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Alex Alemany | Magic realism painter

Alex Alemany (1943-2021) was an Spanish painter, born in Valencia.
He studied Fine Arts between 1961-1966 at the “Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos” in Valencia.
Francisco Lozano, Enrique Ginesta, Genaro Lahuerta and Felipe Mª Garin, among others, were his teachers.

Alex Alemany 1943 | Hyperrealist and Symbolist painter

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Peder Mønsted | Romantic painter

Danish master Peder Mørk Mønsted (1859-1941) was one of the leading landscape painters of his time.
Born in eastern Denmark, Mønsted received his initial training at the Academy in Copenhagen.
Throughout his long career he travelled extensively, through Switzerland, Italy and North Africa.
Mønsted's landscapes have been described as the 'romantic, poetic painting of nature'.
His style, assimilating academic naturalism with realism, working on a grand, monumental scale while maintaining a remarkable eye for detail, won him great acclaim during his lifetime.

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Maya Angelou | Quotes / Aforismi

Roberto Kusterle (Gorizia, 1948) Fotografo italiano
  • Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
  • Success is loving life and daring to live it.
  • There is no failure as long as you learn from your experience, continue to work, and continue to press on for success.
  • Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
  • When you learn, teach, when you get, give.
  • If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.
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Małgorzata Chodakowska, 1965 | Figurative sculptor

Polish artist Małgorzata Chodakowska was born in Lodz, Poland.
1980 - Art School Lodz.
1985 - Sculpture studies with Prof. Jan Kucz, Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, Poland.
1988 - Sculpture studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria.
1991 - Diploma thesis with Prof. Bruno Gironkoli, master student.
Since 1991, freelance sculptor in Dresden.

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Dương Quốc Định, 1967

The work of the Vietnamese artist Dương Quốc Định has won many awards including, gold medals and trophies at the 68th International Photographic Salon of Japan; the 61st Hong Kong International Photography Festival; the International Federation of Art Photographers (FIAP) competition; the 7th Giuliano Carrara, and many others held in India, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Argentina, Spain and Italy.

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Colors Quotes

Vincent van Gogh

  • Suffice it to say that black and white are also colors... for their simultaneous contrast is as striking as that of green and red, for instance
  • I am crazy about two colors: carmine and cobalt. Cobalt is a divine color and there is nothing so beautiful for creating atmosphere. Carmine is as warm and lively as wine... the same with emerald green.
  • How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.
  • There is no blue without yellow and without orange, and if you put in blue, then you must put in yellow, and orange too, mustn't you? Oh well, you will tell me that what I write to you are only banalities.

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    Eliot Hodgkin | Modern Still Life painter

    Eliot Hodgkin (1905-1987) was an British painter, born in Purley Lodge, Purley-on-Thames near Pangbourne, Berkshire.
    Although he began with oil painting, most of his best known works were highly detailed still lifes executed in tempera.
    Curwen Eliot Hodgkin was born on 19 June 1905, the only son of Charles Ernest Hodgkin and of his wife Alice Jane (née Brooke). The Hodgkins were a Quaker family and were related to Roger Fry. Eliot, a cousin of the abstract painter Howard Hodgkin (b. 1932) was educated at Harrow School from 1919-1923.

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    Ceslovas Cesnakevicius | Surrealist / Digital photographer

    Ceslovas Cesnakevicius is an artist from Lithuania. He creates really unusual and attractive shots in the sphere of digital art. His photos are so simple and at the same time so incredibly thought-provoking.

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    Stephen Pan 潘仲武, 1963 | Ballet dancers

    Stephen Pan 潘仲武 is an extremely versatile artist n the classic European oil painting tradition.
    His singular artistic expression is easily recognized in his sublimely elegant and serene paintings.
    Since 1987 he has focused primarily on original figurative oil paintings on canvas.
    In spite of his close relationship with formal Chinese traditions in art, Pan fell in love with the paintings of renaissance and French impressionist periods.

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    Giuseppe Cacciapuoti, 1969 | Figurative /Seascape painter

    Giuseppe Cacciapuoti, Neapolitan -Italian painter, was born in Pozzuoli. The range of his interests extremely wide. He paints portraits, still lifes, landscapes and seascapes.
    Cacciapuoti studied at the Istituto di Belle Arti di Napoli where today he is a full time lecturer.
    Cacciapuoti gives the viewer a pleasant vision of beauty and seduction. Cacciapuoti’s paintings and skillful work of color with show lifelike expressions and attitudes. His talent on a canvas could bring an environment to life and the sea welcoming the boat floating above.
    His works can be found in private and public collections all over the world.

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    Gleb Goloubetski, 1975 | Impressionist / Cityscape painter

    Born in Omsk, Russia, a Siberian town, Gleb Goloubetski / Глеб Голубецкий⏭ displayed noticeable artistic talent and a keen interest in the arts from an early age.
    His initial tutorage and inspiration came from his late father, who achieved success as a painter in his own right and who actively encouraged Goloubetski to paint.
    Goloubetski’s formal training came from his studies at the highly acclaimed academy in St Petersburg where his work attracted much attention.

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    Gleb Goloubetski, 1975 | Venice painting

    Gleb Goloubetski / Глеб Голубецкий is an Russian painter⏭, known for work in a contemporary impressionist style⏭.
    Goloubetski was born in Omsk, Russia, a Siberian Town.
    For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Goloubetski see:
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    Patrick Le Hec'h, 1965 | Illusionist photographer

    The Hec'h Patrick began his academic training at the School of Graphic Art Corvisart Paris.
    On his release he worked briefly as an illustrator and graphic designer before accepting the artistic direction of a communications agency.
    Inspired by the romantic and surreal, is detected in its early creations of the atmosphere that are visionary painters: Giorgio De Chirico 1888-1978, Tanguy, Bocklin, Delvaux and René François Ghislain Magritte, 1898-1967.

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    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec | Il ritrattista del "Popolo della notte"

    Agli effetti della produzione artistica lautreciana questa diversificazione sociale così massiccia risultò determinante.

    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), infatti, concepì i suoi dipinti come fedele specchio della quotidianità urbana di Montmartre, nel segno di una ripresa (e, anche, di un aggiornamento) del programma espresso da Charles Baudelaire nel 1846:
    «La nostra epoca non è meno ricca di temi sublimi di quella precedente [...]
    Ho osservato che la maggioranza degli artisti che hanno condannato i soggetti moderni si sono accontentati di soggetti pubblici e ufficiali [...]
    Ci sono invece dei soggetti privati che sono molto più eroici di quelli pubblici.
    Lo spettacolo della vita alla moda e le migliaia di esseri - criminali e mantenute - che galleggiano alla deriva nei bassifondi di una grande città. [...]
    La vita della nostra città è piena di spunti poetici e meravigliosi: ne siamo avvolti, vi siamo immersi come in una meravigliosa atmosfera, ma non ce ne accorgiamo» - Charles Baudelaire.

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    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec | La vita e le opere

    Il conte Henri-Marie-Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Montfa (Albi, 24 novembre 1864 - Saint-André-du-Bois, 9 settembre 1901) è stato un pittore francese, tra le figure più significative dell'arte del tardo Ottocento.
    Divenne un importante artista post-impressionista, illustratore e litografo e registrò nelle sue opere molti dettagli degli stili di vita bohémien della Parigi di fine Ottocento.
    Toulouse-Lautrec contribuì anche con un certo numero di illustrazioni per la rivista Le Rire, durante la metà degli anni novanta.
    Soffriva di picnodisostosi, una malattia genetica delle ossa, che può portare a manifestazioni cliniche apparentemente simili al nanismo.
    Toulouse-Lautrec morì a soli 37 anni circa, a causa dell'alcolismo o della sifilide.

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    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec | Post-Impressionist painter

    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, in full Henri-Marie-Raymonde de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa (born Nov. 24, 1864, Albi, France-died Sept. 9, 1901, Malromé), French artist who observed and documented with great psychological insight the personalities and facets of Parisian nightlife and the French world of entertainment in the 1890s.
    His use of free-flowing, expressive line, often becoming pure arabesque, resulted in highly rhythmical compositions (e.g., In the Circus Fernando: The Ringmaster, 1888).
    The extreme simplification in outline and movement and the use of large colour areas make his posters some of his most powerful works.

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    Alfio Presotto, 1940 | Neo-romantic painter

    Alfio Presotto is a Venetian painter trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and, in 1960, joined the Realism group of Milan.
    He has exhibited his paintings of him in numerous exhibitions and reviews throughout Italy and beyond.
    In 1969 he exhibited at the U.S.A.L.B.A. in Milan, the exhibition at the Salotto Rossini in Pesaro in 1970 and participation in the Salon Art Libre in Paris in 1974.

    Alfio Presotto surrealist

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    Thomas Benjamin Kennington | Victorian painter

    Thomas Benjamin Kennington (1856-1916) was an English genre, social realist and portrait painter.
    He was a founder member of the New English Art Club (NEAC) and the Imperial Arts League.

    Life and works

    Kennington was born in Grimsby in Lincolnshire and trained in art at the Liverpool School of Art (winning a gold medal), the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London, and the Académie Julian in Paris, where he studied under Bouguereau and Robert-Fleury.
    He later moved to Chelsea in London.

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    Albert Einstein's letter to Marie Curie, 1911

    Marie Skłodowska Curie (7 November 1867 - 4 July 1934) was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, and was part of the Curie family legacy of five Nobel Prizes.
    She was also the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris, and in 1995 became the first woman to be entombed on her own merits in the Panthéon in Paris.

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    Maya Angelou / Nick Alm | Still I rise / Ancora mi sollevero!


    You may write me down in history
    With your bitter, twisted lies,
    You may trod me in the very dirt
    But still, like dust, I’ll rise.


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    Michael Cheval, 1966 | Playhouse of Quintessence

    Michael Cheval | Gina Lollobrigida's portrait

    Playhouse of Quintessence” series of paintings embodies Michael Cheval’s philosophical reflections and his attempt to express a certain phenomena via limited means.
    At the core of this idea lies the principle of theatrical pantomime where the language of gestures is most important. The task was further complicated b...y the artist’s restriction to use only the face (or the mask) and the hands.

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    Michael Cheval, 1966

    Michael Cheval è nato a Kotelnikovo, una piccola città a sud della Russia. È cresciuto in mezzo a pittori, pennelli, tele e cavalletti. Suo nonno, un artista e scultore di professione, ha inculcato l'amore di Michael per il disegno fin dalla più tenera età. A tre anni poteva già disegnare composizioni con complesse e multiple figure, illustrando le sue fantasie ed impressioni.
    Nel 1980, Michael e la sua famiglia si trasferirono in Germania. Questo nuovo luogo fece una grande impressione sul giovane artista.
    I musei e i castelli, le vie antiche e i meravigliosi paesaggi del sud della Germania definirono in modo permanente i gusti e le predilezioni di Michael. Sempre interessato alla storia e alla letteratura, Michael fu assorbito anche dalla musica. Mise su una band con cui si dedicò al rock 'n' roll per anni. Compose canzoni e scrisse poesie.
    Dopo il diploma e aver servito l'esercito sovietico, Michael si recò a Nebit-Dag, una città del Turkmenistan nel mezzo del deserto Kara-Kum, vicino al confine iraniano.

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    David Inshaw, 1943 | Pop painter

    David Inshaw -born 21 March 1943 in Wednesfield, Staffordshire, England-, is a British artist who sprang to public attention in 1973 when his painting The Badminton Game was exhibited at the ICA Summer Studio exhibition in London.
    The painting was subsequently acquired by the Tate Gallery and is one of several paintings from the 1970s that won him critical acclaim and a wide audience.
    Others include The Raven, Our days were a joy and our paths through flowers, She did not turn, The Cricket Game, Presentiment and The River Bank (Ophelia).

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    Charles Levier | Cubist painter

    French painter🎨 Charles Levier (1920-2003) was born to a French father and American mother in Corsica.
    From an early age, he held a fascination with color and form which led him, at age seventeen, to the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs for private studies.
    During World War II, Levier served in the French Army in North Africa, later becoming Liaison Officer with the U.S. Office of Strategic Services.

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    John Singer Sargent | Venice painting

    Sargent's Venice work illustrates an artistic double-life

    By Roderick Conway Morris, © The New York Times, april 20, 2007

    John Singer Sargent⏭ was the most sought-after society painter of the late 19th and early 20th century. But he led a double life.
    Throughout the nearly 30 years he was occupied with portraiture, he produced hundreds of landscapes and figure studies not intended for public view, seldom seen outside his studio or beyond his immediate circle of family and friends.

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    Leonid Pasternak | Post-impressionist painter

    Leonid Osipovič Pasternak, Леонид Осипович Пастернак (1862-1945) è stato un pittore Russo, appartenente alla corrente Post-impressionista, padre di Boris Pasternak.
    Leonid Pasternak è nato a Odessa in una famiglia ebrea. Erano cinque bambini ed il padre era albergatore.
    Dal 1878-1881, studia il disegno in una scuola di Odessa, poi entra alla facoltà di medicina dell'Università statale di Mosca.
    Dal 1883-1885 studia alla facoltà di diritto dell'università di Nuova Russia a Odessa.

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    El Greco | Influence on other artists

    According to Efi Foundoulaki, "painters and theoreticians from the beginning of the 20th century 'discovered' a new El Greco (1541-1614) but in process they also discovered and revealed their own selves".
    His expressiveness and colors influenced Eugène Delacroix and Édouard Manet.
    To the Blaue Reiter group in Munich in 1912, El Greco typified that mystical inner construction that it was the task of their generation to rediscover.
    The first painter who appears to have noticed the structural code in the morphology of the mature El Greco was Paul Cézanne, one of the forerunners of Cubism.

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    Delphin Enjolras | Academic painter

    Delphin Enjolras 1857-1945 | French academic painter

    Delphin Enjolras (1857 Coucouron - 1945 Toulouse) was a French⏭ academic painter. Enjolras painted portraits, figures, interiors, and used mostly watercolours, oil and pastels.
    He is best known for his intimate portraits of young women performing mundane activities such as reading or sewing, often by illuminated by lamplight.
    Perhaps his most famous work is the "Young Woman Reading by a Window".

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    Konstantin Gorbatov | Post-impressionist painter

    Kонстантин Иванович Горбатов (1876-1945) was a Russian post-impressionist painter.
    Gorbatov was born in the small Volga river town of Stavropol. After initially studying architecture at the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, he transferred to the painting department where he studied under Nikolai Dubovskoy and Aleksandr Kiselev, though he was most influenced by Ilya Repin and Arkhip Kuindzhi.
    In 1911, Gorbatov was officially granted the title of Artist and awarded a gold medal at an international exhibition in Munich.

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    Carl Vilhelm Holsøe | Interior scenes with figures

    Carl Vilhelm Holsøe (1863-1935) is a very much respected artist of the Danish school. Holsøe became a well-listed, highly acclaimed artist.
    Escaping from the sentimentality of Golden Age interiors, Holsoe and his contemporaries imbued this traditional genre with a sense of timeless sanctity.
    Through the depiction of solitary, usually female, figures with concealed identities, Holsoe's paintings evoke the brooding nature of introspection and self-absorption.
    His work, influenced by the 17th Century interiors of the Dutch masters Vermeer, de Hooch and ter Borch, explored the emotional content inherent in the household interior.

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    Vincent van Gogh | View of the Church of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, 1889

    Title: View of the Church of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole
    Date: Saint-Rémy, Autumn 1889
    Medium: oil on canvas
    Dimensions: 45.1 × 60.4 cm (17.7 × 23.7 in)
    Collection: Elizabeth Taylor, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, North America