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Friedrich Nietzsche | Venice / Venezia

Luca Carlevarijs (Italian painter, 1663-1730) | View of the Molo Venice looking west


By the bridge I stood
recently in the brown night.
From the distance came the sound of song;
golden drops surged away
over the vibrating surface.


Stavo sul ponte,
poco tempo fa, nella notte bruna.
Di lontano giungeva un canto:
gocce d’oro affioravano
sulla superficie vibrante.

Luca Carlevaris (Italian painter, 1663-1730) Piazza San Marco Venice, 1709 | The-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Gondole, luci, musica -
ebbre nuotavano via nel crepuscolo…
La mia anima, strumento a corde,
cantò per sé, a un tocco invisibile,

una canzone di gondolieri,
tremando alla variopinta beatitudine.
- L’ha udita qualcuno?…

Gondolas, light, music -
drunk, it floated off into the dusk...
My soul, a lute,
unseeably moved, sang
a gondolier's song secretly to itself,
trembling with joyous bliss.
- Did anyone listen to it?

Canaletto (Italian painter, 1697-1768) Piazza San Marco, 1720 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Canaletto (Italian painter, 1697-1768) The Bucintoro, 1745-1750

(Original text)

An der Brücke stand
jüngst ich in brauner Nacht.
Fernher kam Gesang:
goldener Tropfen quoll′s
über die zitternde Fläche weg.
Gondeln, Lichter, Musik -
trunken schwamm′s in die Dämmerung hinaus...

Meine Seele, ein Saitenspiel,
sang sich, unsichtbar berührt,
heimlich ein Gondellied dazu,
zitternd von bunter Seligkeit.
- Hörte Jemand ihr zu?...

by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900), "Venedig".

Canaletto (Italian painter, 1697-1768) The Grand Canal from San Vio Venice
Canaletto (Italian painter, 1697-1768) The molo Venice from the Bacino di San Marco
Canaletto (Italian painter, 1697-1768) Venice Entrance to the Cannaregio
Michele Marieschi (Italian painter, 1710-1744) Venice, 1710-1743
Michele Marieschi (Italian painter, 1710-1744) Venice a view of the-Piazza San Marco Grimani on 30 june 1741
Francesco Guardi🎨 (Italian painter, 1712-1793) The Entrance to the Grand canal
Bernardo Bellotto (Italian painter, 1721-1780) Venice The entrance to the Grand canal
Bernardo Bellotto (Italian painter, 1721-1780) View of the Grand Canal and the Dogana