Esionov Andrey Kimovich / Есионов Андрей Кимович is a Russian painter🎨 and graphic artist, who paints portraits and cityscapes.
He is academician (Full member) of the Russian Academy of Arts (the painting department, 2018), a member of the Russian Artistic Union of Painters (1995), the Moscow Artists' Association of International Art Fund, and the Union of Russian Artists.
Esionov works in the portrait genre, and actively promotes watercolor painting.
According to critics he works in a contemporary art style at the interface of academism.
The artist's works are in the collections of museums including the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Moscow), the State Russian Museum (Saint Petersburg), the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan), Samara Regional Art Museum (Samara) and the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan (Tashkent).
In his paintings the artist turns objects and subjects of the real world into works of art which is an indisputable evidence of his talent, high level of professional skills and mastery.
Rather than cloning the real world, Esionov uses no optical devices, film or photo cameras to create a new reality relying only on purely artistic means.
Esionov’s imaginary compositions and creative stylistic peculiarities visualize harmony of reality and imagination that inspires associative perception and imagination.
Esionov Andrey Kimovich was born in the city of Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
He graduated from the Republican Music and Art boarding school in 1981 as a specialist in graphic art. In the same year he entered the Tashkent State Theater and Art Institute named after Alexander Ostrovsky, where received an academic education in the Department of Easel Painting.
Esionov is a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia and of the Union of Artists of Russia.
He is academician of the Russian Academy of Arts.
He has been awarded🎨 a gold medal by the Russian Academy of Arts (2012), Shuvalov's medal (2016), and has been honoured with many international and national exhibitions. | © Wikipedia
Il maestro Russo🎨 Esionov Andrey Kimovich è nato nella capitale dell’Uzbekistan, a Tashkent.
Nel 1981 si è diplomato al Collegio Repubblicano di Musica e Arte come pittore e grafico. Nello stesso anno è entrato all'Istituto d’Arte Teatrale A. N. Ostrovskij di Tashkent dove ha portato a termine i corsi di studi accademici della classe di pittura su cavalletto.
Esionov è membro dell’Unione Creativa dei Pittori Russi, dell’Unione dei Pittori Russi e membro effettivo dell’Accademia Russia di Belle Arti.
Ha vinto:
- La medaglia🎨 d’oro dell’Accademia Russa di Belle Arti;
- La medaglia🎨 d’argento dell’Unione Creativa dei Pittori Russi.
- Nella VI edizione del Festival Internazionale d’Arte di Mosca "Traditions and Modernism", categoria pittura.
Ha partecipato a numerose mostre russe ed internazionali.
Da ieri, il 5 Marzo 2019 fino al 28 Aprile 2019, il maestro Andrey Esionov espone in Italia con una grande mostra all'Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze e poi, dal 1 settembre 2019 - 30 ottobre 2019 nel museo di San Salvatore in Lauro, Roma.