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Danish Artists | Sitemap

Danish Art is the visual arts produced in Denmark or by Danish artists. It goes back thousands of years with significant artifacts from the 2nd millennium BC, such as the Trundholm sun chariot. For many early periods, it is usually considered as part of the wider Nordic art of Scandinavia.
Art from what is today Denmark forms part of the art of the Nordic Bronze Age, and then Norse and Viking art.
Danish medieval painting is almost entirely known from church frescos such as those from the 16th-century artist known as the Elmelunde Master.
The Reformation greatly disrupted Danish artistic traditions, and left the existing body of painters and sculptors without large markets.


The requirements of the court and aristocracy were mainly for portraits, usually by imported artists, and it was not until the 18th century that large numbers of Danes were trained in contemporary styles.
For an extended period of time thereafter art in Denmark either was imported from Germany and the Netherlands or Danish artists studied abroad and produced work that was seldom inspired by Denmark itself.

From the late 18th century on, the situation changed radically. Beginning with the Danish Golden Age, a distinct tradition of Danish art began and has continued to flourish until today. Due to generous art subsidies, contemporary Danish art has a big production per capita.

Constantin Hansen | A Group of Danish Artists in Rome, 1837
Constantin Hansen, Thorvald Bindesbøll, Martinus Rørbye, Wilhelm Marstrand, Albert Küchler, Ditlev Blunck and Jørgen Sonne

Though usually not especially a major centre for art production or exporter of art, Denmark has been relatively successful in keeping its art; in particular, the relatively mild nature of the Danish Reformation, and the lack of subsequent extensive rebuilding and redecoration of churches, has meant that with other Scandinavian countries, Denmark has unusually rich survivals of medieval church paintings and fittings.

One period when Nordic art exerted a strong influence over the rest of northern Europe was in Viking art, and there are many survivals, both in stone monuments left untouched around the countryside, and objects excavated in modern times. | © Wikipedia

Paul Gustave Fischer (1860-1934) Cirkus Varieté, An evening at the Cirkusbygningen Jernbanegade, Copenhagen | Christie's

Danish Artists at Tutt'Art@

Harald Slott-Møller | Symbolist painter
Peder Severin Krøyer | Impressionist painter
Bertel Thorvaldsen | Neoclassical sculptor
Carl Vilhelm Holsøe | Interior painter
Thor Lindeneg, 1941 | Surrealist / Symbolist painter
Laurits Andersen Ring | Symbolist / Genre painter
Vilhelm Hammershøi | Interior / Genre painter
Vilhelm Hammershøi | Interior / Genre / Romantic painter
Peder Mork Mønsted | Plein air / Genre painter | Part. 5
Peder Mork Mønsted | Plein air / Genre painter | Part. 4
Peder Mork Mønsted | Plein air / Genre painter | Part. 3
Peder Mork Mønsted | Plein air / Genre painter | Part. 2
Peder Mork Mønsted | Plein air / Genre painter
Gerda Wegener | The Danish pioneer of Art Dèco | Wegener’s wife In 'The Danish Girl'
Olivia Muus, 1985 | Museum of Selfies
Vilhelm Bjerke Petersen ~ Surrealist /Abstract painter
Harald Engman | Cityscape painter
Anna Ancher | Skagen painter
Laila Bell ~ Figurative sculptor
Agnes Slott-Moller ~ Symbolist painter
Paul Gustave Fischer | Cityscape | Figurative painter
Stephan Sinding ~ Adoration | VideoArt
Stephan Sinding | Romantic / Symbolist sculptor
Paulo Coelho / Thor Lindeneg | Il gioco degli Dei...
Paul Gustave Fischer | Cityscape / Figurative painter
Johan Laurentz Jensen | Floral Still Life painter
Carl Bloch | Post-Romantic painter
Johan-Laurents Jensen ~ Still life

Carl Vilhelm Holsøe | The Artist's Wife sitting at a window in a sunlit

Carl Vilhelm Holsøe | Young Lady at the spinet

Christen Købke | View of Lake Sortedam, 1838

Johan Laurentz Jensen (1800-1856) Still life with flowers

Peder Severin Krøyer | Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Artist Festival at Skagen, 1888

Peder Severin Krøyer | Summer evening on the beach at Skagen, The painter and his wife

Hans Andersen | Brendekilde Aksesamlere Raagelund, 1883

Paul Gustave Fischer | The flower market at Højbro Plads Copenhagen

L'arte Danese è l'arte visiva prodotta in Danimarca o dagli artisti danesi. Risale a migliaia di anni con importanti manufatti del II millennio aC, come il carro solare di Trundholm. Per molti periodi iniziali, è generalmente considerato parte della più ampia arte nordica della Scandinavia.
L'arte di quella che è oggi la Danimarca fa parte dell'arte dell'età del bronzo nordica, e quindi dell'arte norvegese e vichinga.
La pittura medievale danese è quasi interamente conosciuta dagli affreschi della chiesa, come quelli dell'artista del XVI secolo noto come Elmelunde Master.

La Riforma distrusse profondamente le tradizioni artistiche danesi e lasciò il corpo esistente di pittori e scultori senza grandi mercati. I requisiti della corte e dell'aristocrazia erano principalmente per i ritratti, di solito di artisti importati, e non è stato fino al 18 ° secolo che un gran numero di danesi sono stati formati in stili contemporanei.
Per un lungo periodo di tempo, successivamente, l'arte in Danimarca fu importata dalla Germania e dai Paesi Bassi o da artisti danesi studiati all'estero e produsse lavori che raramente furono ispirati dalla Danimarca stessa.
Dalla fine del XVIII secolo in poi, la situazione cambiò radicalmente. A cominciare dall'età dell'oro danese, una tradizione distinta dell'arte danese ha avuto inizio e ha continuato a prosperare fino ad oggi.

A causa di generosi sussidi artistici, l'arte danese contemporanea ha una grande produzione pro capite.
Sebbene in genere non sia particolarmente un centro importante per la produzione artistica o l'esportazione di arte, la Danimarca ha avuto relativamente successo nel mantenere la sua arte; in particolare, la natura relativamente mite della Riforma danese e la mancanza di una successiva vasta ricostruzione e riqualificazione delle chiese, ha fatto sì che in altri paesi scandinavi la Danimarca abbia una vita insolitamente ricca di dipinti e arredi medievali.
Un periodo in cui l'arte nordica esercitò una forte influenza sul resto dell'Europa settentrionale fu nell'arte vichinga, e ci sono molte sopravvivenze, sia in monumenti di pietra rimasti intatti nella campagna, sia oggetti scavati in tempi moderni.

 Paul Gustave Fischer (1860-1934) The Royal Theatre Ballet School, Copenhagen, 1889 | Christie's

Paul Gustave Fischer | Winter in the Place du Theatre