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Bernard Cathelin (1919-2004) | School of Paris

Bernard Cathelin 1919-2004 | French painter

Bernard Cathelin was a French painter born in Paris and a member of the School of Paris which included Picasso, Chagall, Matisse, Dufy and many others including Maurice Brianchon, Cathelin's teacher at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.
Although he received critical acclaim as early as 1950, Cathelin was not able to live solely from his painting until 1955.
Since that time Cathelin has received steadily increasing recognition and has been featured in over 50 exhibitions worldwide.
Throughout his life, he maintained a deep-rooted love for his country and especially for the Drôme, where his mother came from.

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Picasso and Victor Hugo | Look not at the face, young girl..

Non guardare il volto
fanciulla, guarda il cuore.
Il cuore di un bel giovane è spesso deforme.
Ci sono cuori in cui l'amore non si conserva.
Fanciulla, l'abete non è bello,
non è bello come il pioppo,
ma d'inverno mantiene le foglie.

Pablo Picasso - Serenade, 1942

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Henderson Cisz, 1960 | Cityscape painter

Henderson Cisz is a Brazilian painter** known for his inspirational paintings that feature scenes from the world’s most beautiful cities - London, New York, Paris and Venice.
Henderson Cisz was born in Brazil and grew up in a small village in Parana State.
Cisz had talent from a very young age, but considered it only a hobby. By the time he finished school, he entered a position as a banker.

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Arnold Bocklin | Symbolist painter

Arnold Böcklin, (October 16, 1827, Basel, Switzerland - January 16, 1901, Fiesole, Italy), painter whose moody landscapes and sinister allegories greatly influenced late 19th-century German artists and presaged the symbolism of the 20th-century Metaphysical and Surrealist artists.
Although he studied and worked throughout much of northern Europe - Düsseldorf, Antwerp, Brussels, and Paris - Böcklin found his real inspiration in the landscape of Italy, where he returned from time to time and where the last years of his life were spent.

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Maxwell Whitmore | Fashion painter / Illustrator

Maxwell Coburn Whitmore, Jr. (1913-1988) was an American painter, magazine illustrator and a commercial artist whose work included advertisements for Gallo Wine and other national brands.
He additionally became known as a race-car designer.
Whitmore was inducted into the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame in 1978.

Maxwell Whitmore 1913-1988 | American Fashion painter and Magazine illustrator

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Jean-François Millet | Pittore Realista

Jean-François Millet (Gréville-Hague, 4 ottobre 1814 – Barbizon, 20 gennaio 1875) è stato un pittore Francese, considerato uno dei maggiori esponenti del Realismo.


Jean-François Millet nacque il 4 ottobre 1814 a Gréville-Hague, in Normandia, primogenito di Jean-Louis-Nicolas ed Aimée-Henriette-Adélaïde Henry Millet, entrambi poveri contadini. Millet iniziò la sua precoce ma irregolare formazione su iniziativa dei genitori, che lo affidarono ad alcuni precettori privati, per poi proseguire gli studi a Cherbourg, dove giunse nel 1833 a studiare pittura sotto la guida del ritrattista Paul Dumouchel, senza per questo trascurare di aiutare la famiglia nel duro lavoro dei campi.

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Robert Papp | Romantic Illustrator

Because Robert Papp's childhood drawings of his favorite superheros were such a pleasure, it was only natural that he would wind up an illustrator. Nowadays, his award-winning artwork appears on book covers and in magazines instead of on the refrigerator. He has produced hundreds of cover illustrations for major publishers across the United States. Robert lives in historic Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

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Arnold Böcklin | Modern Visionary / Symbolist painter

From: Musée d'Orsay
A major artist of the late 19th century, the Swiss painter Arnold Böcklin (1827-1901) remains little-known in France, where his art was often reduced to the fascinating icon of only one of his many masterpieces, The Isle of the Dead.
Rediscovered in the 1910s by surrealist painters - Giorgio de Chirico and Max Ernst in particular - who found a powerful inspiration in his fantastic and iconoclastic vision of mythology.

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Pietro Paolini | Baroque painter

Pietro Paolini, called il Lucchese (3 June 1603 - 12 April 1681) was an Italian painter** of the Baroque period**. Working in Rome, Venice and finally his native Lucca, he was a follower of Caravaggio** to whose work he responded in a very personal manner. He founded an Academy in his hometown, which formed the next generation of painters of Lucca.
  • Life
Pietro Paolini was born in Lucca, as the youngest son of Tommaso Paolini and Ginevra Raffaelli. His family was well-off as his mother was a descendant of a prominent Lucchese family.
Paolini‘s father sent his son to Rome to the workshop of Angelo Caroselli when he was 16 years old.

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Faustino Martin Gonzalez | Watercolour painter

Faustino Martin Gonzalez is an Spanish** watercolor painter. He lives in Avilés, a city in Principality of Asturias, Spain.
Martin Faustino Gonzalez feels a special passion for the image of the transition states of nature: the change of the seasons or the time of day. In his paintings, lots of light, air, dominated by low-key calm colors. This watercolor painting in the classic sense: the overlapping colors, a celebration of emotions and moods.

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Rembrandt | Portrait drawing

"Life etches itself onto our faces as we grow older, showing our violence, excesses or kindnesses".
"I envy the poet. He is encouraged toward drunkenness and wallows with nubile wenches while the painter must endure wretchedness and pain for his art".

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Rembrandt | Portraits / Self-Portraits

Because of his empathy for the human condition, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn has been called "one of the great prophets of civilization".

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was a Dutch painter and etcher.
He is generally considered one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European art history and the most important in Dutch history.
His contributions to art came in a period of great wealth and cultural achievement that historians call the Dutch Golden Age, when Dutch Golden Age painting, although in many ways antithetical to the Baroque style that dominated Europe, was extremely prolific and innovative.

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Rembrandt: "Senza l'atmosfera un dipinto non è nulla"

"Try to put well in practice what you already know; and in so doing, you will in good time, discover the hidden things which you now inquire about. Practice what you know, and it will help to make clear what now you do not know".

"Prova a mettere bene in pratica quello che già sai; così facendo sarai sempre in tempo, e scoprirai le cose nascoste che ora stai cercando. Metti in pratica quello che sai, e ciò ti aiuterà a rendere chiaro ciò che ora non conosci".

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Rembrandt | La teoria del difetto di vista

In un articolo pubblicato il 16 settembre 2004 sul New England Journal of Medicine, Margaret S. Livingstone, docente di neurobiologia della facoltà di medicina dell'Università di Harvard, suggerisce che Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669), i cui occhi sembrano avere avuto un difetto nell'allineamento della vista, soffrisse di "perdita di stereopsi", una condizione in cui risulta difficile o impossibile percepire correttamente la profondità.
La studiosa è giunta a questa conclusione osservando 36 autoritratti dell'artista.
Dato che egli non possedeva una normale visione binoculare, il suo cervello automaticamente sceglieva di utilizzare un solo occhio per l'osservazione.

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Antonietta Brandeis | Venice painting

Antonietta Brandeis (1848-1926), was a Czech-born Italian landscape, genre and portrait painter, as well as a painter of religious subjects for altarpieces.

Early Life and Initial Training

She was born on January 13, 1848, in Miskovice (near Kutná Hora) in Eastern Europe. The first bibliographical indication of Antonietta Brandeis dates from her teens, when she is mentioned as a pupil of the Czech artist Karel Javurek of Prague. After the death of Brandeis' father, her mother, Giuseppina Dravhozvall, married the Venetian Giovanni Nobile Scaramella; shortly afterward the family apparently moved to Venice.

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Jia Lu / 吕嘉, 1954 | Figurative painter

Jia Lu is an oil painter working in America, known for blending Asian and European imagery in her paintings, predominantly of women.
Jia Lu's works include Chinese ink paintings, oil paintings, watercolors, drawings, sculpture and prints.
Her early work strongly reflected the traditional aesthetics of her teacher Fan Zeng, but by the time she exhibited in Canada, she was critiquing new social developments, consumerism and power relations in China through a series of mixed-media self-portraits.

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Martin Johnson Heade | Luminist painter

From: Encyclopædia Britannica
Martin Johnson Heade, Heade originally spelled Heed, (born August 11, 1819, Lumberville, Pennsylvania, U.S. - died September 4, 1904, St. Augustine, Florida), American painter known for his seascapes and still-life paintings and associated with the Luminist aesthetic.
Heade grew up in rural Pennsylvania and studied art with his neighbour the folk artist Edward Hicks and possibly with Hicks’s cousin Thomas Hicks, a portrait painter.

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Arthur Drummond | Classicist / Genre painter

Arthur Drummond (1871-1951) was an British painter, the son of John Drummond, a British maritime artist.
Born in Bristol in 1871, Drummond enjoyed an early exposure to painting and received the encouragement and support of his family.
It appears that he received additional training both in Paris and in London.
While in France he studied with both Constant and Laurens - learning the ways of the Academic artists.

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At the Museum

"All inspired painters are impressionists, even though it be true that some impressionists are not inspired". (Joaquin Sorolla)
"My only ambition was to create an honest picture that would interpret nature as she really is, as she ought to be seen". (Joaquin Sorolla)
"With all its excesses, the modern impressionistic movement has given us one discovery, the color violet. It is the only discovery of importance in the art world since Velazquez". (Joaquin Sorolla)

Jean Béraud [Russian-born French Impressionist Painter, 1849-ca.1935] - The opening day of the Salon

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Franz von Lenbach | Portrait painter

Franz Seraph Lenbach, after 1882, Ritter von Lenbach (13 December 1836, Schrobenhausen - 6 May 1904, Munich) was a German painter, known primarily for his portraits of prominent personalities from the nobility, the arts, and industry.
Because of his standing in society, he was often referred to as the "Malerfürst" (Prince of Painters).

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Beatriz Hidalgo De La Garza, 1967 | Soul of Mexico

Beatriz Hidalgo De La Garza 1967 | Mexican painter | Soul of Mexico

Beatriz Hidalgo de la Garza, Mexican painter, wife, architect, humanist, mother and above all… Proudly Mexican. Enter the world of art was only a girl studying painting and visual arts for over 10 years in the Fine Arts Children’s Workshop.

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Carl Zewy | Genre painter

Carl Zewy (1855-1929) was an Austrian** genre, portrait and landscape painter. He born in Vienna and studied at the Vienna Academy under August Eisenmenger and at the Munich Academy as well.
The art dealer Friedrich Schwarz became a patron of his art and provide him with numerous commissions.

In addition, he regularly takes part in the exhibitions of the Vienna Künstlerhaus. Today Zewys works can be found in the collection of the Historical Museum of Vienna.

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Filippino Lippi | Early Renaissance painter

Filippino Lippi (1457-1504) - Early Renaissance painter of the Florentine school whose works influenced the Tuscan Mannerists of the 16th century.
The son of Fra Filippo Lippi and his wife, Lucrezia Buti, he was a follower of his father and of Sandro Botticelli.
After Fra Filippo Lippi’s death, Filippino entered the workshop of Botticelli. By 1473 he had finished his apprenticeship.

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Jean Bellegambe (1470-1536)

Jehan Bellegambe or Jean Bellegambe (sometimes Belgamb or Belganb) was a French-speaking Flemish painter of religious paintings, triptychs and polyptychs, the most important of which are now held at Douai, Arras, Aix, Lille, Saint Petersburg and Chicago.
He was known as the 'master of colours' for the transparency and interplay of his colors.
He is known as Jehan Bellegambe the elder to distinguish him from his descendents who were also called Jehan.

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Amedeo Modigliani | Sculpture

Only 27 sculptures by Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) are known to exist.
In his sculpture, Modigliani, (Italian painter and sculptor), tried to capture the raw, primitive and mysterious power of African masks, as well as the beatific smiles of Cambodian or Khmer heads.
In their hardness, Modigliani's sculptures represent a conscious attempt to get away from the soft modelled surfaces of Rodin's sculpture.

Amedeo Modigliani | Sculpture

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Vittorio Reggianini | Genre painter

Vittorio Reggianini (1858-1939) was an Italian painter** specialized in genre subjects** including elegant scenes of bourgeois life, figure compositions particularly women's heads and child studies as well as more humble interiors with peasants.
Reggianini combined fantasy with reality, sensuality with sensibility and above all, like many of the Florentine historical genre painters furnished his costume pieces in luxury.

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Elisabetta Sirani | Baroque painter

Elisabetta Sirani (8 January 1638 - 28 August 1665) was an Italian Baroque painter and printmaker who died in still unexplained circumstances at the early age of 27.
She was the most famous woman artist in early modern Bologna and established an academy for other women artists.


Elisabetta Sirani was born in Bologna in January 1638, the first of four children of Margherita and Giovanni Andrea Sirani. Sirani, like many other female artists, was born into an artistic family and was first trained in her father’s studio.

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Marc Figueras, 1981 | Hyper-realist painter

Marc Figueras was born in Barcelona in 1981 and trained at the "Escola d'Arts i Oficis" de Barcelona. His hyper-realistic works, typically depicting anonymous persons before some of the most iconic landmarks of Barcelona, or showcasing empty vehicles parked in the streets, have recently captivated audiences in countries as culturally diverse as Portugal and Taiwan.

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Carlo Francesco Nuvolone | Baroque painter

Carlo Francesco Nuvolone (Milan, 1608 or 1609 - Milan, 1661 or 1662) was an Italian painter** of religious subjects and portraits who was active mainly in Lombardy.
He became the leading painter in Lombardy in the mid-17th century, producing works on canvas as well as frescoes.
Because his style was perceived as close to that of Guido Reni** he was nicknamed il Guido della Lombardia (the Guido of Lombardy).

  • Life
Carlo Francesco Nuvolone was born in Milan. His father Panfilo Nuvolone was a painter of frescoes and altarpieces, in a style still linked to late Mannerism** and of still lifes. Carlo Francesco had a brother called Giuseppe who also became a painter.
After working with his father, Carlo Francesco studied at the Accademia Ambrosiana in Milan under Giovanni Battista Crespi (il Cerano). In that studio he would have encountered Daniele Crespi and Giulio Cesare Procaccini.
He later worked in Milan and its environs. During the 1650s, Nuvolone painted frescoes for the Cappella di San Michele in the Certosa di Pavia and contributed to the decorations of the sacro monte (hillside shrine) at Varese, an important local pilgrimage site. He later also painted frescos at the Sacro Monte di Orta. His brother occasionally assisted him with his fresco work.
Among his pupils were Giuseppe Zanata, Federigo Panza, Filippo Abbiati and Pietro Maggi.

  • Work
Carlo Francesco Nuvolone worked as an easel painter as well as a fresco artist. His subjects were mainly religious and he realised many altarpieces and devotional works. He also left a number of portraits.
His early works showed the influence of the latest developments in Lombard painting. He had in particular adopted from Giulio Cesare Procaccini the close attention to the handling of light and shadow as well as the careful study of facial expressions. Other early influences include Daniele Crespi and Francesco Cairo.
His first signed and dated work, the Miracle of St Martha (1636, Venegono Inferiore, Seminario Arcivescovile) also shows the influence of Morazzone.
The Death of Lucrezia, executed in several versions, reveals the soft, atmospheric quality of his art, often explained by Murillo's work, although it is not clear where he would have seen Murillo's works.
His altarpieces from the 1640s, such as the Assumption of the Virgin (Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan), demonstrate his interest in Anthony van Dyck**. An outstanding example from this period is The purification of the Virgin (1645, Museo Civico, Piacenza).
Nuvolone was also active as a portrait painter working in the Lombard style with its penchant for a strikingly detailed portrayal of the sitter's features and garments and a lively depiction of the play of light and shadow.
These portraits also show influences from portrait painting in Genoa, which in turn was influenced by the Flemish portrait painters such as van Dyck** who had resided there.
He painted, together with his brother, a portrait of the family Nuvolone showing him at his easel surrounded by his family, including his father and brother and a few young people playing musical instruments. | © Wikipedia

Carlo Francesco Nuvolone (Milano, 1609 - Milano, 1662) è stato un pittore Italiano**.
Esponente, come il fratello minore Giuseppe Nuvolone (1619-1703), della scuola lombarda del XVII secolo, Carlo Francesco frequentò l'Accademia Ambrosiana dove fu allievo del padre Panfilo Nuvolone (1581-1651) e di Giovanni Battista Crespi detto il Cerano (1557-1632).
  • Biografia
La sua prima opera firmata è il Miracolo di santa Marta, oggi conservato nel seminario arcivescovile di Venegono Inferiore. 
Nel 1631 dipinse La Madonna con il Bambino tra sant'Anna e san Giuseppe appare a san Vincenzo - olio su tela cm 255 x 160 del 1631 - posto nella cappella di Sant'Anna, transetto destro, della chiesa parrocchiale dei Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Varallo Pombia.
Nel 1645 dipinse la Purificazione della Vergine, dipinto conservato presso il Museo civico di Piacenza.
Lavorò alla Certosa di Pavia, in particolare alla cappella di San Michele, e dipinse molte tele con soggetti sacri e ritratti.
Lavorò al Sacro Monte di Varese eseguendo gli affreschi della III e della V cappella, e al Sacro Monte di Orta, dipingendo la X e XVII Cappella.
Dipinse anche alcune cappelle della collegiata di San Lorenzo a Chiavenna e alcuni suoi dipinti sono conservati presso la chiesa di Santo Stefano ad Appiano Gentile.
Alla sua produzione profana, particolarmente apprezzata dai collezionisti, appartengono le due belle tele oggi conservate presso l'Accademia Tadini di Lovere che rappresentano Susanna con i vecchioni e Giuseppe e la moglie di Putifarre. Morì a Milano nel 1662. | © Wikipedia