
Christian Krohg | Naturalist / Genre painter

Christian Krohg (1852-1925) was a Norwegian naturalist painter, illustrator, author and journalist. Krohg was inspired by the realism art movement and often chose motives from everyday life.
He was the director and served as the first professor at the Norwegian Academy of Arts from 1909-1925.
Christian Krohg was born at Vestre Aker (now Oslo), Norway. His father was a civil servant, journalist and author.
From 1861, he attended Hartvig Nissen School.
His father had asked him to pursue a legal career. Krohg studied law at the University of Oslo (then Christiania) graduating cand.jur. in 1873, the same year in which his father died.



During 1869-70, he had also studied at the art school of Johan Fredrik Eckersberg at Lille Grensen in Christiania.
He was additionally educated in Germany, first at the Baden School of Art in Karlsruhe under Hans Gude in 1874. He also trained under Karl Gussow from 1875.
He followed with study at the Königliche Akademie in Berlin from 1875-1878.
He was awarded the Schäffer's legacy (1876-77) and received a government travel allowance during 1877-78 and in 1881.
In 1879, on the encouragement of artist Frits Thaulow🎨 he visited the Skagen artists colony. He returned to Skagen in 1882-84 and 1888.
Through his periodic future residence at Skagen, he would influence other artists including Anna and Michael Ancher and provided early support to Edvard Munch.
Krohg worked in Paris from 1881-1882.
Inspired by the ideas of the realists he chose motives primarily from everyday life - often its darker or socially inferior sides. Prostitution is the subject of his painting "Albertine i politilægens venteværelse" and Krohg also wrote a novel about the depicted scene.
The novel, "Albertine", caused a scandal when first published, and it was confiscated by the police.


Krohg's style made him a leading figure in the transition from romanticism to naturalism.
Krohg was the founding and editor-in-chief of the "Kristiania Bohemian" journal, "Impressionisten" from 1886-1890.
He then became a journalist for the Oslo newspaper Verdens Gang from 1890-1910.
Christian Krohg was also associated with Politiken 1893-1894.
He taught at Académie Colarossi in Paris from 1902-1909.
Later he became a professor-director at the Norwegian Academy of Arts (Statens Kunstakademi) from 1909-1925.
There are notable collections of art by Christian Krohg in the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design in Oslo and at Skagens Museum in Denmark.


Awards and honors

Christian Krohg received numerous national and international awards🎨 during his career.
In 1889, he was made a Knight in the French Legion of Honour and entered in the Belgian Order of Leopold in 1894.
He served as Norwegian Commissioner at the Exposition Internationale d'Anvers at Antwerp in 1894 and held membership in the Societe Nouvelle de Peintres et de Sculpteurs from 1900.
Krohg was made a Knight 1st Class in the Order of St. Olav in 1900 and received the Command Cross in 1910. | © Wikipedia













Christian Krohg (Oslo, 1852-1925) è stato un pittore, scrittore e giornalista Norvegese.
Krohg venne educato in Germania, dove conobbe e divenne amico di Max Klinger.
In seguito visse a Parigi dal 1881-1882 e qui divenne il leader dei bohémien norvegesi.
Christian Krohg riteneva che scrivere fosse importante quanto dipingere e sosteneva che "tutta l'arte nazionale è cattiva arte, e tutta la buona arte è nazionale".
Krogh riteneva che l'attenzione dell'artista dovesse essere rivolta alla vita nel modo in cui viene vissuta e percepita dagli individui, soprattutto delle classi più basse.
Particolarità che emerge in "Albertine" dipinto del 1886. L'opera trae spunto da una suo libro omonimo che parlava di prostituzione e che fece molto scandalo quando venne pubblicato, tanto che venne censurato e le copie sequestrate.


Riuscì a far conciliare il Romanticismo ed il Naturalismo.
Christian Krogh con la sua pittura decisamente naturalistica, sensibile alla cultura francese, influenzò Anna🎨 e Michael Ancher🎨 ed Edvard Munch🎨.
Krohg fu anche giornalista del Verdens Gang dal 1890-1910, professore di pittura a Parigi oltre che direttore della Statens Kunstakademi, l'Accademia d'Arte di Oslo.
Era sposato con Oda Krohg, ed ebbe tre figli: tra questi solo Per (1889-1965) ha seguito le orme del padre.

Premi e riconoscimenti

Christian Krohg ha ricevuto numerosi premi🎨 nazionali ed internazionali durante la sua carriera.
Nel 1889 fu nominato Cavaliere della Legion d'Onore francese ed entrò nell'Ordine Belga di Leopoldo nel 1894.
Fu commissario norvegese all'Exposition Internationale d'Anvers ad Anversa nel 1894 e divenne membro della Societe Nouvelle de Peintres et de Sculpteurs dal 1900.
Krohg divenne Cavaliere di 1a Classe nell'Ordine di Sant'Olav nel 1900 e ricevette la Croce di Comando nel 1910.
















