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Carl Frederic Aagaard (1833-1895)

Carl Frederik Peder Aagaard was a Danish landscape painter and decorative artist.
He studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and under P. C. Skovgaard. Many of his paintings focused on spots frequented by tourists.


He was the son of a shoemaker. He had his first painting lessons in Odense but, in order to improve his skills, moved to Copenhagen in 1852 and joined his brother Johan, who was a woodcutter.

He studied drawing on wood and etching, along with lessons in decorative painting from Georg Hilker. He also took some classes at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Soon, he decided to focus on landscape painting and studied with P.C. Skovgaard.
Together with Hilker, he decorated the entrance hall at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, which has recently been restored.
With Heinrich Hansen, he painted decorative borders for works by Wilhelm Marstrand in the chapel at Roskilde Cathedral.
By himself, he worked at Frijsenborg, the Dagmar Theater and the National Scala.

As a landscape painter, he had his first exhibit in 1857 and was awarded the Neuhausenske Prize.
In 1865, he became the first recipient of the Sødringske Opmuntrings Prize for landscape painters with his work depicting an autumn morning at the Jægersborg Dyrehave, which was purchased by the National Gallery of Denmark.
During the 1870s, he made two extended trips to Italy to sketch landscapes.

Personal life

In 1858, he married Anna Pio (1836-1929); posthumously-born daughter of the violinist, Pierre Theodore Pio (1810-1836).
In 1874, he was elected a member of the Royal Academy. Five years later, he was appointed Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog and, in 1892, became a Professor.
His home was designed by the architect, Vilhelm Dahlerup, using stones from the original Royal Danish Theater, which had recently been demolished to make way for a new one. The house was declared a cultural monument in 1977. | © Wikipedia

Carl Frederic Aagaard è stato un pittore Danese, (conosciuto anche come Karl Frederik Aagaard).


Dopo gli studi iniziali, Aagaard lasciò la città natale a 19 anni, per seguire i corsi all'Accademia Reale delle Belle Arti di Copenaghen e divenne allora allievo del pittore paesaggista Peter Christian Skoovgaard, che avrà sempre una grande influenza su Aagaard. Con suo fratello Johan Peter lavorò sia all'incisione su legno xilografia che all'incisione all'acquaforte: fu anche assistente del pittore decoratore Georg Christian Hilker.
Nel 1857 Aagaars presentò per la prima volta al pubblico le proprie opere in un'esposizione organizzata dalla sua parrocchia: l'esposizione incontrò un successo notevole ed inaspettato.
Tra il 1869-1870, Aagard intraprese un viaggio di studio attraverso la Svizzera e qualche anno più tardi 1875-1876 visitò l'Italia per conoscerne le bellezze naturali e artistiche. Da questi viaggi riportò numerosissimi schizzi che usò, tornato nel suo studio a Copenaghen, come base per quadri ad olio. Nel 1872 ottenne il titolo di Professore. | © Wikipedia