Anna Rose Bain is a fine art oil painter and commissioned portrait artist based in Denver, CO. Her paintings often depict people in peaceful settings or places that evoke happiness. She especially loves painting women and children.
Anna was self taught until college. Inspired by her grandfather, who started painting at the age of 70, Anna spent her free time as a child sketching from nature and poring over art books.

She studied fine art at Hillsdale College from 2003-2007, and in 2006 she took a figure painting course at the Florence Academy of Art.
After graduating from Hillsdale with honors and distinguishing herself as the first student in the school's history to have a solo senior show, she continued her education by studying with several renowned artists including Judith Carducci, Clayton J. Beck, III, Nancy Guzik and more.
Anna now resides in Westminster with her husband Steve and daughter Cecelia, having recently moved from the Dallas area. She works full-time as a fine art oil painter and commissioned portrait artist. She also teaches workshops, and is actively involved in the local arts communities.
Having had such inspiring teachers and role models in her own life, she firmly believes in sharing her passion and knowledge of classical art with other aspiring artists, as well as showing practical ways to stay up to date in today's changing art market.
She is a signature member of the Oil Painters of America and an Out of State Artist member of the California Art Club.
She is also a member of Plein Air Artists of Colorado and the International Guild of Realism, and is a distinguished faculty member of the Portrait Society of America.
Her award-winning* work can be found in numerous private and public collections around the world.
Anna's style employs a direct painting method while drawing from classical roots.
She gains inspiration from the joys and struggles in her life, seeking to make the world a better place through her art. Her paintings are an expression of gratitude and an exploration of the questions one faces at different stages of their life.
For example, her award winning* self portrait, "The Wait and the Reward," is a coming to terms with change and a joyous celebration of new life.

Selected Award* and Exhibitions
- Oil Painters of America Online Showcase Competition (Fall 2016) - 2nd Place Signature Member Category for "A Fleeting Moment";
- Boldbrush Online Painting Competition (April 2016) - 2nd Place for "Self Portrait in the Studio";
- Portrait Society of America International Competition, 2016 - Certificate of Excellence for "Self Portrait in the Studio";
- Visual Arts Center of Punta Gorda National Exhibition (February 2016) - 2nd Place for "Self Portrait in the Studio";
- Portrait Society of America Members Only Competition (2015) - 1st Honorable Mention (Commissioned Portrait) and 7th Merit (Outside the Box);
- Boldbrush Online Painting Competition (November 2015) - Finalist for "May Flowers";
- Richeson75 "Figure/Portraits" Exhibition, Kimberly, WI (2015) - Best in Show for "Fledglings";
- PleinAir Salon Competition (August/September 2015) - Best Figure in the Landscape for "Among the Hydrangeas";
- "Women Painting Women: Texas" Group Exhibition, Georgetown Art Center, Georgetown, TX (2015);
- Jerry's Artarama Annual Self Portrait Competition (2015) - Honorable Mention for "The Wait and the Reward";
- Portrait Society of America International Competition (2015) - Certificate of Excellence for "Fledglings";
- Oil Painters of America National Juried Exhibition (2015) - "Innocence";
- Boldbrush Online Painting Competition (January 2015) - Finalist for "Fledglings";
- Oil Painters of America Online Showcase Competition (Summer 2014) - First Place for "Sharing Secrets";
- Boldbrush Online Painting Competition (June 2014) - Third place for "The Wait and the Reward";
- American Women Artists Annual Juried Exhibition (2014) - Honor Award* for "Self Portrait at 23 Weeks";
- Oil Painters of America National Juried Exhibition (2014) - "California Beauty";
- Portrait Society of America Members Only Competition (2014) - 6th Honorable Mention (Commissioned Portrait);
- Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art (Nov-Dec 2013);
- International Guild of Realism's 8th Annual International Juried Show (Oct-Nov 2013);
- Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club 117th Annual National Juried Exhibition (October 2013);
- Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art Salon International (April-May 2013);
- Art Renewal Center 9th Annual International Salon Competition, 2013 - Finalist;
- Hunting Art Prize (Spring 2012) - Finalist;
- Hunting Art Prize (Spring 2011) - Finalist;
- MyArtContest.com "Portraits III" Competition (Spring 2011) - First Place;
- International Artist Magazine's "Portraits and Figures" Competition (2010-2011) - Finalist;
- MyArtworkSpace.com's Annual Juried Spring Competition (2009) - First place;
- Irving Art Association's 'Unconditional Love' Juried Show, Irving, TX (2009)- Best of Show;
- MyArtContest.com "Portraits II" Competition (Fall 2009) - First Place;