Italian artist* Vittorio Tessaro was born in Caldogno, Vicenza. After graduating from art school in Valdagno (Vicenza), he has developed an idea of sculpture "felt" free and without royalties, allowing it always to express his skills in the pure sense and instinctive.
Knowledge of the tools of the model has enabled him to begin his own, a kind of long patient battle with the form, which meant even refuse illustrious models of the past: do not refuse to allow himself to be overwhelmed.
Knowledge of the tools of the model has enabled him to begin his own, a kind of long patient battle with the form, which meant even refuse illustrious models of the past: do not refuse to allow himself to be overwhelmed.

Tessaro has followed his own instincts; and he did it for a reason.
Here are the two basic themes of his speech plastic: figures and animals.
Tessaro confronted them with absolute sincerity, especially in animals - sculptures of bulls and horses - he is heard to drop his gestural energy, his inner primary force. Tremor of the fingers; Quick shots splint; an attack almost matter. They have come out of the pieces of the first order: bronzes and bronzes loaded to maximum dynamism immediate.
Vittorio Tessaro has done work experience in foreign cities realizing on site some of his most significant works.
Participation in numerous exhibitions, collective and competitions at European level, has given the opportunity to be known and appreciated by the public and critics allowing them access to public and private collections as well as guaranteeing the permanent exhibition of his works at various Art galleries especially in Italy and France.
Vittorio Tessaro, working professionally for many years with sculptures on bronze, terracotta and other plastics, lives and works in Vicenza.
Permanent exhibitions
- Studio d’Arte Tessaro Arcugnano - Vicenza (I);
- Galleria M.F.F. St. Paule de Vence (F);
- Galleria M.F.F. Paris - Ile St. Louis (F).

Vittorio Tessaro è nato a Caldogno di Vicenza. Dopo essersi diplomato al liceo artistico di Valdagno (VI), ha sviluppato un'idea di scultura "sentita", libera e senza canoni, tale da permettergli sempre di esprimere la sue capacità in senso puro ed istintivo.
Vittorio Tessaro ha svolto esperienze lavorative in città estere realizzando sul posto alcune fra le sue opere più significative.
La partecipazione a molteplici mostre personali, collettive ed a concorsi anche a livello europeo, ha dato l'opportunità di essere conosciuto ed apprezzato dal pubblico e dalla critica consentendogli l'accesso a collezioni pubbliche e private nonché garantendogli l'esposizione permanente di proprie opere presso diverse gallerie d'arte in particolar modo in Italia e Francia.
Vittorio Tessaro, che lavora professionalmente da tantissimi anni con sculture in bronzo, in terracotta e altri materiali plastici spesso argentati, vive ed opera a Vicenza.