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Bruce Wolfe, 1941 | Figurative sculptor / painter

Bruce Wolfe is a master of the arts who specializes in life-sized bronze sculpture, bronze busts, figurative art, painting, illustration and drawing.
Bruce Wolfe’s career in sculpture spans forty years of receiving commissions to do busts and figurative portraits of many notable personalities.
He studied art at San Jose State University and the Art Institute of San Francisco.
He also studied with Bettina Steinke and Bruno Lucchesi*.

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Claude Monet | The Gardens

A passionate horticulturalist, Claude Monet's garden became a work of art as well as a subject for his paintings.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other Gardens painting by Monet see:
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Giverny Monet's Garden

You Ask me Why I Buy Rice and Flowers?
I buy rice to live and I buy flowers to have something to live for.
Mi chiedi perché compro riso e fiori?
Compro il riso per vivere e i fiori per avere una ragione per cui vivere. 
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Umberto Boccioni | Futurist painter

Boccioni nasce (1882-1916) a Reggio Calabria e muore molto giovane a Verona, nel 1916. Formatosi come artista con il Puntinismo, sviluppa ulteriormente le sue capacità indirizzandole sul rapporto tra l'arte visiva e la psicologia.
È un artista molto colto ed informato sui movimenti delle prime avanguardie ed è tra i fondatori del Futurismo. Oltre che pittore è anche scultore ed è alla continua ricerca di delicate variazioni formali sostenute da una sostanziosa riflessione estetica. I suoi colori sono gioiosi ed i suoi volumi armoniosi e provocano emozioni.
La sua famiglia, di origine romagnola, si sposta prima a Padova (1888), poi a Catania (1897), dove Umberto si diploma ad un Istituto Tecnico. È qui che, ancora molto giovane, offre la sua collaborazione intellettuale a qualche giornale locale.

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François Bard, 1959 | Figurative painter

François Bard is a French painter🎨 born in Lille (France).
He lives and works in Paris.
He has studied painting at the Beaux-Arts (ENSBA) in Paris, and graduated in 1980.
He has been selected to be a resident at the Casa de Velazquez (Spain) from 1988-1990.
He won the first Belmondo Prize in 1990.
From 1990-2000 he has been an oil painting professor at the Beaux-Arts Ateliers of the city of Paris.
Since September 2011, François Bard has been represented by a new gallery, the Olivier Waltman Gallery in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris (France).

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Stephen Shortridge, 1951 | Romantic Impressionist painter

Stephen Charles Shortridge is a romantic impressionist who is experiencing much success with his vibrant brush strokes and his hand-enhanced giclees.
Shortridge, the artist, may be more familiar to you as an actor.
Theatrically he has starred as a series regular in "Welcome Back Kotter" as the southern sweathog 'Beau' and co-starred with Debbie Reynolds on the ABC show, "Aloha Paradise".

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Katarina Alivojvodic, 1973

Katarina Ali was born in Zemun, Yugoslavia.
In 1993 she graduated in Industrial Design from the School of Design in Belgrade and in 1999 she graduated in Graphic Planning from the Academy of Beautiful Arts and Design in Belgrade.

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Ilya Ibryaev / Илья Ибряев, 1955 | Watercolour painter

Russian* watercolorist Ilya Viktorovich Ibryaev was born in the old city of Nizhni Novgorod. Now the artist lives in Moscow.
Ilya Ibryaev finished Art School, painting department. Then he graduated from MVHPU (former Stroganov) - Department of Ceramics.
Ilya Ibryaev is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Ilya Ibryaev is a participant of Russian and international exhibitions.

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Monet: My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece! | Part.3

We continue to familiarize with a Famous gardens of impressionist painter* Claude Monet in Giverny, house, water garden and flower garden.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other Gardens painting by Monet see:
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Pierre Deval | Figurative painter

Pierre Jean Charles Deval (1897-1993) was a French painter of the 20th century. He began to study art seriously in Paris as student of painter Émile-René Ménard and Lucien Simon. Deval had his first show of drawings, portraits of young women, at the Lyon salon of 1918.
In 1921, he became a friend of the french surrealist poet Jacques Rigaut, who introduced him into the circle of the Dadaism, and of Tristan Tzara, and writers André Breton and Louis Aragon.

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Jean Bailly, 1940

Jean is born in Alger. After an infancy in Orléans, he lives in Paris till 1966.
Since that time, he came back to his childhood area. Set up as a kinesitherapist, he devotes his free time to the painting.
Then he decides to fully dedicate himself to his art and works as a free lance artist.
He participates on a regular basis to the Parish “Salons” and is very often awarded.
He takes part in collective shows in France and abroad (Germany, Canada, China, Japan, Mongolia, Norway, The Netherlands) as well as solo exhibitions.
Bailly’s paintings are in private collections as well as official ones: Wichita museum(Kansas, USA), Orléans Fine Arts museum, Meudon town hall, Albigny sur Saône town hall, Loiret Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Loiret General Council.
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Lee Kang-Bin, 1991 | Coffee art

South Korean barista Lee Kang-bin is taking coffee art to the next level, creating miniature imitations of famous paintings on foamy cups of java at his central Seoul cafe.
With meticulous strokes of tiny brushes and spoons, Lee, 26, recreates the likes of Vincent van Gogh's "The Starry Night" and Edvard Munch's "The Scream" using thick cream stained with food coloring atop a cup of coffee.
The result of the painstaking 15-minute process is a 10,000 won ($8.71) cup of cold coffee that has won Lee thousands of fans at his cafe and online.

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Andrey Remnev | Андрей Ремнев, 1962 | Magic Realism painter

Russian* artist Андрей Ремнев* creates unique artworks that combine traditional style paintings with contemporary themes.
Remnev* was born in Yakhroma, a town not far from Moscow.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Ремнев see:
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Monet: My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece | Part.2


Claude Monet* noticed the village of Giverny while looking out of a train window. He made up his mind to move there and rented a house and the area surrounding it.
In 1890 he had enough money to buy the house and land outright and set out to create the magnificent gardens he wanted to paint.

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Monet: My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece | Part.1

When Claude Monet* and his family settled in Giverny* in 1883 the piece of land sloping gently down from the house to the road was planted with an orchard and enclosed by high stone walls.
A central alley bordered with pines separated it into two parts. Monet had the pines cut down, keeping only the two yews closest to the house to please Alice.
From this Clos Normand of about one hectare, Monet made a garden full of perspectives, symmetries and colours.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | The Gardens

  • What seems most significant to me about our movement [Impressionism] is that we have freed painting from the importance of the subject. I am at liberty to paint flowers and call them flowers, without their needing to tell a story.
Quello che mi sembra più importante per il nostro movimento [l'impressionismo] è che abbiamo liberato la pittura dall'importanza del soggetto. Sono libero di dipingere fiori e chiamarli fiori, senza la necessità di raccontare una storia.
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Summer landscapes

  • "Si arriva davanti alla natura con delle teorie, e la natura le sbatte tutte per terra".
"You come to nature with all your theories, and she knocks them all flat".
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Fabien Clesse, 1962 | Abstract Portrait painter

Fabien Clesse is a French artist, born, living and working in Verdun, a small city in the Meuse department in Lorraine in north-eastern France.
Clesse studied graphic arts and ended up creating a unique style based on a personal technique and a fine sensibility.
He states his inspiration of both cubism and hyperrealism art schools as an important axe of his painting approach.

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Piero Bresciani, 1945 | Symbolist / Surrealist painter

Piero Bresciani is an Italian painter*, known for working in the Symbolism style.

Bresciani was born in Pietrasanta - Lucca- Italy, the 5th of May 1945.
He obtained his Diploma of artistic maturity at the Art School of Carrara and the Painting Diploma awarded by the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milano.

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Kazuhiko Tanaka 田中一彦, 1947 | Stone / clay sculpture

Kazuhiko Tanaka 田中一彦 was born in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture.
1965 - Graduated from Kofu First High School.
1971 - B.F.A., Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with a major in Architectural Design.
1976 - First-Class Architect license acquired.
1982 - Open his own architectural design office in Tokyo.
1991 - Open a limited company, Zakurosha in Tokyo.
For more than forty years, he has been working as an architect in Tokyo.

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Monet: My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece!

Claude Monet (1840-1926)* lived at Giverny for 43 years, from 1883 to his death in 1926.
A passionate horticulturist, his garden became a work of art as well as a subject for his paintings.
From the Iris garden to his huge waterlily canvases, the garden at Giverny was the focus for some of Monet’s greatest works of art.

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Federico Beltrán-Masses (1885-1949)

Il successo, l'oscurità e poi la riscoperta

Beltrán Masses è stato inondato di onori pubblici ed è stato membro delle Accademie di San Fernando a Madrid, San Jorge a Barcellona e San Luís a Saragozza, nonché quelle di Lisbona, Cordóba e Málaga, e anche membro dell'Istituto francese ed Accademia delle Belle Arti di Parigi.

Il fatto che il suo nome sia stato quasi dimenticato fino a poco tempo è in parte la conseguenza di cambiamenti nel gusto, pittura figurativa abbandonata da tutti tranne una manciata di pittori contemporanei di successo dalla fine degli anni Quaranta fino agli anni Settanta.

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Giovanni Boldini | The French Cityscapes

Born in Ferrara, the Italian painter* Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931)* moved to Paris in 1871, where painted a number of landscapes in suburban locations outside Paris.
His work from 1871-1886: the bustling streets and squares to cafés, theaters, and concert halls- reflects the influence of his contemporaries: Degas, Manet, Caillebotte, Meissonier, and Fortuny among others.

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Caravaggio | Buona ventura / The Fortune teller, 1630

La Buona Ventura - The Fortune Teller, è un dipinto ad olio su tela dove Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio 1571-1610 sfoggia la propria conoscenza della pittura di genere, premessa sulla quale in seguito Caravaggio costruirà una vera e propria rivoluzione che investe il significato stesso del 'fare pittura'.
Il quadro rappresenta una zingara che, mentre legge la mano ad un giovane soldato, gli sfila abilmente l’anello. Secondo un biografo, Caravaggio avrebbe invitato a posare per il quadro una zingara che passava per caso per strada.
Il dipinto è una precoce espressione dell’immaginario della zingara dedita al furto ed anche ammaliatrice, capace di incantare ed ingannare.

La versione romana della Buona Ventura 1593-1594
La versione romana della Buona Ventura (1593-1594)

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Marie Laure Vareilles, 1966 | Surrealist photographer

Marie-Laure Vareilles is an French interior designer.
She has traveled on all continents, with her camera, showing the diversity of the countries that make the planet.
Over the years, she immortalized cultures, landscapes, people.
The cultures around the world continue to evolve.
She puts her work to the service of the memory of peoples that make our planet.

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Ernest Barrias | La Nature se dévoilant / Nature Unveiling Herself, 1899

"La Nature se dévoilant" was commissioned in 1889 to decorate the new medical school in Bordeaux.
A young woman, the allegory of nature, is slowly lifting the veils she is wrapped in.
When he had finished the first version in white marble for the school, Ernest Barrias (1841-1905) designed a second statue in polychrome, for the ceremonial staircase of the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, in Paris.

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Trish Biddle | Romantic painter

Showcasing her sense of design, American artist Trish Biddle captures the Art Deco style of fashion, elegance, sophistication and the simplicity of the era.
Tamara De Lempicka who defined Art Deco painting as we know it, Argentinean tango dancers and depression era dance marathons have all inspired Trish’s vintage, figurative paintings.
The faces are obscured purposely to allow the viewer to identify with the images of the graceful dancers their own romantic notions.

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Bulent Kilic 1974 | Seascape / Cityscape painter

Bülent Kılıç was born in Tekirdağ, Turkey.
His early interest was observing the world in charcoal and later fast car designs. These two combinations helped him develop his creative talent.
While he was attending Trakya University to become a teacher, he also pursed his passion by attending the Industrial Design Division at Mimar Sinan University.
His freelance creations brought attention and award* both locally and internationally.

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Claude Monet | Summer landscapes

The following collection include the Landscape - Summer - Beach paintings by French Impressionist painter Claude-Oscar Monet (Parigi, 14 novembre 1840 - Giverny, 5 dicembre 1926).

For biographical notes -in english and italian- by Monet see:

For other works by Monet see:

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Ans Schumacher, 1941 | Portrait painter

Ans Schumacher was born in Leyden, Netherlands. Lives and works in Oegstgeest - Netherlands.
Ans Schumacher paints enlarged portraits (blow-ups) in oil on canvas. There are no irrelevant backgrounds.
The faces are a reflection of our time trough their "glossy"and sophisticated outlook.
Altough the style is realistic with a link to pop-art, it's also abstract because of the glossyness and anonymity of the portrayed.
Ans Schumacher exhibited in the Netherlands as well as Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden and Spain.

Ans Schumacher 1941 | Hollandaise Portrait painter

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Nikolai Blokhin [Николай Блохин] 1968 | Pittore impressionista

Nato a San Pietroburgo, in Russia, il maestro Nikolai Blokhin è emerso come uno degli artisti più importanti del suo tempo.
Formatosi prima presso la scuola d'arte distrettuale prima di entrare al Repin Institute, Blokhin ha raggiunto una solida base accademica nell'arte che può essere rintracciata, ammirata e interpretata oggi in alcuni dei famosi maestri russi dell'inizio del XX secolo.
Mentre coltivava gli ideali realizzati da molti dei suoi predecessori nella teoria dell'arte russa, la ricerca di Blokhins verso un linguaggio espressivo tradizionale lo consumò nei suoi primi anni accademici.
Fu solo quando entrò all'Accademia delle Arti che iniziò a cercare i canoni di coloro che rompevano con la tradizione e sconvolgevano le visioni artistiche tematiche, che trovò il proprio stile distinto.

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Pal Fried | Ballet Dancers

The following collection include the Ballet dancer paintings by Hungarian-born American painter* Pál Fried (1893-1976).
He was heavily influenced by the French impressionist school of Renoir and Degas.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Fried see:
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | La Promenade / La passeggiata, 1870

La Promenade is an oil on canvas, early Impressionist painting by the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir, created in 1870.
The work depicts a young couple on an excursion outside of the city, walking on a path through a woodland.
Influenced by the rococo revival style during the Second Empire, Renoir's La Promenade reflects the older style and themes of eighteenth-century artists like Jean-Honoré Fragonard and Jean-Antoine Watteau.
The work also shows the influence of Claude Monet* on Renoir's new approach to painting.

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Diane Leonard | Plein Air Impressionist painter | VideoArt

Diane Leonard* is an internationally acclaimed Impressionist Artist* known for her incredible use of light.
A self-taught artist, Diane began painting in her early twenties while she lived in Boston.
  • "Late afternoon is my favorite time to paint! Whether I am on the beach or painting in my yard, capturing that golden light with colors that are enhanced by the warm sun is exciting! I love to dance when I paint -- I let the music touch my heart and create the magic that I feel in my soul. I get so excited about each and every painting!"

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Cristina Fornarelli, 1978 | Pop Vintage style painter

Cristina Fornarelli is an Italian painter that lives and works in Rome.
Fornarelli was born in Bari, Italy.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Fornarelli see: