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Edouard Toudouze | Genre painter

Édouard Toudouze (1848-1907) was a French painter, illustrator and decorative artist.
He was born to an artistically accomplished family.
His father, Auguste Gabriel Toudouze (1811-1854) was an architect and engraver.
His mother, Adèle Anaïs Colin (1822-1899), a well known illustrator, was the daughter of Alexandre-Marie Colin and a descendant of Jean-Baptiste Greuze.

In addition, his uncle was the painter Auguste Leloir, and his cousins were the illustrators Maurice Leloir and Alexandre-Louis Leloir.
After studying at the Collège Sainte-Barbe in Paris, he served an apprenticeship with Isidore Pils.
After brief studies at the École des Beaux Arts, he débuted at the Salon in 1867.
Four years later, after serving in the Franco-Prussian War, he received the Prix de Rome in painting for his work, "Blind Oedipus".

Although known for his mythological and historical themes, his canvases are mostly in the Genre style.
As a rule, he tended to avoid involvement in the quarrels that pitted Academicism against Impressionism.
He received a gold medal at the Exposition Universelle (1889) and was named a knight in the Légion d’Honneur in 1892.
He became an officer of that order in 1903.

Edouard Toudouze | Chanson d'Automne | Paris Salon, 1895

A large number of his paintings were acquired by the government for state-run museums.
In addition to his paintings, he did decorative work at the Opéra-Comique (a scene from the Jeu de Robin et Marion).
He also produced a set of models depicting the history of Brittany that were made into tapestries at the Manufacture des Gobelins.

The tapestries were on display at the "Palais du Parlement de Bretagne" until 1994, when they were moved to a museum for preservation.
His book illustrations included works by Sir Walter Scott, Théophile Gautier, Prosper Mérimée and numerous volumes from La Comédie Humaine of Honoré de Balzac. | © Wikipedia

Édouard Toudouze (1848-1907) era un pittore, illustratore ed artista decorativo Francese specializzato in pittura soggetti storici.
Suo padre era un architetto, pittore ed incisore, ma Edouard studiò pittura con lo zio, l'incisore ed acquerellista Alexandre-Louis Leloir.
Dopo aver studiato al Collège Sainte-Barbe di Parigi, ha svolto un apprendistato con Isidore Pils.
Dopo brevi studi all'École des Beaux Arts, debuttò al Salon nel 1867.

Quattro anni dopo, dopo aver prestato servizio nella guerra franco-prussiana, ricevette il Prix de Rome in pittura per la sua opera "Bled Edipo".
Sebbene noto per i suoi temi mitologici e storici, le sue tele sono per lo più in stile Genere.
Di norma, tendeva ad evitare il coinvolgimento nelle dispute che mettevano l'Accademismo contro l'impressionismo.

Ricevette una medaglia d'oro all'Exposition Universelle (1889) e fu nominato cavaliere nella Légion d'Honneur nel 1892
Nel 1903 divenne ufficiale di quell'ordine.
Numerosi suoi dipinti furono acquisiti dal governo per musei statali.
Oltre ai suoi dipinti, ha realizzato lavori decorativi all'Opéra-Comique (una scena del Jeu de Robin et Marion).

Ha anche prodotto una serie di modelli che descrivono la storia della Bretagna che sono stati trasformati in arazzi alla Manufacture des Gobelins.
Gli arazzi furono esposti al "Palais du Parlement de Bretagne" fino al 1994, quando furono trasferiti in un museo per la conservazione.
Le sue illustrazioni di libri includevano opere di Sir Walter Scott, Théophile Gautier, Prosper Mérimée e numerosi volumi de La Comédie Humaine di Honoré de Balzac.