Victor Hugo🎨, in The Hunchback of Notre-Dame:
"A vast symphony in stone, so to speak; the colossal work of one man and one people, all together one and complex, like the Iliads and the Romanceros, whose sister it is; prodigious product of the grouping together of all the forces of an epoch, where, upon each stone, one sees the fancy of the workman disciplined by the genius of the artist start forth in a hundred fashions; a sort of human creation, in a word, powerful and fecund as the divine creation of which it seems to have stolen the double character - ariety, eternity".
"A vast symphony in stone, so to speak; the colossal work of one man and one people, all together one and complex, like the Iliads and the Romanceros, whose sister it is; prodigious product of the grouping together of all the forces of an epoch, where, upon each stone, one sees the fancy of the workman disciplined by the genius of the artist start forth in a hundred fashions; a sort of human creation, in a word, powerful and fecund as the divine creation of which it seems to have stolen the double character - ariety, eternity".
Sylvius Paoletti (1864-1921) Notre Dame de Paris, 1907
Jean Fouquet (1420-1481)
Albert Lebourg (1849-1928)
Charles-Victor Guilloux (1866–1946)
Claude Monet (1840-1926)
Emanuel Phillips Fox (1865–1915)
Francis Picabia (1879-1953)
Frederick Childe Hassam (1859-1935)
Gustavo Boldrini ((1927-1988) )
Henri Matisse (1869-1954)
Henri Matisse (1869-1954)
Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859–1937)
Jean-François Raffaëlli (1850–1924)
Jean-François Raffaëlli (1850-1924)
Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891)
Gustave Loiseau (1865-1935)
Luigi Loir (1845-1916)
Maximilien Luce (1858-1941)
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Armand Guillaumin (1841-1927)
Armand Guillaumin (1841-1927)
Arthur Joseph Meadows (1843-1907)
Charles Percier (1764-1838) and Pierre François Léonard Fontaine (1762-1853)
Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854–1941)
Eugène Galien-Laloue (1854–1941)
Gustave Loiseau (1865-1935)
Jean-François Raffaëlli (1850–1924)
Jean-Pierre Beckius (1899-1946)
Jean-Pierre Beckius (1899-1946)
Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891)
Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891)
Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891)
Victor Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris:
- Vasta sinfonia di pietra, per così dire; opera colossale di un uomo e di un popolo, unica e al tempo stesso complessa come l’Iliade e i Romanceros di cui è sorella; prodotto prodigioso del contributo di tutte le energie di un’epoca, ove su ogni pietra si vede impressa in cento modi diversi la fantasia dell’operaio disciplinata dal genio dell’artista; sorta di creazione umana, in poche parole, potente e feconda come la creazione divina a cui sembra aver strappato il suo duplice carattere: la varietà e l’eternità".
Nicolas Jean Baptiste Raguenet (1715-1793)
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905)
Winslow Homer (1836-1910)