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Dino Buzzati | Symbolist / Surrealist painter

Dino Buzzati-Traverso (14 October 1906 - 28 January 1972) was an Italian🎨 novelist, short story writer and poet, as well as a journalist for Corriere della Sera.
His worldwide fame is mostly due to his novel The Tartar Steppe, but he is also known for his well received collections of short stories.
However, Dino Buzzati was also a skilful painter and illustrator - his talent became apparent with the evocative, beautifully crafted color plates of his 1945 children’s book The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily.

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Rose Frantzen, 1965 | Symbolist painter

American painter🎨 Rose Frantzen was born and raised in the community of Maquoketa, a city of about 6000 people in east-central Iowa.
Ms. Frantzen trained at the American Academy of Art in Chicago. She also studied at Chicago's Palette and Chisel Academy and at the Lyme Academy of Arts in Connecticut. She has worked under the mentorship of Richard Schmid🎨 and made painting tours of Australia, Guatemala, Mexico and Russia.

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Asher B. Durand | Hudson River School painter

Asher Brown Durand, (born August 21, 1796, Jefferson Village, New Jersey, U.S. - died September 17, 1886, Jefferson Village), American painter🎨, engraver, and illustrator, one of the founders of the Hudson River school🎨 of landscape painting.
He was apprenticed in 1812 to an engraver.
By 1823 his reputation was established with his engraving of John Trumbull’s painting Declaration of Independence.

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Carl Holsøe (1863-1935)

Il pittore Carl Vilhelm Holsoe, un membro di spicco della scuola di pittura Danese nella seconda metà del XIX ed all'inizio del XX secolo, era molto apprezzato da colleghi e collezionisti.
Carl Vilhelm Holsøe è nato nella Danimarca occidentale e si è trasferito a Copenaghen nel 1882 per studiare alla Kongelige Danke Kunstakademi.
Nel 1884 frequentò le lezioni alla Kunstnernes Studieskole sotto la guida di Peder Severin Kroyer.

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Stephan Sinding | Romantic / Symbolist sculptor

Stephan Abel Sinding (1846-1922) was a Norwegian-Danish sculptor. He moved to Copenhagen in 1883 and had his breakthrough the same year. In 1890 he obtained Danish citizenship. In 1910 he settled in Paris where he lived and worked until his death in 1922.

Early life and education

Stephan Abel Sinding was born in Trondhjem as a son of mining engineer Matthias Wilhelm Sinding (1811-1860) and Cecilie Marie Mejdell (1817-86).
Sinding was the brother of the composer Christian Sinding and painter Otto Ludvig Sinding and the nephew of Nicolai Mejdell (1822-1899) and Thorvald Mejdell (1824-1908), and through the former a first cousin of Glør Thorvald Mejdell, who married Stephan's sister Thora Cathrine Sinding.

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Wang Zhongqi 王忠齐, 1958 | Symbolist painter

Born in Shanghai, Wang Zhongqi studied Fine Arts with focus on Oil Painting at Jiatong University Shanghai.
Soon after his works were nominated for an international competition in New York and were exhibited at Chioda Club in Tokyo. In 2002 Wang Zhongqi was engaged to support the Princeton University Art Museum due to his excellent art advisor competence.

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Etienne Pirot, 1952 | Abstract / Symbolist sculptor

Born in Grenoble, French sculptor Étienne Pirot [Étienne] spent his childhood and his youth in the "Dauphiné" province. He went to University in Ottawa (Canada) and back in France, he obtained a degree in plastic arts in Marseille. Then he became a student at the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts" in Paris and an art teacher from 1974-1976.

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Dimitri Vojnov, 1946 | Symbolist / Surrealist painter

Dimitri Vojnov had always a strong interest for the great painters of art history and Renaissance, such as Piero della Francesca or Hans Holbein. He uses as a background coloring an intense cobalt blue that is a reference to the Renaissance period.
Undoubtedly his work shows his long term classical academic education in painting which fascinates with provocative and erotic illustrations, which often are exaggerated in a grotesque way.

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Nasreddine Dinet | Orientalist / Genre painter

Nasreddine Dinet, born as Alphonse-Étienne Dinet (28 March 1861 - 24 December 1929, Paris) was a French🎨 orientalist painter and was one of the founders of the Société des Peintres Orientalistes [Society for French Orientalist Painters].
He became so enchanted with North Africa and its culture, that he converted to Islam, and was proficient in Arabic.
In addition to his paintings, he translated Arabic literature into French.

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Gesine Marwedel, 1987 | Body painter

Born in Eckernförde, Germany, Gesine Marwedel, german painter, raised in Dortmund. After finishing school 2005, worked in an indian orphanage for some months. The experiences I made there had influences on my subject of study such as on my artwork.
I studied "rehabilitation science" from 2005-2008 and finished with the BA graduation.

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Dalila Del Valle, 1958 | Body painter

Dalila is absolutely a painter of great recognition, unequivocal quality of the possession of an own style, characterized by beautiful faces and naked figures that, simultaneously are covered by incredible tattoos on the skin.
To these two conditions it would be necessary to add two more other: the exclusive feature of the technique and the own culture of the city or country where it exposes his works, changing the reason for its tattoos.
Nobody like her to know how to impregnate of its personality and enormous technical capacity its works and orders.

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Madeline Von Foerster, 1973 | Surrealist painter

Madeline von Foerster was born in San Francisco to german-austrian parents. Now lives and works in Germany.
Studied illustration at the Californian College of Arts in San Francisco. After completing her studies, she relocated to New York city at the suggestion of one of her teachers and resides there to this day.
To create her unique paintings, Madeline von Foerster uses a five century-old mixed technique of oil and egg tempera, developed by the Flemish Renaissance Masters.

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September McGee, 1953 | Impressionist painter

Best known for her painterly figurative works, American Impressionist, September McGee, has recently released several new exciting series. Her paintings sing with nonpareil energy evoking a sensuous magic and timely romanticism.
Her novel palette fused with texture and spirited brush strokes defines McGee’s distinctive Impressionistic style. Winner of many national juried exhibition awards and honors, and an extensive resume of over fifty prestigious juried exhibitions to date, September has built her national reputation as an important American painter.

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Allen Bentley | Love story

American painter Allen Bentley received his MFA from the University of Pennsylvania in 2000 and his BFA from Western Carolina University in 1996. Bentley’s work has been exhibited across the country, with solo exhibitions in New York, Chicago, San Diego and Philadelphia.
He has shown in the Philadelphia International Airport and in Artworks at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In 2009, Bentley had his first solo museum show at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts.
He teaches Life Drawing and Intro Drawing at Montgomery College in Rockville, MD. When Bentley is not traveling the country working with professional to celebrity dancers, he lives in Montgomery Village, MD with his wife and children.

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El Greco | Technique and style

The primacy of imagination and intuition over the subjective character of creation was a fundamental principle of El Greco's (1541-1614) style.
El Greco discarded classicist criteria such as measure and proportion. He believed that grace is the supreme quest of art, but the painter achieves grace only by managing to solve the most complex problems with ease.
El Greco regarded color as the most important and the most ungovernable element of painting, and declared that color had primacy over form.

Francisco Pacheco, a painter and theoretician who visited El Greco in 1611, wrote that the painter liked "the colors crude and unmixed in great blots as a boastful display of his dexterity" and that "he believed in constant repainting and retouching in order to make the broad masses tell flat as in nature".

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Nicolai Fechin (1881-1955)

Nicolai Fechin was born in the city of Kazan, Russia, the son of Ivan Alexandrovitch Fechin, an accomplished icon maker, woodcarver, and gilder.
 At the age of thirteen Fechin was ready to begin his life's work, attending the Kazan School of Art (1895-1901) and then the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, where he was taught by the great Russian master, Ilya Repin.
His work appeared in America for the first time at the 1910 International Exhibit of the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburgh.
In both western Europe and America, Fechin was greeted with instant acclaim.
Among such distinguished contemporaries as Claude Monet, Pissarro, Gaston La Touche, Sisley and John Sargent, he won his first prizes and medals. He was called a "Moujik in art", the "Tartar painter".

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Zhiwei Tu, 1951 | Romantic Impressionist painter

Awards winning🎨 painter Zhiwei Tu was born in Northern Guangdong Province, China. As a child he worked his family's land, herded sheep, and attended the village school.
It was there that he became infatuated with painting and drawing. When he was in high school, a professional artist was sent to the village to paint a portrait of Mao Zedong.

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Tony Pavone | Last Lover

Born in Ohio from parents of European descent, Tony Pavone's childhood was filled with art, operas, musicals and passion for culture.
His artistic abilities became evident when, at the age of 3, he opened his father's anatomy and art books and drew the internal anatomy of the human body.
At the age of 10, his family moved to Florida, and after high school, Tony received a full scholarship to the University of South Florida for symphonic string bass.
"The more I played music, the more art pulled at me". Before long, Tony left USF and enrolled in the Ringling School of Art and Design. Earlier in his professional career Tony worked as a graphic illustrator and rose quickly to creative director, then to Art director.

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Albert Rieger | Landscape painter

Austrian🎨 landscape and marine painter Albert Rieger (Trieste, 1834 - Vienna,1905) was the son and pupil of painter Giuseppe Rieger. He was also influenced by the works of the German artist Bernhard Fiedler (1816-1904). Rieger's preferred subjects were marines and landscapes.
In 1838 settled he with the family in Vienna.
His works were exhibited in many exhibitions in Munich and Paris works are presented in important collections, for example at the Museum of Altenburg and in Wroclaw.
Crown prince Rudolf bought his landscapes "Am Traunsee" and "Gosausee".
Rieger was awarded🎨 with Gold Austrian Medal and Great Golden Swedish-Norwegian Medal.

Pittore paesaggista, figlio del pittore Giuseppe, Albert Rieger nasce a Trieste nel 1932 (altri lo fanno nascere nel 1833 e nel 1834).
Dopo aver appreso i primi rudimenti dell’arte pittorica nello studio del padre grazie all’appoggio economico del barone Revoltella frequenta l’Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia dopo di che torna a Trieste ove apre uno studio e ove rimane sino al 1970 (qualche autore lo fa trasferire nel 1874), anno in cui si trasferisce a Vienna dove muore nel 1904.
Risulta abbia operato anche all’estero: Grecia, Italia, Francia, Gran Bretagna, Scandinavia ecc.
Molti dei suoi quadri (acquarelli e olio) sono stati utilizzati per incisioni e riproduzioni cromolitografiche; il suo nome è legato al mondo delle grotte per varie litografie della Grotta di Adelsberg (Postumia, Postojna, firmate assieme al padre Giuseppe), l’entrata della stessa grotte e per un opuscolo, sempre di litografie, sulla Grotta di Corniale (Vilenica jama) che risulta abbia visitato il 23 giugno 1849, dove firma sul libro dei visitatori.

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Henri Matisse | Fauve painter / sculptor

Henri Émile Benoît Matisse [1869-1954] French painter, sculptor, draughtsman, printmaker and designer, one of the most illustrious artists of the 20th century.
From the 1920s he enjoyed an international reputation alongside Picasso as the foremost painter of his time.
Unlike Picasso, he was a late starter in art, and he was not quite so prolific or versatile, but for sensitivity of line and beauty of colouring he stands unrivalled among his contemporaries.

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Mario Henrique, 1983 | Abstract portraitist

Mario Henrique is an artist based in Cascais, Portugal.
Graduated in Design from Lisbon’s University of Fine Arts, he started his career in online marketing and web development agencies.
Later on, as a creative director, he recruited and led teams in Portugal, Spain and Brazil.
As partner and head of design in one of these projects, he would eventually be part of a successful exit via acquisition, and then shifted his focus to contemporary painting, which had always been a parallel interest.

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Victor Ostrovsky, 1949 | Best selling author

Victor Ostrovsky is the best selling author, and screenplay writer, of four books which were a worldwide phenomenon. His expertise on Judaism, Islam and security issues, made him a thought after speaker.
Victor has appeared on Larry King Live, The ABC, NBC, and CBS Nightly News, Prime Time Live, and dozens of other media venues worldwide.
His book "By Way of Deception" was banned for one week, but was overturned by the appeals court.
"The Israeli government, which won the temporary restraining order Wednesday, failed to prove that its agents' lives were endangered," said a statement by a four-judge panel of the New York Appellate Division.

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20th century Art History and Sitemap

Twentieth-century art - and what it became as modern art - began with modernism in the late nineteenth century.
Nineteenth-century movements of Post-Impressionism (Les Nabis), Art Nouveau and Symbolism led to the first twentieth-century art movements of Fauvism in France and Die Brücke ("The Bridge") in Germany.
Fauvism in Paris introduced heightened non-representational colour into figurative painting.
Die Brücke strove for emotional Expressionism.

Henri Matisse | Woman on a Terrace, 1907 | Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg

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Francis De Saint-Genies | Surrealist / Symbolist painter

Francis De Lassus Saint-Genies (1925-2018) was a French artist born in Brittany at Val André.
After his studies at Julian's Academy in Paris, he dedicates himself for a long time to the portrait.
In search of the secret character of his models, he has to reach a very personal expression where the outer world, often inversed, encloses the reflection of the individual mystery.

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Joseph Todorovitch, 1978 | Figurative painter

American painter Joseph Michael Todorovitch was born in San Gabriel, California.
This artist was inspired as a child by his grandmother, and has enjoyed the creative process as long as he can remember.
Realizing art is life, he aggressively began to study drawing as a high school student, and then attended Cal State University Fullerton where he received his bachelor degree in fine art.

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Shahrzad Hazrati, 1957 | Figurative painter

Shahrzad Hazrati was born in Ghorveh, Iran.
Student of interior architecture at the Polytechnic University in Tehran 1975-77;
Student at fine arts Department in the Tehran University 1978-79;
Student at fine arts Department in the Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul 1988-90;
Member of the Turku Artist Association 1993 -
Artist of the Year 2002;
Member of Finish Artist Association.

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Jack Vettriano | Fallen angels

Jack Vettriano (1951-2025) was born in Fife, Scotland in 1951.
After leaving school at 15, he followed his father down the mine, working as an apprentice engineer.
He later moved on to white-collar jobs in management services. Vettriano took up painting as a hobby in the 1970s when a girlfriend bought him a set of watercolours for his birthday and from then on, he spent much of his spare time teaching himself to paint.
He learned his craft by copying Old Masters, Impressionists, Surrealists and a plethora of Scottish artists.

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John Currin, 1962 | Pop surrealism painter

American painter🎨 John Currin completed a BFA at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (1984) and an MFA at Yale University (1986).
In his paintings of single or coupled figures Currin confronts his own desires and subjectivity, however unsophisticated, as well as a certain view of painting as a medium that in the late 20th century has become inherently kitsch.

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Henri Lebasque | Pittore post-impressionista

Henri Lebasque fu membro fondatore del Salon d'Automne nel 1903 con il suo amico Henri Matisse ed espose al Salon des Indépendants.
Nacque in una famiglia modesta (il padre era bottaio) e si iscrisse all'Académie Colarossi nel 1886.
In seguito collaborò con Ferdinand Humbert agli affreschi del Panthéon per sei anni, a partire dal 1888.