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Peder Mork Mønsted | Poetic views of Nature

The landscape painter Peder Mørk Mønsted (1859-1941) was famous for the clarity of light general to the painters of the 'golden age' of Danish painting, his pictures of beautiful naturalistic scenery made him the leading Danish landscapist of his age.
Born at the end of the "Golden Age" of Danish painting (from around 1800 to 1860), Peder Mønsted established his reputation primarily as a naturalist landscape artist—especially admired for his poetic point of view.
His first artistic training was at the Prince Ferdinand School of Art in Aarhus, Denmark where he studied with the landscape painter Andreas Fritz, who influenced the young artist’s development.

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Paul Cadmus | Life and artworks

The American artist Paul Cadmus (1904-1999) was a Thirty year old unknown, outside of his own New York bohemian circles, painter in 1934, but then he became famous, or should we say, infamous almost overnight when a major artistic scandal erupted over his risqué, and much publicized painting, The Fleet’s In!
The painting depicts US sailors on rowdy and lecherous shore leave and it aroused the anger and ire of US Navy top brass, not only for its depiction of the Navy but also its obvious sexual connotations that fed into the myth of naval life.

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Nikolai Belsky (1868-1945) At School Doors, 1897

Author: Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky (Russian painter⏩, 1868-1945)
Title: У дверей школы /At the Door of the School
Date: 1897
Medium: Oil on canvas
Current location: The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky (1868-1945) was an academic, a portrait and landscape painter.
Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky graduated from Petersburg Academy of Arts where he studied at J. Repin.

At the beginning of the XX th century the pictures of N. Bogdanov-Belsky are exhibited at the established museums of Russia and obtained by them. He also had a flair for portrait painting-he painted the Russian tsaz Nikolay II, prince Sergey Alexandrovich and Emperess Maria Fyodorovna.
The artist received the highest award for his contribution into art-the title of Academician full member of the Academy if Arts.
Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky settled in Riga in 1921. Organized a studio, where ethnic Latvians studied too. He was very productive as a portrait and landscape painter. In 1936 was awarded the highest award of Latvia, the Order of the Three Stars.
The collapse of monarchy and the bolshevik power made him move to Riga where he continued painting, especially rural landscapes, the peasants of Latgale.
From 1922 to 1940 there were held 7 exhibitions of the works of N. Bogdanov-Belsky in Latvia. In 1936 the artist was awarded the order of Three Stars. Many of his paintings are available in the Latvian Art Museum such as "Visit", "To school", "Dreamer".

The artist had t leave Latvia in 1944 and he died in Berlin in 1945.

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Pietro Annigoni | Realist painter

Pietro Annigoni (7 June 1910 - 28 October 1988) was an Italian portrait and fresco painter. He is best known for his portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, 1956.


Born in Milan in 1910, Annigoni was influenced by the Italian Renaissance. From the end of the 1920s on, he lived mainly in Florence where he studied at the College of the Piarist Fathers.
In 1927, he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where he attended the courses given by Felice Carena in painting, Giuseppe Graziosi in sculpture, and Celestino Celestini in etching.

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Ann Hardy | Impressionist painter | Figures

Ann Hardy, American painter*, is an accomplished artist, winning numerous prestigious awards*. She has had three paintings accepted to Art for the Parks and has received the merit award at the Salmagundi Club as well as many other awards.
Painting is a way of life. It keeps me constantly growing, connected with the world, and provides a purpose in life. Paint like I live life--with gusto and enthusiasm.

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Vladimir Kush, 1965 | The Surrealist sculptures

Vladimir Kush, Russian painter and sculptor, was born in Russia, in a one-story wooden house near the Moscow forest-park Sokolniki. At the age of seven Vladimir began to attend art school until late evening where he became acquainted with the works of great artists of the Renaissance, famous Impressionists and Modern Artists.
Vladimir entered the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School at age 17, but a year later he was conscripted. After six months of military training the unit commander thought it more appropriate to employ him exclusively for peaceful purposes, namely, painting propagandistic posters.
After military service and graduating the Institute of Fine Arts, Vladimir painted portraits on Arbat Street to support his family during the hard times in Russia.

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Seth Haverkamp, 1980 | Portrait | Realist painter

Seth Haverkamp has been drawing since forever. Even in his early school days Seth turned upon his desire to draw. One instance of note was a 5th grade science fair in which Seth turned in detailed drawings of hawks instead of a more typical (and acceptable) project.
He continued with his art and graduated with a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Carson Newman College after a year each at Cleveland Institute of Art and Memphis College of Art.
In 2005 he studied with internationally known artist Nelson Shanks at Studio Incamminati. Upon leaving Incamminati he moved to northern Virginia where he could focus on both studying painting and his career.

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Cesar Santos, 1982 | Figurative painter

Cesar Santos, Cuban-American, studied at Miami Dade College and the New World School of the Arts before travelling to Florence, where he trained at the Angel Academy of Art under the tutelage of Michael John Angel, a student of Pietro Annigoni.
He returned to Miami, where he developed his philosophy of marrying both the classical and the modern juxtaposed within one painting.
His influences range from the Renaissance to the masters of the nineteenth century to Modernism.

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Alex Shubin | Figurative painter

Russian-born Canadian painter🎨 Alexander Shubin expresses his creative mind using a unique style and techniques which he has developed living and painting in Europe, but he is always in search for a new and original manner to express himself in art.
In his works Alex often uses contemporary and surreal ideas and combines them with his extraordinary style. Quite in early age Alex has shown a talent in art. Having Master degree in Science, Alexander has always felt that his heart belongs to art, so he made a decision to become a fine art painter and now he is a self-representative artist.

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Nelina Trubach-Moshnikova, 1960 | Impressionist painter

Born in Belarus, where Nelina Trubach-Moshnikova / Нелина Трубач-Мошникова, attended art college, and now living and working in Ukraine.
Nelina Trubach-Moshnikova is an artist working mainly with oil and canvas, however she also dabbles in mixed media, such as drawing and oil on canvas.
An aspect of Nelina’s work that always manages to fascinate is the success she has in creating refined emotion across all of her work.

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Jonas Kunickas, 1978 | Palette Knife painter

Jonas Kunickas was born in Lithuania.
Have been studying architecture and got Master's degree of architecture in 2002.
For ten years used to work as an architect and interior designer in Lithuania and United Kingdom.
However, my biggest passion has always been painting.
In 2012 active painting superseded my previous occupation - now it‘s the only work I do for a living as well as for a pleasure.

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Odd Nerdrum, 1944 | Postmodern artist

Od Nerdrum is a Swedish-born, Norwegian figurative painter whose work is held by museums worldwide. Themes and style in Nerdrum's work reference anecdote and narrative.
Primary influences by the painters Rembrandt and Caravaggio help place his work in direct conflict with the abstraction and conceptual art considered acceptable in much of his native Norway. Nerdrum creates six to eight paintings a year.
They include still life paintings of small, everyday objects (like bricks), portraits and self-portraits, and large paintings allegorical and apocalyptic in nature. The subjects of Nerdrum's paintings are often dressed as if from another time and place.

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William Blake Richmond | Victorian Neoclassical painter

William Blake Richmond (1842-1921), noto anche come Sir William Blake Richmond KCB, RA, PPRBSA è stato ritrattista, scultore e designer di vetrate e mosaici.
È noto soprattutto per i suoi lavori di ritrattistica ed i mosaici decorativi nella cattedrale di St Paul a Londra.
Richmond era influente nelle prime fasi del movimento Arts and Crafts nella sua selezione di colori audaci e materiali per i mosaici della cattedrale e nella sua collaborazione con James Powell e Sons, vetrai, nella creazione di nuovi colori e materiali.

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Alexandre Cabanel | Academic painter

Alexandre Cabanel (1823-1889) was a French painter, most active during the second half of the nineteenth century.
He painted historical, classical and religious subjects in the academic style; Cabanel was also well-known as a portrait painter.
He is considered one of the best representatives of the L'art Pompier and Napoleon III's preferred painter.

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Brita Seifert, 1963 | Surrealist painter

Brita Seifert, German Fantastic/Surrealist painter, was born in Leipzig, Germany. In 1980 I started drawing with pencil and paper, and then learned to paint with oils.
Never having agreed with the method of art education in school, all my techniques in the application of art materials were self-taught. Being interested in all that encompasses art and design I decided to investigate computer art.

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Larissa Morais / Лариса Морейс, 1966

Larissa Morais [Лариса Морейс] was born and raised in Moscow. She has been painting since she was in high school, however her first love was not the brush but the keys of a piano. The replacement of a teacher changed her vision from music and into the world of art. While helping her sister one afternoon with her art homework something sparked her passion for painting and perhaps she stumbled upon her destiny.
Larissa became a graduate from BFA, Moscow Theatrical Arts Institute, and attended the Graduate School of Restoration and conservation where throughout the years she took courses in conservation and restoration of 15th-and 16th-century paintings.

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Mario Irarrázabal, 1940 | Figurative sculptor

Mario Irarrázabal studied philosophy and art from 1960-1964 at the University of Notre Dame, IN, and theology at the Università Gregoriana Pontificia in Rome from 1965-1967. In 1968 he continued his studies under the German sculptor Otto Waldemar.
He first exhibited his work in Chile in 1970, consistently using the human figure to express injustice, loneliness, helplessness, sorrow and torture, as in Judgement 1978; Valparaíso, Mus. Mun. B.A.

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Sandra Sedmak Engel | Abstract Figurative painter

A Maryland native, Sandra Sedmak Engel has lived in Baltimore, Md for the last 19 years. She holds a BFA with honors from the University of Maryland, and is very involved in many local arts organizations.
Sandra served as the Artist's Representative of the Steering Committee for School 33 Arts Center for several years, and was an integral part of starting up the Member's Gallery.
She is an honorary member of The Creative Alliance in Baltimore, where she also volunteers as a life drawing monitor. She is currently teaching encaustic painting workshops at both art centers, as well as in studio.

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Johannes Vermeer | The Milkmaid /La Lattaia, 1657-1658

The Milkmai was painted by Johannes Vermeer in about 1657-58. The small picture (18 x 16 1/8 in., or 45.5 x 41 cm) could be described as one of the last works of the Delft artist’s formative years (ca. 1654-58), during which he adopted various subjects and styles from other painters and at the same time introduced effects based on direct observation and an exceptionally refined artistic sensibility.
Influenced by the detailed realism of Gerrit Dou (1613-1675) and his followers in Leiden, Vermeer created his most illusionistic image in The Milkmaid (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, SK-A-2344).

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Ralf Heynen, 1978 | Figurative painter

Ralf Heynen - alias Ranonus, is a Dutch painter from Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Despite the first impression of a sophisticated and detailed picture his technique is based upon light and tonality and typical brushstrokes. These strong light effects and the subtle use of colour are typical for his work.
Ralf Heynen is an autodidact painter, having learned the trade by studying 17th-century masters like Vermeer.
The works of Russian realists and Singer Sargent were a huge inspiration.

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Ivan Loginov, 1994 | Academic painter

Иван Логинов is an Russian artist🎨.
"I was born in a small town of Abakan in the south of Siberia. At the age of 15 I went to St. Petersburg to study drawing".
Иван Логинов is assistant of head teacher at The Imperial Academy of Arts, Saint-Petersburg.

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La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

Vatican Apostolic Library -BAV, official library of the Vatican, located inside the Vatican palace. It is especially notable as one of the world’s richest manuscript depositories.
The library is the direct heir of the first library of the Roman pontiffs. Very little is known of this library up to the 13th century, but it appears to have remained only a modest collection of works until Pope Nicholas V (1447-55) greatly enlarged it with his purchase of the remnants of the imperial library of Constantinople (now Istanbul), which had recently been conquered by the Ottoman Turks.

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Baroque sculpture in Rome | The Four Fountains

The Quattro Fontane /The Four Fountains - is an ensemble of four Late Renaissance fountains located at the intersection of Via delle Quattro Fontane and Via del Quirinale in Rome.
They were commissioned by Pope Sixtus V and built at the direction of Muzio Mattei, and were installed between 1588-1593.

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Sandro Botticelli (Italian, 1445-1510)

At the height of his fame, the Florentine painter and draughtsman Sandro Botticelli was one of the most esteemed artists in Italy.
His graceful pictures of the Madonna and Child, his altarpieces and his life-size mythological paintings, such as 'Venus and Mars', were immensely popular in his lifetime.
The son of a tanner, he was born Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi, but he was given the nickname 'Botticelli' (derived from the word 'botticello' meaning 'small wine cask').
Smart beyond his years, the young Botticelli became easily bored at school.
He was known for his sharp wit and his love of practical jokes, and he quickly earned a reputation as a restless, hyperactive and impatient child.

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Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Baroque sculptor

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, (born Dec. 7, 1598, Naples, Kingdom of Naples (Italy)-died Nov. 28, 1680, Rome, Papal States), Italian artist who was perhaps the greatest sculptor of the 17th century and an outstanding architect as well.
Bernini created the Baroque style of sculpture and developed it to such an extent that other artists are of only minor importance in a discussion of that style.

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Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593)

Arcimboldo🎨's conventional work, on traditional religious subjects, has fallen into oblivion, but his portraits of human heads made up of vegetables, fruit, sea creatures and tree roots, were greatly admired by his contemporaries and remain a source of fascination today.
Art critics debate whether these paintings were whimsical or the product of a deranged mind.

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Bob Pejman, 1963 | Romantic painter

"There are no people in my paintings, so you can imagine yourself in the scenes", explains the artist.

Born in Vienna, Bob Pejman was surrounded by art and culture from an early age. The son of an operatic composer and a concert musician, he spent his early childhood in Vienna, and then by way of England moved to the United States in 1976.
Pejman began painting by the age of seven, and by the time he was sixteen he had won numerous awards in group exhibitions. However, despite his art instructor's insistence for him to pursue an education and career in art, Pejman decided to enter the field of business management.

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Eduardo Úrculo | Pop Art painter / Sculptor

Spanish painter and sculptor Eduardo Úrculo Fernandez (1938-2003), one of the greatest Pop Art's artist in Spain.
He is also known by his works in other styles like Neo-Cubism and Black Expressionism.
He also worked as a graphic designer, illustrator and set designer.
Most of his paintings were about figures, suitcases, trips and hats.

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Arthur Schopenhauer: "Le anime affini si salutano già da lontano"

Quelli che si amano e che sono nati gli uni per gli altri,
si incontrano facilmente:
le anime affini
si salutano già da lontano.

Lynn Noelle Rushton
Lynn Noelle Rushton

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Manet e l'Impressionismo

Manet viene giustamente inserito nella genealogia dell'Impressionismo.
Egli, infatti, fu l'artefice di una pittura priva di forti variazioni chiaroscurali, e più sensibile al contrasto ed alle armonie fra i colori piuttosto che alla definizione dei volumi: queste peculiarità, se da un lato furono accolte molto freddamente da molti, dall'altro giocarono un ruolo fondamentale nell'affermazione della pittura impressionista, animata da artisti come Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley, Cézanne, Bazille ed altri.

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Maria Zeldis | Figurative painter

Born in Ukraine, Maria Fedotova-Zeldis (1955-2018) was trained as a professional pianist, and sharing the love for the plastic arts with her twin sister.
She spent her whole childhood in Kyiv, and in the early 1990s, she and her husband moved to Mexico, where she lived and worked in a symphony orchestra.
A self-taught painter, Maria Zeldis is very talented.