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Ettore Tito (1859-1941)

Ettore Tito, pittore di formazione veneziana, ottenne all'inizio del secolo una fama europea e fu nominato nel 1929 Accademico d'Italia.
Ebbe a Napoli come primo maestro l’olandese Van Haanen, ma ben presto si recò a Venezia dove studiò con Pompeo Marino Molmenti.
Espose il suo primo quadro, Pescheria vecchia a Venezia, alla Biennale di Venezia del 1887, quadro che ebbe grande successo e fu acquistato dal Governo per la Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma.

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Dosso Dossi | Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara, 1518

Artist: Dosso Dossi (Italian High Renaissance painter, ca.1490-1542) (attributed to).
Date: 1518.
Medium: Oil on wood panel.
Dimensions: 74.5 × 57.2 cm.
Current location: Collezione: National Gallery of Victoria, Australia.

The recent (2008) identification of the subject of this painting as Lucrezia Borgia (1480-1519) answered a long-running mystery.
This portrait had previously been considered to be that of a young man. This is largely on account of the dagger which is held in the sitter’s hands and the belief that no single Italian Renaissance🎨 portrait of a woman ever showed the sitter holding a weapon.
However, certain aspects of the painting indicate that the sitter is indeed a woman.

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Pino Daeni | Romantic painter

Pino Daeni (November 8, 1939 - May 25, 2010) was an Italian / American book illustrator and painter.
He is known for his style of feminine, romantic women and strong men painted with loose but accurate brushwork.
Considered one of the highest paid book illustrators of his time, he created over 3.000 book covers, movie posters and magazine illustrations.

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Claude Monet: "Il piacere più nobile è la gioia della comprensione"!

"Seguo la Natura senza poterla cogliere... forse il fatto di essere diventato pittore lo devo ai fiori".

"I am following Nature without being able to grasp her... I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers".

"It took me time to understand my waterlilies. I had planted them for the pleasure of it; I grew them without ever thinking of painting them".

"Mi ci è voluto del tempo per capire le mie ninfee. Li avevo piantati per il piacere di farlo; Li ho coltivati senza mai pensare di dipingerli".

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Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo | High Renaissance painter

Benvenuto Garòfalo, byname of Benvenuto Tisi (1481-1559), Italian painter, one of the most prolific 16th-century painters of the Ferrarese school.
Garofalo’s first apprenticeship was with Domenico Panetti and later with the Cremonese painter Boccaccio Boccaccino.
Garofalo’s two visits to Rome in the first and second decades of the century greatly influenced his style, as did the work of Dosso Dossi, especially in the treatment of landscape backgrounds.

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Peder Mork Mønsted | Genre painting

Danish master Peder Mørk Mønsted (1859-1941) was best known for his ability to capture ‘types’ of landscapes, scenes of nature that embodied the essence of a country or region.
He traveled throughout Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, and Middle East, painting such views, visiting Italy, France, Switzerland, Norway, Greece, Algiers and Egypt.
His most popular paintings, however, were scenes from Scandinavia, especially his native Denmark.
The Dahesh holds two of Mønsted’s Nordic landscapes, one from Denmark and another from Norway.

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Hendrick van Steenwyck II | Baroque painter of architectural interiors

Hendrick van Steenwijk the Younger's (1580-1649) early style resembled that of his father, an architecture painter.
He likely spent several years in Antwerp, though he apparently was not enrolled in its painters' guild.
Van Steenwijk's architectural interiors of this period are frequently populated with figures by Jan Brueghel the Elder and other Flemish painters who worked in Antwerp.

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Édouard Manet | Artworks and Quotes

Édouard Manet, (born January 23, 1832, Paris, France - died April 30, 1883, Paris), French painter who broke new ground by defying traditional techniques of representation and by choosing subjects from the events and circumstances of his own time.
His Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe (Luncheon on the Grass), exhibited in 1863 at the Salon des Refusés, aroused the hostility of critics and the enthusiasm of the young painters who later formed the nucleus of the Impressionist group.
His other notable works include Olympia (1863) and A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (1882).

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Agnolo Bronzino | Hands

Agnolo di Cosimo (1503-1572), usually known as Bronzino or Agnolo Bronzino, was an Italian Mannerist painter from Florence.
His sobriquet, Bronzino, may refer to his relatively dark skin or reddish hair.
He lived all his life in Florence, and from his late 30s was kept busy as the court painter of Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany.
He was mainly a portraitist but also painted many religious subjects, and a few allegorical subjects, which include what is probably his best known work, Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time, c. 1544-45, now in London.

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Diego Rivera | Social Realist painter / muralist

Considered the greatest Mexican painter of the twentieth century, Diego Rivera (1886-1957) had a profound effect on the international art world.
Among his many contributions, Rivera is credited with the reintroduction of fresco painting into modern art and architecture.
His radical political views and tempestuous romance with the painter Frida Kahlo were then, and remain today, a source of public intrigue.

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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo | Vita ed opere

Tièpolo, Giambattista - Pittore (Venezia 1696 - Madrid 1770), tra i massimi esponenti del rococò e ultimo grande protagonista della decorazione monumentale in Europa.
Tièpolo lavorò in Italia e all'estero, lasciando numerose opere, nelle quali, sempre aggiornato sulle ultime tendenze artistiche, mostra una stupefacente capacità di assorbire con naturalezza le intonazioni stilistiche dai più differenti pittori, rielaborandole poi con la propria sensibilità e una tecnica rapida.
Grazie a lui la tradizione decorativa veneziana tornò a imporsi sulla scena artistica del suo tempo.
Tra le opere più significative dell'evoluzione della sua arte vi sono gli affreschi del palazzo arcivescovile di Udine (1726-30), le tele per la Scuola del Carmine a Venezia (1743), uno dei suoi capolavori, e gli affreschi per la residenza di Carlo Filippo di Greiffenklau a Würzburg (1751-53).

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Federico del Campo (1837-1923) | Vedute painter

Federico del Campo was a Peruvian painter who was active in Venice where he was one of the leading vedute painters of the 19th century.
Del Campo was born in Lima and left his native Peru at a young age.
Nothing is known with certainty about his early studies in Peru.
He studied at Madrid's Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando) in Madrid from around 1865. Here he established a friendship with Lorenzo Valles, a history painter.

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Emily Dickinson | Tutto imparammo dell'amore / We learned the Whole of Love

Tutto imparammo dell'amore
Alfabeto, parole.
Il capitolo, il libro possente
Poi la rivelazione terminò.

Ma negli occhi dell'altro
Ciascuno contemplava l'ignoranza
Divina, ancora più che nell'infanzia:
L'uno all'altro, fanciulli.

Camille Claudel 1864-1943
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Renoir | Landscapes with Figures

  • "If you paint the leaf on a tree without using a model, your imagination will only supply you with a few leaves; but Nature offers you millions, all on the same tree. No two leaves are exactly the same. The artist who paints only what is in his mind must very soon repeat himself" - Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
  • "Se dipingi la foglia su un albero senza usare un modello, la tua immaginazione ti fornirà solo poche foglie; ma la natura ti offre milioni, tutti sullo stesso albero. Non ci sono due foglie esattamente uguali. L'artista che dipinge solo ciò che ha in mente deve ben presto ripetersi" - Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

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Leo Tolstoy: "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself"

Ilia Efimovich Repin (Ukrainian-born Russian Realist painter, 1844-1930)| Portrait of Leo Tolstoy, 1887

Best known for his two classic novels, 'War and Peace' and 'Anna Karenina' Leo Tolstoy, in full Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy / Лев Никола́евич Толсто́й (1828-1910), was a Russian writer, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists.

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself".
"Tutti pensano a cambiare il mondo, ma nessuno pensa a cambiare se stesso".

"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way".
"Tutte le famiglie felici si assomigliano fra loro, ogni famiglia infelice è infelice a suo modo".

"If you look for perfection, you'll never be content".
"Se cerchi la perfezione, non ti accontenterai mai".

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Ivan Kramskoi | An unknown lady, 1883

Author: Ivan Kramskoi / Ива́н Крамско́й (Russian painter and art critic, 1837-1887).
Title: Portrait of an Unknown Woman, also known as The Unknown Woman, An Unknown Lady or Stranger - Russian: Неизвестная.
Medium: oil on canvas.
Date: 1883.
Provenance: Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

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Anny Maddock, 1954 | Figurative painter

South African painter Anny Maddock started drawing people when she was old enough to hold a pencil and was considered a child prodigy. She matriculated at Rhenish Girls High in Stellenbosch and then studied fine art at Cape Technical College. After qualifying she studied Fashion Design and then went into Textile Design.
After her marriage and divorce she worked in fields as diverse as journalism, tourism, antiques and restauranteering.

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Walter Langley | Genre painter

Walter Langley (1852-1922) was an British painter and founder of the Newlyn School of plein air artists.
He was born in Birmingham and his father was a journeyman tailor.
At 15 he was apprenticed to a lithographer.
At 21 he won a scholarship to South Kensington and he studied designing there for two years.
The sometimes highly ornate work is mainly in gold and silver and in a Renaissance style.

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Ford Madox Brown | Pre-Raphaelite painter

Ford Madox Brown (16 April 1821 - 6 October 1893) was a British painter of moral and historical subjects, notable for his distinctively graphic and often Hogarthian version of the Pre-Raphaelite style.
Arguably, his most notable painting was "Work" (1852-1865). Brown spent the latter years of his life painting the twelve works known as The Manchester Murals, depicting Mancunian history, for Manchester Town Hall.
Ford Madox Brown was born at Calais and trained at Antwerp, in Paris and at Rome, where he came into contact with the Nazarenes. Settling in England in 1846, he became a friend of the Pre-Raphaelites and, with his taste for literary subjects and meticulous handling, an influence on their work, though he was never a member of the Brotherhood.

Ford Madox Brown | Work, 1852-1865

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L'arte di Ford Madox Brown

Ford Madox Brown (Calais, 16 aprile 1821 – Londra, 6 ottobre 1893) è stato un pittore Inglese. Sebbene non facesse ufficialmente parte della confraternita dei Preraffaelliti, Brown fu colui che, facendo conoscere l'arte dei puristi e dei nazareni, influì in modo significativo nello stile del gruppo.


Ford Madox Brown nacque a Calais il 16 aprile 1821 da Ford Brown, commissario di bordo, e da Caroline Madox, di un'antica famiglia del Kent. Sposò prima Elizabeth Bromley, cugina per parte di madre, da cui ebbe Lucy nel 1843.
Dopo la morte della prima moglie per tubercolosi avvenuta nel 1846, dalla sua modella Emma Hill ebbe Catherine che diventerà artista come la sorellastra e come prometteva di diventare anche l'altro fratello Oliver morto prematuramente.
Studiò in diverse città europee quali Gand, Bruges e all'Accademia di Anversa.

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Elie Anatole Pavil | Serata in un caffè parigino

Elie Anatole Pavil (1873-1948) è stato un pittore Francese di origine Ucraina.
Pavil nacque a Odessa, in Russia, nel 1873. Arrivò a Parigi nel 1892. Pavil ha esposto al Salon des Artists Français, Salon des Indépendants e Salon d'Automne.
Ha esposto alla Galerie Charpentier, alla Galerie Georges Petit ed alla Galerie Bernheim Jeune.

Claude Monet ha descritto i dipinti di Pavil come "piccole meraviglie".
È stato insignito del titolo di Chevailier de la Légion d'Honneur. Pavil annoverava anche Pissaro tra i suoi amici.
Pavil continuò a dipingere con la stessa passione fino alla fine dei suoi giorni.

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August von Siegen (German painter, 1850-1910)

August von Siegen was a German painter🎨 who specialized in cityscapes of in the style of European and "Oriental" -Eastern Mediterranean cities.
He lived in Munich but also lived and worked in Vienna. He travelled across Europe to Holland, Venice and Rome painting the architectural landscapes of cities and towns.
He also travelled to Izmir in Turkey and produced a number of Orientalist paintings. His works are highly popular with crisp, architectural details as in this fine example.

August von Siegen è stato un pittore Tedesco, attivo a Monaco e Vienna. Era un pittore di vivaci paesaggi urbani, paesaggi marini e dipinti con raffinate caratteristiche architettoniche.
Era anche considerato un artista orientalista.
Ha lavorato attivamente a Vienna e dintorni.
Mentre poco si sa di questo artista, i suoi dipinti che raffigurano paesaggi e paesaggi marini molto dettagliati sono molto ricercati quando compaiono nel mercato dell'arte.
I dettagli architettonici nei dipinti di Von Siegen possiedono una freschezza e un grande senso di luce e chiarezza.
Le sue scene di strada olandesi e tedeschi ed i paesaggi marini del XIX secolo sono tra i soggetti più desiderati da questo artista di grande talento.