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Harriette Bowdoin | Impressionist painter

Harriette Bowdoin (1880-1947) è stata una pittrice ed illustratrice impressionista nata a South Hadley Falls, nel Massachusetts.
Bowdoin si trasferì a New York in giovane età per studiare con Henry Snell - un importante impressionista, ed Elliott Dangerfield - un paesaggista.
Bowdoin ha viaggiato e si è formata in Europa, dove ha stretto amicizia con l'artista americana Jane Peterson mentre entrambe studiavano con Frank Brangwyn a Londra.

Bowdoin tornò a New York qualche tempo prima del 1911, continuando a sviluppare il suo distinto stile impressionista di colori audaci e pennellate rapide e luminose.
Durante gli anni '10 e '20, Bowdoin espose con l'Art Institute of Chicago, la National Academy of Design e la Society of Independent Artists.

Harriette Bowdoin (1880-1947) was an Impressionist painter and illustrator born in South Hadley Falls, Massachusetts.
Bowdoin moved to New York City at a young age to study with Henry Snell, a prominent Impressionist, and Elliott Dangerfield, a landscape artist.
Bowdoin traveled and trained in Europe, where she befriended American artist Jane Peterson while they were both studying under Frank Brangwyn in London.
Bowdoin returned to New York sometime prior to 1911, continuing to develop her distinct Impressionist style of bold color and quick, bright brushwork.
Throughout the 1910s and 20s, Bowdoin exhibited pieces with the Art Institute of Chicago, the National Academy of Design and the Society of Independent Artists.