Douglas Kirkland is a Canadian
photographer based in the United States.
Douglas Kirkland is the legendary photographer who captured Hollywood elite.
Kirkland has been the cutting edge of fashion, photojournalism and portraiture, working for the world’s most reputable magazines for more than 50 years.
As a young photographer in 1961 he was assigned to shoot Marilyn Monroe during several hours in a closed studio one night, captured a stunning portfolio of alluring and intimate images that survive to this day as a testament to her beauty and vulnerability.
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Kirkland was born in Toronto Canada and started out as an assistant to Irving Penn when he first moved to New York at the age of 24.
After an early stint working for "Look Magazine", he joined "Life Magazine" a staff photographer. He worked there in the ’60s and ’70s - an era often referred to as the golden age of photojournalism.
Known for his charming and gentle attitude, Kirkland has served as the only photographer on the sets of hundreds of films, from "The Sound of Music" to "Titanic".
A Who's Who of notable persons have posed for Kirkland from the great photography innovator Man Ray and photographer/painter Jacques Henri Lartigue to Dr. Stephen Hawking. Entertainment celebrities he has photographed include Mick Jagger, Sting, Björk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Morgan Freeman, Orson Welles, Andy Warhol, Oliver Stone, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Leonardo Di Caprio, Coco Chanel, Marlene Dietrich, Brigitte Bardot, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton and Diana Ross.
Kirkland's portrait of
Charlie Chaplin is at the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Kirkland is contracted for work around the world and has worked in the motion picture industry as a special photographer on more than 150 films including 2001: "A Space Odyssey", "The Sound of Music", "Sophie's Choice", "Out of Africa", "The Pirate Movie", "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", "Romancing the Stone", "Titanic" and "Moulin Rouge"!
Some of his famous film shots include John Travolta in the dance sequence from Saturday Night Fever, a portrait of Judy Garland crying and the March 1976 Playboy pictorial of Margot Kidder. In 1995 Kirkland received a Lifetime Achievement
Award from the American motion pictures Society of Operating Cameramen.
"Titanic" was the first picture book to reach No.1 on the New York Times Best Seller list and did so on both the hardcover and paperback lists.
Douglas Kirkland has lectured at the Smithsonian Institution, the AFI Conservatory in Hawaii and Los Angeles, the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena as well as the Kodak Centers in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.
Douglas Kirkland and| Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Meryl Streep and Robert Radford in Out of Africa, 1985 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland |
Douglas Kirkland | Cate Blanchett, 1998 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Farrah Fawcett, 1976 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland è un fotografo
Canadese con sede negli Stati Uniti, noto per aver catturato l’élite di Hollywood.
Kirkland è stato la punta di diamante della moda, del fotogiornalismo e della ritrattistica, lavorando per le riviste più rinomate del mondo per oltre 50 anni.
Nel 1961, quando era solo un giovane fotografo, gli fu assegnato l’incarico di ritrarre la diva Marilyn Monroe per alcune ore in uno studio nel cuore della notte, realizzando così uno straordinario portfolio ricco di immagini intime e seducenti che costituiscono ancora oggi una testimonianza unica ed ineguagliata della sua bellezza e vulnerabilità.
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Coco Chanel, 1962 |
Douglas Kirkland | Jacqueline Bisset |
Kirkland è nato a Toronto in Canada ed ha iniziato come assistente di Irving Penn quando si è trasferito a New York all’età di 24 anni.
Dopo aver prestato servizio per la rivista "Look Magazine", è entrato a far parte di "Life Magazine" come fotografo dello staff. Ha lavorato lì negli anni Sessanta e Settanta - un’era spesso indicata come l’età d’oro del fotogiornalismo.
Conosciuto per il suo atteggiamento gentile ed affabile, Kirkland ha lavorato come unico fotografo per centinaia di film, da "The Sound of Music", "Moulin Rouge" a "Titanic".
Le celebrità che ha fotografato includono Mick Jagger, Sting, Björk, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Morgan Freeman, Orson Welles, Andy Warhol, Oliver Stone, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Leonardo DiCaprio, Coco Chanel, Marlene Dietrich, Brigitte Bardot, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton e Diana Ross.
Il ritratto di Kirkland di Charlie Chaplin è alla National Portrait Gallery di Londra.
Nel 1995 Kirkland ha ricevuto un premio alla carriera dall'American Motion Pictures Society of Operating Cameramen.
Il "Titanic" è stato il primo libro illustrato a raggiungere il numero 1 nella lista dei best seller del New York Times e lo ha fatto sia nella lista con copertina rigida che in quella tascabile. Douglas Kirkland ha tenuto conferenze allo Smithsonian Institution, al Conservatorio AFI alle Hawaii e a Los Angeles, all'Art Center College of Design di Pasadena e ai Kodak Center di Hong Kong, Singapore e Taiwan.
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Farrah Fawcett, 1976 |
Douglas Kirkland | Coco Chanel, 1962 |
Douglas Kirkland | Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, 1965 |
Douglas Kirkland | Sophia Loren |
Douglas Kirkland Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Audrey Hepburn with hat |
Douglas Kirkland | Brigitte Bardot, 1965 |
Douglas Kirkland | Virna Lisi, 1965 |
Douglas Kirkland | Sophia Loren, 1972 |
Douglas Kirkland | Meryl Streep and Robert Radford in Out of Africa, 1985 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Coco Chanel, 1962 |
Douglas Kirkland | Coco Chanel, 1962 |
Douglas Kirkland | Coco Chanel, 1962 |
Douglas Kirkland | Audrey Hepburn with hat |
Douglas Kirkland | Audrey Hepburn, 1965 |
Douglas Kirkland and Marilyn Monroe |
Douglas Kirkland and Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |
Douglas Kirkland | Marilyn Monroe, 1961 |