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George Tooker | Embrace

George Clair Tooker, Jr. (1920-2011) was in a relationship with the artist Paul Cadmus from 1944-1949 and was a part of the PaJaMa artists collective during that time.
He is featured, often nude, in many of their images from that period.
In the mid-1950's Tooker met his long time partner, painter William R. Christopher, and they lived together in New York City.
They moved into a house they had built in Hartland, Vermont in 1960.
The couple were involved in the Civil Rights Movement and participated in one of the Selma to Montgomery marches in 1965.

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Galina Chuvilyaeva, 1957 | Angels

Galina Chuvilyaeva / Галина Чувиляева is a famous St. Petersburg artist, jeweler, member of the Union of Designers and the Union of Artists of Russia, a participant in numerous exhibitions.
Galina Chuvilyaeva was born in 1957 on the Volga. Childhood and youth passed in Ukraine, where his father served.
The beauty of the Carpathians, mountains, rivers and gardens blooming twice a year - all this has left an indelible mark on the artist's soul.

"Childhood is difficult now", says Galina Chuvilyaeva, "a lot of problems, not much positive. It feels the lack of the kindness and the warmth that were in my childhood.
Therefore, I want to share this warmth. My paintings bring joy, so I can not stop: I work and work. Through myself I transfer my sunny childhood. We lived in that life in an illusion, in anticipation of change for the better, we were dreamers".
“I am happy that in this way I can bring good to this imperfect, but beautiful world” she said.

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Vassilis Antonakos, 1980 | Abstract painter /sculptor

Βασίλης Αντωνάκος is an Greek painter🎨, known for work in abstract style.
Antonakos was born in Athens.
For biographical notes and other works see:

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Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller | Genre / Romantic painter

Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (Vienna, 1793 – Hinterbrühl, 1865) è stato un pittore e scrittore Austriaco.
Considerato con Friedrich von Amerling il più grande ritrattista austriaco del XIX secolo.
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller frequentò brevemente l'Accademia di belle arti di Vienna ma, per vivere, iniziò a realizzare ritratti.
Nel 1811 si recò in Croazia per svolgere la professione di insegnante d'arte. Tornato a Vienna tre anni dopo, iniziò a migliorare le proprie abilità ricopiando i capolavori dei più grandi maestri.
Waldmüller indirizzò quindi il suo interesse alla natura e iniziò a dipingere paesaggi, di cui divenne maestro.

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Edvard Munch | Love and Pain, 1893-1895

Love and Pain is a painting by Edvard Munch🎨. It has also been called Vampire, though not by Munch.
Munch painted six different versions of the subject in the period 1893-1895:
  • Three versions are at the Munch Museum in Oslo;
  • One is at the Gothenburg Museum of Art;
  • One is owned by a private collector;
  • The last one is unaccounted for.
He also painted several versions and derivatives in his later career.
The painting shows a woman with long flame-red hair kissing a man on the neck, as the couple embrace.

Edvard Munch | Vampire, 1895 | The Munch Museum Oslo

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Alvar Suñol, 1935 | Cubist painter /sculptor

Alvar Suñol Munoz-Ramos was born in Montgat, a Catalonian city near Barcelona, on January 29, 1935. He started painting at 12, and at 17, he was accepted into the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de San Jorge in Barcelona.
At 18, Alvar entered a painting into a competition for the Young Painters Prize🎨 sponsored by the City of Barcelona.
His painting won the grand prize🎨 and it is now in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona. His first one-man exhibition in Barcelona was in 1957.

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George Elgar Hicks | Genre Victorian-era painter

George Elgar Hicks (13 March 1824 - 1914) was an English painter🎨 during the Victorian era.
He is best known for his large genre paintings🎨, which emulate William Powell Frith🎨 in style, but was also a society portraitist.
Born on 13 March 1824 in Lymington, Hampshire, George Elgar Hicks was the second son of a wealthy magistrate.
His parents encouraged Hicks to become a doctor and so Hicks studied medicine at University College from 1840-1842.

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William Powell Frith (1819-1909)

The few pictures that made Frith's reputation are of contemporary subjects.
These started, tentatively, with a picture of a servant girl (c. 1853), which was engraved with the saleable title of Sherry Sir?
Frith produced his first ambitious modern-life subject: Life at the Seaside (or Ramsgate Sands, exh. RA 1854; London, Buckingham Pal., Royal Col.)..

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Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller | Genre / Orientalist painter

Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (15 January 1793 in Vienna - 23 August 1865 in Hinterbrühl, Austria) was an Austrian painter and writer. Waldmüller was one of the most important Austrian painters of the Biedermeier period.


In 1807 Waldmüller attended the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
He lived in Bratislava and, in 1811, he worked as a teacher of arts for the children of Count Gyulay in Croatia.
He returned to the Academy of Vienna and studied portrait painting.
In 1814 he married the singer Katharina Weidner, and subsequently went on tour with her, working as a set designer.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti | Giunto è già 'l corso della vita mia | Sonetto 285

Giunto è già 'l corso della vita mia
Per tempestoso mar con fragil barca
Al comun porto , ov'a render si varca
Conto e ragion d'ogni opra trista e pia.

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Frithjof Smith-Hald | Landscape painter

Frithjof Smith-Hald (1846-1903) was a Norwegian landscape painter.
From 1865-1870 he attended the Royal Drawing School (established in 1816) in the capital Christiania, and Johan Fredrik Eckersberg (1822-1870) Painting School in Border (established in 1859).
From 1871-1873 he moved to Karlsruhe in Germany, and taught with Hans Gude (1825-1903) who had gone there in 1864.
From 1873-1878 Smith-Hald was at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf where Gude had been from 1841. But he preferred Paris and moved there in 1878, and became Norway's most famous painter in Europe at the time.

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: "Ho cercato di fare ciò che è vero e non ideale"

"Of course one should not drink much, but often".

"I paint things as they are. I don't comment".
"Dipingo le cose come stanno. Io non commento. Io registro".

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return".

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David Černý, 1967 | Metalmorphosis | Giant Rotating Heads

Metalmorphosis is a 14-ton water fountain that's shaped like a human head. On top of that, the sculpture is made with over 35 steel layers that can independently rotate 360 degrees to re-arrange its face and trip your brains out.
The mirrored water fountain is made by Czech sculptor David Černý and is located in Whitehall Technology Park in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Metalmorphosis | Giant Rotating Heads by David Cerny

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James Smetham | The Dream, 1856

James Smetham (1821-1889), a Victorian painter and critic, is better remembered for his friendships with such Pre-Raphaelite figureheads as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and John Ruskin than for the short time in his career when he adopted their artistic ideology into his own aesthetic.
"The Dream" is a good example of Smetham’s take on the Pre-Raphaelite style as it sports many of its characteristic elements, including the arched format, meticulous finish, and moody intensity.

James Smetham | The Dream, 1856 | High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia

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Edward William Cooke (1811-1880)

Edward William Cooke was an English🎨 landscape and marine painter and gardener.
Cooke was born in Pentonville, London, the son of well-known line engraver George Cooke; his uncle, William Bernard Cooke (1778-1855), was also a line engraver of note, and Edward was raised in the company of artists.
He was a precocious draughtsman and a skilled engraver from an early age, displayed an equal preference for marine subjects (in special in sailing ships) and published his "Shipping and Craft" - a series of accomplished engravings - when he was 18, in 1829.

He benefited from the advice of many of his father's associates, notably Clarkson Stanfield (whose principal marine follower he became) and David Roberts.
Cooke began painting in oils in 1833, took formal lessons from James Stark in 1834 and first exhibited at the Royal Academy and British Institution in 1835, by which time his style was essentially formed.
He went on to travel and paint with great industry at home and abroad, indulging his love of the 17th-century Dutch marine artists with a visit to the Netherlands in 1837.
He returned regularly over the next 23 years, studying the effects of the coastal landscape and light, as well as the works of the country's Old Masters, resulting in highly successful paintings.
These included 'Beaching a Pink at Scheveningen' (National Maritime Museum, London), which he exhibited in 1855 at the Royal Academy, of which he was an Associate from 1851. He went on to travel in Scandinavia, Spain, North Africa and, above all, to Venice.

In 1858, he was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Honorary Academician.
Cooke was "particularly attracted by the Isle of Wight, and on his formative visit of 1835 he made a thorough study of its fishing boats and lobster pots; above all he delighted in the beaches strewn with rocks of various kinds, fishing tackle, breakwaters and small timber-propped jetties".
He also had serious natural history and geological interests, being a Fellow of the Linnean Society, Fellow of the Geological Society and Fellow of the Zoological Society, and of the Society of Antiquaries.
In the 1840s he helped his friend, the horticulturist, James Bateman fit out and design the gardens at Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire, in particular the orchids and rhododendrons.
His geological interests in particular led to his election as Fellow of the Royal Society in 1863 and he became a Royal Academician the following year.
In 1842 John Edward Gray named a species of boa, Corallus cookii, in Cooke's honor. | © Wikipedia

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Edvard Munch | Symbolist / Expressionist painter

Edvard Munch, (born December 12, 1863, Löten, Norway - died January 23, 1944, Ekely, near Oslo), Norwegian painter and printmaker whose intensely evocative treatment of psychological themes built upon some of the main tenets of late 19th-century Symbolism and greatly influenced German Expressionism in the early 20th century.
His painting The Scream, or The Cry (1893)🎨, can be seen as a symbol of modern spiritual anguish.

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Edvard Munch | The Scream / L'urlo, 1893

The Scream is the best known and most frequently reproduced of all Edvard Munch’s (1863-1944) motifs.
With its expressive colours, its flowing lines and striking overall effect, its appeal is universal.
Despite radical simplification, the landscape in the picture is recognisable as the Kristiania Fjord seen from Ekeberg, with a broad view over the fjord, the town and the hills beyond.

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Dietz Edzard | Romantic impressionist painter

Dietz (Dietrich Hermann) Edzard (1893-1963) was a German🎨 Impressionist and Modern painter.
The full gamut of this remarkable painter’s talent was shown in florals and figures, scenes from the theater, scenes from cafes and beaches as well as portraits, all characterized by the wonderfully subtle color and glowing light, which are so much a part of Edzard’s special fascination.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Edzard see:

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Argentine Art History and Sitemap

Argentina has a rich history of different types of art.
Throughout the centuries it has changed, and finally became what it is today.
An Argentine painting refers to all the pictorial production done in the country of Argentina throughout the centuries.

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MusicArt | Sitemap

"Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul; on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace, and making the soul of him who is rightly educated graceful, or of him who is ill-educated ungraceful" - Plato.

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Canadian Art History and Sitemap

Canadian art refers to the visual (including painting, photography, and printmaking) as well as plastic arts (such as sculpture) originating from the geographical area of contemporary Canada.
Art in Canada is marked by thousands of years of habitation by First Nations Peoples followed by waves of immigration which included artists of European origins and subsequently by artists with heritage from countries all around the world.
The nature of Canadian art reflects these diverse origins, as artists have taken their traditions and adapted these influences to reflect the reality of their lives in Canada.