Ozz Franca (1928-1991) - born and grew up in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and from an early age he showed talents an artist, as well as exceptional prowess as a competitive swimmer.
At 14 he won first prize at the annual Spring Salon Art Competition. At 15, he qualified for the Brazilian Olympic Swimming Team.
With two amazing talents, Franca was unsure what he should do with his life. Fate stepped in, and the Olympic Games were canceled the year Franca was to compete due to the outbreak of World War II.
At that point, he decided to devote his life to art. He held his first one-man show at the age of 18. Following what he would later say was the best advice anyone ever gave him, Franca came to the U.S, to accept a scholarship in Utah.
A year later, he moved to Hollywood and began doing movie illustration for Walt Disney. His projects included "Lady and the Tramp" and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". He moonlighted as a swimmer when movie parts were available.
Franca painted many subjects, but he is best known for his esoteric images of Native American women.
Franca's art enters the world of fantasy and dreams, where the spiritual meets the sensual.
His works, with their floating imagery and airy, muted colors, evoke an aura of mystery. Franca said he always painted his subjects, which primarily were women, either in profile, looking toward the edge of the painting, or looking over her shoulder, "so that anyone could walk into it".
Joan Lee, director of marketing at Hadley House, said that Ozz saw the spirituality and quiet dignity of Native American men and women. "There's a romance surrounding Native Americans that people appreciate seeing", said Lee.
Lee said that Franca¹s beautiful prints, periodically released by Hadley House "always sell well and continue to attract a growing body of collectors..."
After creating a spectacular body of art, Ozz Franca died in 1991.
Nato è cresciuto a San Paolo, in Brasile, Ozz Franca mostrò talento come artista fin dalla tenera età, oltre ad un'eccezionale abilità come nuotatore competitivo.
A 14 anni ha vinto il primo premio all'annuale Spring Salon Art Competition.
A 15 anni si è qualificato per la squadra olimpica brasiliana di nuoto. Con due incredibili talenti, Franca non era sicuro di cosa avrebbe dovuto fare della sua vita.
Comunque decide di dedicare la sua vita all'arte. Ha tenuto la sua prima mostra personale all'età di 18 anni.
Franca va negli Stati Uniti per accettare una borsa di studio nello Utah.
Un anno dopo, si è trasferito a Hollywood e ha iniziato a fare illustrazioni di film per Walt Disney. I suoi progetti includevano "Lilli e il vagabondo" e "20.000 leghe sotto i mari".
Franca ha dipinto molti soggetti, ma è meglio conosciuto per le sue immagini esoteriche di donne native americane.
L'arte di Franca entra nel mondo della fantasia e dei sogni, dove lo spirituale incontra il sensuale. Le sue opere, con le loro immagini fluttuanti ed i colori ariosi e tenui, evocano un'aura di mistero.
Dopo aver creato uno spettacolare collezione d'arte, Ozz Franca è morto nel 1991.