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Michelangelo Buonarroti | S'egli è che 'n dura pietra alcun somigli | Sonetto 242

S’egli è che ’n dura pietra alcun somigli
talor l’immagin d’ogni altri a se stesso,
squalido e smorto spesso
il fo, com’i’ son fatto da costei.
E par ch’esempro pigli
ognor da me, ch’i’ penso di far lei.

Ben la pietra potrei,
per l’aspra suo durezza,
in ch’io l’esempro, dir c’a lei s’assembra;
del resto non saprei,
mentre mi strugge e sprezza,
altro sculpir che le mie afflitte membra.

Ma se l’arte rimembra
agli anni la beltà per durare ella,
farà me lieto, ond’io le’ farò bella.

Since it's true that, in hard stone, one will at times

Since it's true that, in hard stone, one will at times
make the image of someone else look like himself,
I often make her dreary
and ashen, just as I'm made by this woman;
and I seem to keep taking myself
as a model, whenever I think of depicting her.

I could well say that the stone
in which I model her
resembles her in its harsh hardness; but
in any case I could not,
while she scorns and destroys me,
sculpt anything but my own tormented features.

So, since art preserves the memory
of beauty through the years, if she wants to last,
she will make me glad, so that I'll make her beautiful.