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Sir Peter Paul Rubens | Baroque Era painter

Peter Paul Rubens, (born June 28, 1577, Siegen, Nassau, Westphalia [Germany] - died May 30, 1640, Antwerp, Spanish Netherlands [now in Belgium]), Flemish painter who was the greatest exponent of Baroque painting's🎨, dynamism, vitality, and sensuous exuberance. Though his masterpieces include portraits and landscapes, Rubens is perhaps best known for his religious and mythological compositions.
As the impresario of vast decorative programs, he presided over the most famous painter’s studio in Europe. His powers of invention were matched by extraordinary energy and versatility.
The art of Peter Paul Rubens is a fusion of the traditions of Flemish realism with the Classicizing tendencies of the Italian Renaissance🎨. Rubens was able to infuse his own astounding vitality into a powerful and exuberant style that came to epitomize the Baroque art of the 17th century.

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Emmanuel Garant, 1953 | Figurative painter

Born in Lévis, Canadian painter and teacher Emmanuel Garant, studied drawing and painting from 1973-1976 with his father, André Garant, and his mother, Louise Carrier, both fine arts painters celebrated in Quebec and in other countries.
Emmanuel therefore grew up in an environment conducive to artistic endeavors and has rubbed shoulders with his parents’friends such as painter Jean-Paul Lemieux and numerous others…
Formal Recognition
- Member of «The figurative Art Institut» (IAF), 2011;
- Academician 2011;
- International Academy of Fine Arts of Quebec, 2011;
- Winner of Elizabeth-Greenshields Grant (Montréal, QC, 1979).

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Konstantin Kacev, 1967 | Figurative painter

Konstantin Kacev / Константин Качев was born in Taschent (SSSR) where he lived till 1983 year.
He continued his secondary education in Skopje till 1986, and in 1995 he graduates from the Faculty of Fine Arts - Skopje at the department of painting, conservation and restoration.
For many years he had worked at the Republic’s Department of Culture and Conservation specializing in protection of monuments as a freelance wall painting conservator.
Since 1999 he has moved in his studio and participates in many exhibitions across Macedonia and several independent exhibitions in Paris and New York in 2005.
He lives and work in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

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Christiane Vleugels, 1963 | Photorealistic painter

Christiane Vleugels🎨 displayed her extraordinary gift of painting at a young age.
She graduated from the Royal Art Academy, Antwerp, and went through a difficult period while living on commissions to paint portraits and reproductions. Christiane🎨 came to realize that all of these toils resulted in techniques which produced more glowing creations and expects one day to release her passions through her art with a fully-blossomed sense of freedom.
Later on, Christiane🎨 accepted a commission from the Belgian military to paint the portrait for the Belgian Royal couple, former King Boudewijn and Queen Fabiola.
Christine used to be represented by the renowned German gallery ‘Gallerie Des Beaux Arts’ and has already participated in 12 group exhibitions and 10 solo shows. She has an international collector base in Europe, Egypt, England and Asia.

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Sergio Martínez, 1966 | Figurative painter

Sergio Martinez Cifuentes, dual Chilean-Spanish nationality, born in Santiago, Chile.
As a young man, known for his drawings, which together with its stark poetry and musical compositions, beginning to structure their profile adolescent romantic and existentialist.
It is at this stage where he participated in numerous youth competitions in painting, gaining significant recognition, which helps you understand the true importance of their relationship with plastic.
In its first stage attaches to descriptive realism, showing great control over the forms and content management and elegant color, being its main theme the landscape.

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Marta Dahlig, 1985 | Fantasy / Concept Illustrator

Marta Dahlig is an Polish🎨 digital painter who has been recognized with numerous awards🎨 for her work and contributions.
Her artwork have been featured everywhere from CG society, ImagineFX to countless other magazines, publications and blogs.
I am live in Warsaw, Poland. For my official employment, a “regular” full time job - I currently work as a media planner at MPG media agency. I know - not too artsy...
In fact, it’s an extremely analytic, number-crunching job. Maybe it doesn’t fit well with the image but I like the challenge the contrast is giving me…
Illustrating I do out of passion. Currently I work as a cover illustrator for a few German publishing houses as well as prepare tutorials for Future Publishing’s ImagineFX magazine on a nearly monthly basis.

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Volodia Popov, 1961 | Magic Realism painter

Born in Michurinsk, Volodia Popov-Massiaguine / Володя Попов is a Russian painter🎨 living in Paris.
Volodia Popov is the artist for whom does not exist any stylistic border.
The horizonts of his creativity are opened widely to meet the seven winds. At any time filled with salty energy sails can transfer the clipper of his inexhaustible imagination to unfamiliar mysterious coast of new terra incognita.
Volodia Popov-Massiaguine has tackled a variety of pictorial genres, exhibiting a particular talent for the female form and still-life’s.

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Jim Warren, 1949 | Fantasy / Surrealist painter

American painter Jim Warren was born in Long Beach, California and currently lives in Clearwater, Florida.
Jim Warren is considered a "living legend" of the art world.
His work has graced hundreds of movie posters, book and magazine covers, record albums most notably Grammy Award winning cover for Bob Seger's album, "Against the Wind" in 1981.
Beginnings: Started painting at age 2, like all children. Went through the usual string of career choices such as: artist, magician, artist, rock star, artist etc.

Jim Warren 1949 |  American Fantasy and Surrealist painter

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Pedro Salinas / Bill Bate | If you would call me / Se tu mi chiamassi / Si me llamaras..

Se mi chiamassi, sì,
se mi chiamassi.
Io lascerei tutto,
tutto io getterei:
i prezzi, i cataloghi,
l'azzurro dell'oceano sulle carte,
i giorni e le loro notti,
i telegrammi vecchi
ed un amore.
Tu, che non sei il mio amore,
se mi chiamassi!

If you would call me, oh yes,
if you would only call me!
I would leave everything,
I would throw everything over;
prices, catalogs,
the blue of the ocean on maps,
The days and their nights,
old telegrams
and a love,
You, who are not my love,
if you would only call me!

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Michelangelo Buonarroti | S'egli è che 'n dura pietra alcun somigli | Sonetto 242

S’egli è che ’n dura pietra alcun somigli
talor l’immagin d’ogni altri a se stesso,
squalido e smorto spesso
il fo, com’i’ son fatto da costei.
E par ch’esempro pigli
ognor da me, ch’i’ penso di far lei.

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Roberto Ferri, 1978 | Baroque style painter

Roberto Ferri born in Taranto, Italy. Inspired deeply by Baroque painters, especially Caravaggio and other Old Masters of Romanticism, Academism and Symbolism (David, Ingres, Girodet, Gericault, Gleyre, Bouguereauv, Moreau, Redon, Rops, etc.) Graduated - with Honors - Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

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Jeanette Guichard Bunel, 1957 | Pop Surrealist painter

" - Tough my painting I wish to transpose the visitor to the world of dreams.
I would like to have sensitivity predominate over reasoning by inciting the viewer to see further than appearances…
I would like to establish extra-verbal and extra-sensorial communication between us by removing the barriers of rationalism".

French painter🎨 Jeannette Guichard-Bunel wants to take her spectators on a dream like journey through her paintings. She wants to give supremacy to reasoning so that the spectator can analyze and go beyond appearances.
She likes to establish an extra-verbal and extra sensorial communication with her public and erase the barriers of rationalism. Her characters try to catch the spectator's eye and attract him to a world where time stands still and has boundless space.

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Sinisha Kashawelski, 1969 | Pittore Surrealista

Sinisha Kashawelski è un pittore multipremiato Macedone, che vive e lavora a Kumanovo, in Macedonia del Nord.
I dipinti di Kashawelski hanno uno stile prevalentemente surrealista, sebbene debba molto della sua ispirazione alla tradizione pittorica macedone.
Il realismo incontra il surrealismo: Kashawelski combina le tendenze realiste, più viste nel lavoro degli Antichi Maestri con elementi surrealisti del passato, del futuro e del presente dell'artista.
Le opere di Kashawelski sono eseguite ad olio e principalmente su tela, ma occasionalmente lavora su pannelli di legno.

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Felix Ziem | The Barbizon school of painters

Félix Ziem (1821-1911) was a French painter in the style of the Barbizon School.
He was born Félix-Francois Georges Philibert Ziem in Beaune in the Côte-d'Or département of the Burgundy région of France.
His mother was a native of Burgundy who married an immigrant. Originally, Ziem planned to be an architect and studied at the School of Architecture in Dijon, and for a time worked as an architect.

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Drew Darcy, 1976 | Figurative / Pop Art painter

Drew Darcy, British painter, was born in Shrewsbury in 1976.
I am the eldest of twin boys. Being the son of a doctor and a nurse, I always felt in safe hands right from the start. My artistic flare may well have been passed down from my mother's side. She was one of a family of ten children.
Music and art was a central part of growing up in Dublin.
My grandfather was from five generations of tailors and trained in Saville Row to become a bespoke tailor.
He had three shops in Ireland, one of which was in historical Kilmainham, Dublin.

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Alfredo Araujo Santoyo, 1972 | Abstract Figurative Painter / Sculptor

Alfredo Araújo Santoyo is an Colombian artist, born in Bogota, Colombia.
Principal Studies: Specializing in Painting Sculpture and Ceramics: Academie Royale des Beaux Arts, Brussels-Belgium Anatomical Dissection.

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Andrius Kovelinas (Surrealist painter, 1958)

Andrius Kovelinas is an Lithuanian artist, living in Poland. He received prizes in varroius competitions. In Lithuania, he ran his own art school. He lived in France and Ireland. From years of experience in oil painting. There are many exhibitions on his account. The main theme of his work are women.
Andrius Kovelinas has been living in Ireland for almost 6 years now. His extraordinary style and imagination has been on show at The Green Gallery shortly after he set foot on these shores.
For many years Andrius had travelled throughout Europe producing his masterly works everywhere he wen “I travelled a lot in Europe through Countries such as Sweden, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Spain. My sister lives in New York I go there two or three times a year and organise small private exhibition for collectors”. Before I moved to Ireland I was living In Northern France in the City of St. Michel.

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Léon Comerre | Orientalist / Academic painter

Léon François Comerre (1850-1916) was a French🎨 academic painter, famous for his portraits of beautiful women.
Comerre was born in Trélon, in the Département du Nord, the son of a schoolteacher. He moved to Lille with his family in 1853. From an early age he showed an interest in art and became a student of Alphonse Colas at the École des Beaux-Arts in Lille, winning a gold medal in 1867.
From 1868 a grant from the Département du Nord allowed him to continue his studies in Paris at the famous École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in the studio of Alexandre Cabanel. There he came under the influence of Orientalism.
Comerre first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1871 and went on to win prizes there in 1875 and 1881.

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Mike Worrall, 1942 | Surrealist painter

Born in Matlock Derbyshire, UK, Mike Worrall is an British painter and designer, inspired by historical themes.
Now based in Australia, his massive oil paintings depicting dreamlike surreality hang in private collections and gallery.
As a child, Mike Worrall was always intrigued by the paintings that introduced a mystery element to them to draw in the viewer.
Since then, Worrall creates paintings that follow that similar direction.

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Jeremy Lipking, 1975 | Figurative painter

In a remarkably short period of time, Jeremy Lipking🎨 has emerged as one of the country's premier Realist artists. His talent, which rivals that of the late nineteenth century painterly realists such as John Singer Sargent🎨, Joaquin Sorolla🎨 and Anders Zorn🎨, is outstanding for a painter of any age. It is all the more remarkable since he is only thirty years old.
Like these great painters of the past, Lipking is a virtuoso artist. His canvases convey the magical aura of convincing imagery emerging out of a field of paint. Realism has been misunderstood through most of the twentieth century as an art of imitation. In truth, when practiced by a painter like Jeremy Lipking🎨, realist painting is a powerful creative force. Many viewers are drawn to his art thinking that it looks just like a photograph.

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Bruno Di Maio (1944-2025)

Bruno Di Maio, was one of the Italy’s best Figurative artists.
His work reflects his great love for Renaissance paintings, yet at the same time a strong desire for expressive autonomy.
Di Maio tries, successfully, in his allegorical and surrealistic interpretation of present, to give life to the recollect quality of the past.
The originality of his vision is seen in the sumptuous subject matter, the quality of his chiaroscuro and the dramatic light effect on the figures and objects in his paintings.
His work is happy, carnal, rich in color and vibrant with light.
In addition to paintings, his artistic training extends to sculpture, engraving, excellent watercolors as well as astounding trompe l’oeil mural paintings.
His works can be found in private and public collections in Europe, Japan, Australia and in the United States.

Bruno Di Maio 1944 | Italian Surrealist Figurative painter

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Claude Monet | La Mare, effet de neige, 1874-75

Claude Monet painted La Mare, effet de neige in Argenteuil winter of 1874-1875.
The aethereal landscape employs tonal blue and white hues to create a frosted snowscape, bordered by homes with snow-dusted roofs.
A trio of silhouetted figures, dwarfed by trees, traverse the scene.
The work is brilliant, charming and subtle, standing as a superb example of Monet’s experimentation with the Impressionist style in the mid-1870s.
During this crucial period of his practice, his increasingly loose brushwork and thick application of paint began to formally convey the more ephemeral and atmospheric effects of the natural world.

Claude Monet | La Mare, effet de neige, 1874/75 | Christie's

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Édouard Manet, l'uomo che ha rimesso in discussione l'arte intera!

Amareggiato dalla virulenza delle critiche, nell'agosto del 1865 Manet decise di partire per la Spagna, patria di quel Velázquez che gli aveva ispirato così tanti quadri (a tal punto che iniziò a circolare il nomignolo «Don Manet y Courbetos y Zurbaran de las Batignolas»).

Dopo aver distrutto moltissime delle sue tele in un accesso di sconforto e di rabbia, l'artista si recò a Burgos, Valladolid e Madrid, ed al museo del Prado rimase incantato dai Velázquez (pittore che poté già ammirare de visu al museo spagnolo di Luigi Filippo) e dalla collezione dei dipinti antichi, italiani e nordici.
Il soggiorno spagnolo, d'altro canto, lo deluse, in quanto si rese conto di aver idealizzato troppo la Spagna, che sino ad allora era stato uno straripante repertorio di motivi (più volte dipinse scene legate alla corrida, senza d'altronde mai averne vista una).

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Khalil Gibran | On pleasure / Il piacere

Pleasure is a freedom-song, But it is not freedom.
It is the blossoming of your desires,
But it is not their fruit.
It is a depth calling unto a height, But it is not the deep nor the high. It is the caged taking wing,
But it is not space encompassed.
Ay, in very truth, pleasure is a freedom song.
And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart; yet I would not have you lose your hearts in the singing.

Some of your youth seek pleasure as if it were all, and they are judged and rebuked.
I would not judge nor rebuke them. I would have them seek.
For they shall find pleasure, but not her alone;
Seven are her sisters, and the least of them is more beautiful than pleasure.
Have you not heard of the man who was digging in the earth for roots and found a treasure?

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Ron Barsano, 1945 | Figurative / Abstract painter

American painter🎨 Ron Barsano, was born and raised in Chicago Illinois just two blocks from Wrigley Field. Immediately after High School he started a five year intense fine art program studying drawing and painting under the European taught masters William Mosby and Joseph Vanden Broucke at the American Academy of Art also in Chicago.
Ron moved to Taos, New Mexico in 1970 and became one of the co-founders of the famous "Taos Six".
He currently lives in Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico and shows his work at his Studio Gallery.
Ron Barsano🎨 is known and loved for his ability to capture the essence of life in his art. He ignites our imagination with his still life and transports us to places of wistful beauty with his landscapes.
He offers us the true glory of creation with his figure work and celebrates the human soul in each of his portraits. From the pain of a soul denied to the gentle beauty of a rose in bloom, from the graceful serenity of the human form to the spirit of the person in his portraits, Ron Barsano captures it all in his art.

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Viatcheslav Plotnikov, 1962 | Glamour of Monte Carlo

Viatcheslav Plotnikov was born in Russia. Since a young boy, Plotnikov knew which road his professional life would take. He couldn't of course have foreseen the good fortune he would have, but was however reassured and encouraged by his teachers of the art school: they recognised in him a great pictorial energy and sensed his talent.
Plotnikov was sustained by an intense desire to know and by an unshakeable will to perfect his work: he knew how important it was to master every technique and every style, because from this knowledge he would have been able to germinate a new art.
The neoclassicism would have represented the foundations of a new structure. The dedication and great passion he put into his studies slowly guaranteed the acquisition of a fascinating new knowledge: his character was strengthened internalising the example of the great painters of the past.

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Pablo Neruda | The Kiss / Il Bacio / El beso

I'll send you a kiss in the wind
and I know you feel,
you turn around without seeing me, but I'll be there
We are made ​​of the same stuff
of which dreams are made ​​of
I would like to be a white cloud
in an endless sky
to follow you everywhere and loving every moment.
If you are a dream, do not wake me
I would live in your breath
while you watch mad about you
Your dreams will be dreaming of me
I love you because you see reflected
in everything that is beautiful
Tell me where are you tonight
in my dreams again?

Pablo Neruda e Brita Seifert | La Poesia

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O Capitano! Mio Capitano! / O Captain! My Captain! | Walt Whitman, 1865

After Abraham Lincoln’s🎨 assassination in 1865, Walt Whitman (American🎨 poet, essayist and journalist, 1819-1892) wrote “O Captain My Captain”. The poem is written in a form of an elegy and is aimed to honor the sixteenth president of the United States.
The entire poem itself provides extended metaphor that implies comparisons between seemingly dissimilar things, for the U.S. after the Civil War and the killing of the President Lincoln.

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Thomas Eakins 1844-1916 | Sketch for the Portrait of Walt Whitman, 1887

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Bill Mack, 1949 | Relief sculptor

The impact of Bill Mack's art is achieved not only by his dramatic portrayal of the human form, but also by the utilization of a wide variety of materials with which to execute his artistic vision.
The final work emerges as a classic example of the interplay of form and materials.
For over 35 years, American sculptor Bill Mack has created sculpture in relief and in the round for government, corporate and private collections.
His art hangs in galleries in four continents and he has had exhibits in Tokyo, England, France and Germany.
In reference to his interest in relief sculpture, Mack states, A lot of sculptors have no reason to do it and they just don't develop in that direction.

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Andrey Belle, 1957 | Abstract / Mixed media painter

Aндрей Белле was born in Minsk, Bielorussia. Since his birth, he lived and studied in Leningrad, now St Petersburg. From 1975-1977, he served in the Soviet Army. In 1977, he went straight from the army into the V. I. Mukhina Leningrad Higher School of Commercial Art.
He began to exhibit his work while still at the institute. Upon graduating and being professionally assigned to the Lot Central Research Institute, he started work as an independent artist - a painter and graphic artist.

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Troy Brooks, 1972 | Pop-Surrealist painter

Toronto-based artist Troy Brooks is a contemporary surrealist painter known for his elaborate oil paintings dominated by towering women enveloped in a landscape of visual metaphor.
His heroine plays out intimate scenes, usually caught in moments where something transformative has or is about to happen.

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Giulio Romano | Renaissance / Mannerist painter

Giulio Romano🎨, also known as Giulio Pippi, (c. 1499 - 1 November 1546) was an Italian painter🎨 and architect. A pupil of Raphael🎨, his stylistic deviations from high Renaissance🎨 classicism help define the 16th-century style known as Mannerism🎨.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Romano see:

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Ambrosius Benson | Northern Renaissance painter

Ambrosius Benson (c. 1495/1500, in Ferrara or Milan - 1550, in Flanders) was an Italian painter who became a part of the Northern Renaissance.
While many surviving paintings have been attributed, there is very little known of him from records, and he tended not to sign his work.
He is believed to be responsible for mainly religious art, but also painted portraits on commission.
He sometime painted from classical sources, often setting the figures in modern-dress, or a contemporary domestic setting.

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Elena Vizerskaya, 1980 | Surrealist photographer

Elena Vizerskaya / Елка Визерская - Kassandra, is wonderful talented Russian🎨 photographer specialized in photo manipulating. She creates enigmatic universes teeming details with surgical precision. Graduated with flying colors from a children’s art school in 1994. Graduated from the Boychuk College of Decorative Arts and Design in Kiev, Ukraine in 2000.
The year 2001 saw me pursue a rather eclectic mix of design projects spanning practically all relevant areas, with the exception of web design and ikebana.
This mixed bag would engage my creativity for the next 3 years.
- In 2004, however, I happily took time off to experience the joys of motherhood, which, among other things, gave me a new sense of creative direction as I decided to concentrate on photography. I’ve kept at it with a passion ever since.

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Rosso Fiorentino | Musician Angel, 1522

Playing putto / Musical Angel is a fragment of a lost altarpiece which probably depicted the Madonna and Child with Saints.
This little work belonging to the period of maturity of the artist.
In 1605 the picture was collocated in the Tribune beside the more precious masterworks Medici family had collected.
Recent studies revealed the panel to be a fragment of a larger painting including - such as other altarpieces by Rosso - the angel in the lower part of the scene.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti | Life and Sculptures

Michelangelo, in full Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (born March 6, 1475, Caprese, Republic of Florence [Italy]-died February 18, 1564, Rome, Papal States) Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect and poet who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art.
Michelangelo was considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever since then he has been held to be one of the greatest artists of all time.
A number of his works in painting, sculpture, and architecture rank among the most famous in existence.

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Michelangelo | San Giovannino di Ubeda, 1495-1496

The biographies of Michelangelo by Vasari (1550) and Condivi (1553) recount that following the artist’s return to Florence from Bologna in 1495, his first commission was for a marble sculpture of a “San Giovannino” for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’Medici (cousin of Lorenzo the Magnificent), now identified as the present work. Rather than following the model of Donatello’s Saint John the Baptist (Florence, Museo del Bargello) as other Florentine sculptors had done, Michelangelo depicted the Baptist as much younger, no more than a boy of six or seven.

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Michelangelo | Pietà for Vittoria Colonna, 1538-44

"The Pietà for Vittoria Colonna" is a black chalk drawing on cardboard (28.9×18.9 cm) by Michelangelo Buonarroti, dated to about 1538-44 and kept at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston.


Michelangelo became acquainted with Vittoria Colonna (1492-1547, marchioness of Pescara, was an Italian noblewoman and poet) around 1538.
Their lively friendship gained Michelangelo admission to her social circles, and he became acquainted with issues of church reform.
For Colonna, Michelangelo executed several paintings in the fifth decade of the sixteenth century.
All of them are now lost or of controversial attribution, but several sketches and copies by students and admirers of Michelangelo have been preserved.
Apart from a famous Crucifixion, Michelangelo's most notable work for Vittoria Colonna is a Pietà, of which a remarkable drawing is exhibited at Boston.

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Giorgio Vasari racconta Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1550

Mentre gli industriosi et egregii spiriti col lume del famosissimo Giotto e de gli altri seguaci suoi si sforzavano dar saggio al mondo de ’l valore che la benignità delle stelle e la proporzionata mistione degli umori aveva dato a gli ingegni loro e, desiderosi di imitare con la eccellenzia della arte la grandezza della natura, per venire il piú che e’ potevano a quella somma cognizione che molti chiamano intelligenzia, universalmente, ancora che indarno si affaticavano, il benignissimo Rettor del Cielo volse clemente gli occhi a la terra e, veduta la vana infinità di tante fatiche, gli ardentissimi studii senza alcun frutto e la opinione prosuntuosa degli uomini, assai piú lontana da ’l vero che le tenebre da la luce, per cavarci di tanti errori si dispose mandare in terra uno spirito, che universalmente in ciascheduna arte et in ogni professione fusse abile, operando per sé solo a mostrare che cosa siano le difficultà nella scienza delle linee, nella pittura, nel giudizio della scultura e nella invenzione della veramente garbata architettura.

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Charles Edward Perugini | Victorian Era painter

Charles Edward Perugini (1839-1918) was an Italian-born British painter of the Victorian era.
Perugini was born in Naples, but lived with his family in England from the ages of six to 17.
He trained in Italy under Giuseppe Bonolis and Giuseppe Mancinelli, and in Paris under Ary Scheffer. He became a protégé of Lord Leighton, who brought him back to England in 1863.

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Kal Gajoum, 1968 | Cityscape painter

Kal Gajoum🎨 is an artist from Tripoli, Libya who currently resides in British Columbia, Quebec, Canada.
Kal Gajoum lived for extended periods of time in Malta, England and Paris before moving to Vancouver, British Columbia.
During these periods he earnestly studied fine art at the knee of some of the greatest teachers in Europe where he fell in love with the post-impressionist style.

For more biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Gajoum see:

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Giacomo Ceruti | Baroque / Genre / Portrait painter

Giacomo Antonio Melchiorre Ceruti (October 13, 1698 - August 28, 1767) was an Italian🎨 late Baroque painter🎨, active in Northern Italy in Milan, Brescia, and Venice. He acquired the nickname Pitocchetto (the little beggar) for his many paintings of peasants dressed in rags.
He was born in Milan, but worked primarily in Brescia. He may have been influenced early by Antonio Cifrondi and/or Giacomo Todesco (Todeschini), and received training from Carlo Ceresa. While he also painted still-life paintings and religious scenes, Ceruti is best known for his genre paintings, especially of beggars and the poor, whom he painted realistically and endowed with unusual dignity and individuality.
Ceruti gave particular attention to this subject matter during the period 1725-1740, and about 50 of his genre paintings from these years survive.

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Arturo Ricci | Genre painter

Arturo Ricci was born in Florence 19th April 1854. He studied in Florence under Tito Conti (1842-1924), a painter of genre renowned for "… the grace of his figures, precision of drawing and strength of his colours", Ricci was to surpass his master in all facets of his work.
Painting figurative subjects, genre scenes and scenes from family life, Ricci soon established himself as one of the foremost artists in Europe in the field of historical costume genre.
Fellow artists in this specific field included Vittorio Reggianini born 1858 in Modena, and Charles Frederick Soulacroix (1825-1879) in Paris.

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Tomasz Alen Kopera, 1976 | Magic Surrealism painter

Polish painter🎨 Tomasz Alen Kopera was born in Kożuchów, Poland. He attended the University of Technology in Wrocław, where he gained a degree in construction engineering.
His artistic talent came to light already in early childhood. Tomasz paints in oil on canvas. Human nature and the mysteries of the Universe are his inspiration.
His paintings permeate with symbols that often relate to human psyche and man’s relation with the surrounding world. His paintings are dark and mysterious.
The technique, developed over many years, testifies to the artist’s great sensitivity and talent. Tomasz is celebrated for his acute attention to detail and mastery of colour.
“In my work I try to reach to the subconscious. I want to keep the viewer’s attention for a longer moment. Make him want to reflect, contemplate”.
In 2005, the artist moved to Northern Ireland where he lives now.
From 2010 he has been a member of Libellule Group formed by Lukas Kandl.

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Tintoretto | 500th anniversary of the birth of the Venetian painter

In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Jacopo Tintoretto (1519-1594), the National Gallery of Art, Washington and the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia with the special cooperation of the Gallerie dell’Accademia, will organize a major exhibition on the Venetian master.
  • Following its opening at the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, beginning in September 2018, Tintoretto: Artist of Renaissance Venice will travel to the Gallery - its only other venue - from March 10 through July 7, 2019.
As the first retrospective of the artist in North America, the exhibition will include many significant international loans traveling to the U.S. for the first time.

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Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio | Renaissance painter

Born in Milan, Boltraffio (1467-1516), sometimes called Giovanni Antonio Beltraffio, was a painter of the High Renaissance said to work with Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).
This is partially confirmed by the biographer, Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) and also from Leonardo’s note of a Gian Antonio working in his studio. There is also the evidence that Boltraffio painted closely to the style of da Vinci at the time.
His pieces showing the influence of da Vinci include his Madonna and Child, among his other depictions of the Virgin and child, as well as in his portrait work. They clearly show the use of a common da Vinci trait, the smoky blend of color and tone to create depth in the image, a method called Sfumato.

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Lisa Yuskavage, 1962 | Figurative painter

Lisa Yuskavage is an American artist🎨 who lives and works in New York City. She is known for her figure paintings, in which seemingly ignoble subjects are depicted with classic, historical techniques.
Yuskavage was born in 1962 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She attended the Tyler School of Art at Temple University, and studied abroad during her third year through the Tyler School of Art’s program in Rome, before obtaining her BFA in 1984. Yuskavage received her MFA from the Yale School of Art in 1986.
She had a New York exhibit sell out before it opened, and one of her paintings sold at auction for more than $1 million.
In September 2015, Lisa Yuskavage: The Brood opened at the Rose Art Museum of Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.

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Guercino | Baroque painter

Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (1591-1666) was called Guercino in reference to his pronounced squint.
He was the leading Bolognese painter after the death of Guido Reni. His earlier pictures typically combine the chiaroscuro effects of Caravaggio with a charm and softness not usually found in followers of this artist.

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Sitemap / Mappa del sito

Tutt'Art@ | Painting * Sculpture * Poetry * Music | was founded in 2010 and represents an opportunity for KNOWLEDGE and CULTURE, and for artists, PROMOTE and EXPORT their art all over the world.
  • Connect with the people that shape our world.
  • Refine and expand your interests.
  • Explore the Past, Present and the Future of Art, Painting, Sculpture, Literature, Music, Photography and much more...
  • Be inspired yourself and inspire others.

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Salvatore Romano, 1957 | Symbolist painter

Salvatore Romano was born in Palermo and after his artistic studies at the Art Institute of Palermo and the Academy of Fine Arts of the painting course he moved to Florence, where he still lives and works.
He has held many collective and fifteen personal exhibitions.
His art has always been oriented towards New Symbolism.
National critics such as Marcello Venturoli, Dino Pasquali, Francesco Carbone, Nicolò D’Alessandro and Roberto Roda have dealt with him.