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Gyuri Lohmuller, 1962 | Surrealist painter

Gyuri Lohmuller was born in Gataia, Romania.
Self-educated painter, having exhibitions in Austria, Germany, France and Hungary, is willing to share his inner world.
His paintings reflect his deepest emotions.
"The emotion", he says, "Is Art".
He prefers the surrealist themes.

"Well, I have not a spectaculars biography. No much exhibitions, no awards, no success. I'm self-educated in the arts field, without schools or official studies.
I can say that I have really discovered my painting 20 years ago, because I’ve never seen someone painting, not even how to begin. It came all alone by many testing. After a while I've sold a few paintings and that gave me the courage to continue.
My exhibition record doesn’t include much, because I always prefer to work in silence, only me and my art. In 1997 I had an exhibition in Gataia, my home town, at the "National House".

Then it was the private gallery Jacky Pitaud in Monbart, France, who exposed my works. In 1997 -1998, a private famous gallery in Budapest.
In 1998 and in 2005 I participated at a group exhibition in Austria at Oberwart.
It was very difficult because of my themes, in the time of full-blown communism in Romania I was forbidden. Since that time I reach to survive by my paintings but very, very hard. Even today, I have not money to buy a photo camera to make captures of my artworks. I left my job 20 years ago taking the risk, but believing in art.
So, life is good, but we must look at the full part of the glass"!

Gyuri Lohmuller è nato a Gataia, in Romania.
Pittore autodidatta, con mostre in Austria, Germania, Francia ed Ungheria, è disposto a condividere il suo mondo interiore.
I suoi dipinti riflettono le sue emozioni più profonde. "L'emozione", dice, "è Arte".
Preferisce i temi surrealisti.