Candace Whittemore Lovely is an American painter known for her paintings of contemporary American life, including landscapes of treasured locales and people at play in idyllic locations. She lives and works in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
In 1991, Lovely painted the official portrait of former First Lady Barbara Bush that now hangs in the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum.
She has been called "the grand dame of Boston painters".
Early life and education
Lovely was born in Vermont, her mother an artist and her father an engineer. She had four siblings, all brothers. Her interest in art began at age four when a toy nursing kit lost its novelty.
Her mother did not replace the candy pills that came with the kit, but did replace her crayons.
Growing up, there were always craft supplies around the house and a sense that making was better than buying.
Lovely's father attended both Dartmouth and MIT and her grandfathers attended the University of Vermont and Harvard. Despite struggling with dyslexia, she attended college at the University of Vermont, where she was drawn to the world of American Impressionism after a professor discussed Winslow Homer and announced that "no one is taught how to paint anymore".
She graduated from the university with a bachelor's degree in art and a fifth-year teaching certificate.
In 1980, she began studying at The Boston School with master artists including Robert Cormier and Paul Ingbretson at Fenway Studios.
Lovely lives and works in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.
Among authorities in the art world, Lovely's work is labeled as Contemporary American Impressionism.
She claims that learning to combine Neoclassicism with Impressionism at the Boston School forced her to base her work on quality drawing, sensitivity to value, and finally adding the gently abstracted feel of impressionism.
Lovely's work is done on a variety of subject matter including Boston, ballet, beach scenes, the Lowcountry, Kennebunkport, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Vermont, and much more. Playing with Fire continues to be one of her most popular paintings, depicting a boy lighting sparks on the beach, the ocean just feet away.
Arlington Street Showers is one of her best-selling works, which shows a rainy, recognizable Boston streetscape.
The colors in Arlington Street Showers are a bit darker than most of Lovely's work, which may account for the painting's standing out from the crowd.
Evaluation and influence
Christopher A. Faris told the Manchester Journal in 2005, "Candace Whittemore Lovely's oil paintings are exquisitely, touchingly, and masterfully executed and simply should not be missed by any lover of great art".
Lovely received strong criticism from locals for displaying publicly a piece depicting a naked woman dancing on a table in front of several men.
In a letter to the local paper, a concerned citizen wrote, "Shocked that a public library would blatantly display such pornographic and degrading material, I spoke to a librarian, who ... defended this 'view of society'".
The citizen also noted that by placing this painting in a public library, innocent children are encouraged that it is normal and acceptable.
Lovely received the Copley Master Award in 1988 from The Copley Society of Boston.
Other awards include a Woman in the Arts Recognition Award from the Daughters of the American Revolution in March 2012, a Lifetime Achievement Award from Delta Delta Delta sorority in 2006, and inclusion in the 1995-96 International Charter Edition of "Who's Who in Creativity" from The World Forum on Creativity in Washington, DC. | Source: © Wikipedia
Con un bambino pignolo tra le mani, la signora Sally Lovely ha dato a sua figlia Candace un pastello rosso per calmarla e intrattenerla. Quell'atto ha iniziato una vita di immaginazione e creazione per Candace Whittemore Lovely.
La sua passione per l'arte ha continuato a fiorire ea plasmare le sue scelte di vita. Al liceo ha guidato uno sciopero per tenere aperta la sala d'arte. Saltava la sala studio per tornare a casa e creare nel laboratorio di suo padre. Laureata in arte al college, era sbalordita dalle opere di Winslow Homer.
Ha chiesto a un professore: "chi può insegnarmi a dipingere come lui?" Rispose: "NESSUNO!" Questo non ha fermato Candace.
Dopo essersi laureata con una laurea in arte e un certificato di insegnamento del quinto anno, si è trasferita a Boston.
Suo marito l'ha portata nella migliore galleria d'arte di Newbury Street. Lì Bill Vose raccomandò a Candace di studiare con la Boston School, la più antica scuola di pittura d'America.
La Boston School l'ha sviluppata secondo una filosofia basata sull'osservazione impressionistica della luce e del colore. Candace alla fine possedeva un Fenway Studio dove una volta dipingeva John Singer Sargent.
La sua carriera è fiorita grazie a premi e riconoscimenti nella Hall of Fame. Nel 1991 Lovely dipinse il ritratto ufficiale di Barbara Bush nel giardino della First Lady alla Casa Bianca.
È un'alunna di spicco dell'Università del Vermont e un master della Copley Society. Candace è stata definita "la migliore artista impressionista femminile vivente americana" e "La Grand Dame dei pittori di Boston".
Vendute in tutto il mondo, molte delle sue opere hanno rappresentato la vita e i paesaggi del New England e della Low Country.
I suoi dipinti catturano il momento. Che si tratti di una partita di polo, di un vecchio che sguscia piselli, di ombrelloni in spiaggia o di un pascolo del Vermont, il suo lavoro abbraccia la scena e usa la luce e il colore per esprimere la vita e l'amore.