.
In their realistic style and careful finish, his works reveal the influence of 17th-century Dutch genre painting.

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Gustave de Jonghe (1829-1893)

Gustave Léonard de Jonghe, Gustave Léonard De Jonghe or Gustave de Jonghe (4 February 1829 – 28 January 1893) was a Flemish/ Belgian painter known for his glamorous society portraits and genre scenes. After training in Brussels, he started out as a painter of historical and religious subjects in a Realist style. After moving to Paris where he spent most of his active career, he became successful with his scenes of glamorous women in richly decorated interiors.


Gustave Léonard de Jonghe was born in Kortrijk as the son of the prominent landscape painter Jan Baptiste de Jonghe.
He received his first art lessons from his father. He continued his studies in Brussels at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts where leading Belgian painter François-Joseph Navez was one of his teachers.
The history painter Louis Gallait was his close friend and mentor. When de Jonghe’s father died when he was only 15 years old, his native city granted him a scholarship.

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Legge di Murphy: "Si riesce a far funzionare qualsiasi cosa, se ci si pasticcia abbastanza".

Della Murfologia Applicata alla Meccanica | Capitolo 4

Legge della perversità della Natura
Non si può prevedere con successo quale lato del pane andrebbe imburrato.

Legge della gravità selettiva
Un oggetto cadrà sempre in modo da produrre il maggior danno possibile.

Corollario di Jenning
Le probabilità che il pane cada sul lato imburrato sono direttamente proporzionali al costo del tappeto.

Atsushi Koyama (Artista giapponese, 1978)

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Matt Talbert, 1982 | Abstract portrait painter

Matt Talbert is a contemporary oil painter living in Southern California. While he grew up at the beach, Matt attributes much of his artistic development to his years spent in New York City.
Working in the basement of the famous Pearl art store on Canal Street and meeting a wide range of artists from all disciplines was indispensable.
He is both a graduate from the Orange County School of the Arts and the Laguna College of Art and Design and has had the honor of being named one of the "Top 100 Figurative Artist Working Now" by PoetsArtists Magazine.
Matt's primary focus is expressive paintings of the human figure exhibited in galleries such as Arcadia Contemporary, Abend Gallery, and the Salmagundi Club in New York.

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Robert Lyn Nelson, 1955 | Magic realism painter

Robert Lyn Nelson is an American artist known for his paintings of marine wildlife, particularly those in his "Two Worlds" style, which simultaneously shows life above and below the surface of the sea.

Artistic career

Nelson moved to Hawaii when he was eighteen years old.
According to Nelson, the turning point in his life and his career occurred when he encountered a group of whales while surfing off Lahaina, Hawaii.

"In learning to ride the waves, I also learned to respect the ocean...to feel its pulse with all five of my senses, and to feel its spirit at an extra-sensory level. It was a blend of magic and realism that I wanted to communicate in my paintings", says Nelson.

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Happy birthday Berthe Morisot!

Berthe Morisot was an essential figure in the Impressionist movement (a small group of inventive creators who organized independent exhibitions in protest against established art institutions in Paris).
Morisot’s paintings are visual poems.
Staying true to the tenets of impressionism, at first glance, you immediately notice her loose brushstrokes and colors that reflect the hues of nature.
Then, you realize later the absorbing quality of her work. Her paintings are hard to stop thinking about when you leave them.
Because Morisot had an understanding of women and their experiences that was uncommon for an artist at the time.
She painted women existing in their everyday lives in a way that was not present in the work of her male counterparts.
Rather than simply looking at these women, in Morisot’s work, you take time to think about what it’s like to be them and in their world. | National Gallery of Art

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La Legge di Murphy: "I computer sono inaffidabili, ma gli uomini ancora di più!"

Dalla Murfologia Applicata alla Progettazione | Capitolo 3

Legge di Osborn
Le variabili non mutano mai, le costanti sì.

Prima legge delle modifiche
Meglio conosciuta col nome di Legge dell'Adesso me lo dicono!
Qualsiasi informazione che comporti un cambiamento nel progetto sarà trasmessa al progettista dopo - e soltanto dopo - che tutti i disegni sono stati completati

In casi semplici, che presentino una soluzione ovviamente giusta e una ovviamente sbagliata, è spesso più saggio scegliere quella sbagliata, in modo da aver già pronta la conseguente modifica.

Paweł Kuczyński, 1976

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Gabriele Münter | Expressionist painter

Gabriele Münter (19 February 1877 – 19 May 1962) was a German expressionist painter who was at the forefront of the Munich avant-garde in the early 20th century.
She studied and lived with the painter Wassily Kandinsky and was a founding member of the expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter.

Early life

Münter was born to upper middle-class parents in Berlin on 19 February 1877.
Her family supported her desires to become an artist. Her father died in 1886. She began to draw as a child.
As she was growing up, she had a private tutor. In 1897, at the age of twenty, Münter received artistic training in the Düsseldorf studio of artist Ernst Bosch and later at the Damenschule (Women's School) with artist Willy Spatz.
By the time she was 21 years old, both of her parents had died and she was living at home with no occupation.
In 1898, she decided to take a trip to America with her sister to visit extended family. They stayed in America for more than two years, mainly in the states of Texas, Arkansas, and Missouri; six sketchbooks survive from Münter's period in America, depicting images of people, plants and landscapes.

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Loie Fuller | Modern Dance Pioneer

Loie Fuller, original name Marie Louise Fuller, (born Jan. 15, 1862, Fullersburg [now part of Hinsdale], Ill., U.S.- died Jan. 1, 1928, Paris, France), American dancer who achieved international distinction for her innovations in theatrical lighting, as well as for her invention of the "Serpentine Dance", a striking variation on the popular "skirt dances" of the day.
Fuller made her stage debut in Chicago at the age of four, and over the next quarter century she toured with stock companies, burlesque shows, vaudeville, and Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, gave temperance lectures and Shakespearean readings, and appeared in a variety of plays in Chicago and New York City.

Sculpture of modern dance pioneer Loie Fuller at Brookgreen Gardens SC

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Laura Alma-Tadema | Genre painter

Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema -née Epps (1852-1909) was an English painter specialising in domestic and genre scenes of women and children.
Eighteen of her paintings were exhibited at the Royal Academy. Her husband, Lawrence Alma-Tadema, was also a painter.


A daughter of Dr. George Napoleon Epps (who was brother of Dr. John Epps), Lady Alma-Tadema had two sisters who were also painters (Emily studied under John Brett, a Pre-Raphaelite, and Ellen under Ford Madox Brown), while Edmund Gosse and a stockbroker called Rowland Hill were her brothers-in-law.

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La Legge di Murphy: "Il mal di denti tende a cominciare di venerdì sera..!"

Della Murfologia Applicata | Capitolo 2

Legge di Booker:
Un grammo di applicazione val più di una tonnellata di astrazione.

Leggi di Klipstein
Applicate alla tecnica in generale:
Ogni brevetto sarà preceduto di una settimana da un brevetto simile presentato da un indipendente.
La puntualità nei tempi di consegna è direttamente proporzionale al tempo a disposizione.
Le dimensioni saranno sempre indicate nei termini meno comuni.
La velocità, per esempio, sarà indicata in furgoni alla settimana.
Ogni filo metallico tagliato su misura sarà troppo corto.

Lucas Zimmermann | Traffic Lights

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Gabriele D'Annunzio | Voglio un amore doloroso / I want a slow painful love

Voglio un amore doloroso, lento,
che lento sia come una lenta morte,
e senza fine (voglio che più forte
sie della morte) e senza mutamento.

Voglio che senza tregua in un tormento
occulto sien le nostre anime assorte;
e un mare sia presso a le nostre porte,
solo, che pianga in un silenzio intento.

Francesca Strino | Iside e Osiride Resurrezione

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La Legge di Murphy: "Se qualcosa può andar male, lo farà"!

Della Murfologia | Capitolo 1

Nel 1949, l'ingegnere aeronautico dell'aviazione americana, capitano Edward Aloysius Murphy, Jr. (1918-1990), osservando l'andamento dei propri esperimenti, ebbe a dire: "Se qualcosa può andar male, lo farà".
Prova della "verità" di questa affermazione è il fatto che Ed Murphy, nel giro di pochi anni, è diventato famosissimo in tutto il mondo: non per le sue scoperte in aeronautica, del resto inesistenti, ma per quella frase, che immediatamente si diffuse sotto il nome di "Legge di Murphy".
Oggi la Legge di Murphy in America è talmente famosa da comparire nei dizionari, come: "Il principio per cui qualsiasi cosa possa andare male lo farà" (Funk and Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary).
Laboratori, uffici, circoli di golf, redazioni, banche, palestre, università, biblioteche, studi di dentisti, di avvocati, di fiscalisti, di ingegneri, di architetti, persino ospedali, sale operatorie, cessi sono immancabilmente tappezzati di manifesti, calendari o adesivi che ricordano la Legge di Murphy e le sue applicazioni.
L'insieme delle Leggi ed Osservazioni di cui la Legge di Murphy è da considerarsi capostipite è stato raccolto da Arthur Bloch nel 1977.
Una raccolta che è un inventario del pessimismo esistenziale, ma che offre anche l'antidoto più antico e sicuro contro il malumore: la buona, sana e vecchia risata. | La Feltrinelli

Michael Cheval | Discord of Analogy

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Emily Dickinson | Wild Nights! / O folli notti!

O folli notti! - folli notti!
Se fossi con te,
queste notti folli sarebbero
il nostro sfarzo.

Futili - i venti -
per un cuore in porto!

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Vicente Palmaroli | Genre painter

Vicente Palmaroli González (Zarzalejo, 1834-1896, Madrid) was a Spanish portrait and Genre painter.
He was the son of Gaetano Palmaroli, an Italian painter and lithographer, who was his first teacher. After his father's death in 1853, he took over his official position at the royal art collections.
He requested leave in 1857 to go to Rome and complete his education, using some surplus money from the collection fund.
While there, he joined a group of Spanish painters who met at the Antico Caffè Greco, including Luis Álvarez Catalá, Dióscoro Puebla, José Casado del Alisal, Eduardo Rosales, Benet Mercadé, Marià Fortuny and Alejo Vera.

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Erik Tryggelin | Impressionist / Genre painter

Erik Viktor Tryggelin (1878-1962) in Stockholm, was a Swedish artist, drawer and photographer.
Erik Tryggelin studied at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts (Konstakademien) in Stockholm. Then he studied in Paris for some time, during the period of October 1911 until January 1913.
In Paris he lived a normal artists' life with his Swedish fellows, for instance David Wallin (1876-1957), Svante Kede (1877-1955), Otto Strandman (1871-1970), Fritz Lindström (1874-1962) and Svante Nilsson (1869-1942).
In Paris he accompanied the art scene and he discovered modernism. In the springtime of 1912 he went to the gallery Bernheim-Jeune and saw the futurists. In 1906 Galerie Bernheim-Jeune was installed in 25, Boulevard de la Madeleine in Paris.