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James Nelson-Lewis, 1953

Before deciding to dedicate full time to painting, James Nelson Lewis has had years of professional experience as an illustrator, art director, designer, and University art instructor.
His painting is influenced by those experiences and time spent painting on location "en plein air".
The result is a sense of order, balanced by spontaneity and energetic palette knife and brushwork, direct and intuitive a poetic synthesis of simplification and expression.

"I believe that creativity is a calling, requiring vision, and providing evidence of our Creator the source of the call and vision. Receiving inspiration and responding intuitively are functions of the spiritual nature, adding a dimension of beauty and mystery to our existence.
My approach to painting is influenced by my work as a designer, and from years of painting and instructing watercolor.
The result is, a sense of order, balanced by spontaneity and energetic brushwork, direct and intuitive. I’m inspired, not primarily to represent, but to respond creatively, and to infuse the work with a sense of being and a delight in seeing.
I find satisfaction in extracting something of the essence of the subject, letting the simplicity of that make a statement".

Prima di decidere di dedicarsi a tempo pieno alla pittura, James Nelson Lewis ha alle spalle anni di esperienza professionale come illustratore, art director, designer e docente universitario d'arte..
È un laureato BFA del Columbus College of Art..
La sua pittura è influenzata da quelle esperienze e dal tempo trascorso a dipingere sul posto "En plein air".
Il risultato è un senso dell'ordine, bilanciato da spontaneità ed energica spatola e pennellata, diretta e intuitiva una sintesi poetica di semplificazione ed espressione.