For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Vishnevskaya see:"I am in love with my canvases. It is the beauty and passion of painting and the result that come from those feelings that drives me to fill the canvas every day" - Irene Sheri
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Irene Sheri Vishnevskaya, 1968 | Ballet dancers

Marina Podgaevskaya, 1963 | VideoArt

Марина Подгаевская🎨 is an Russian painter🎨, known for lyrical and full of mythology and fantasy themes.
Марина Подгаевская🎨 was born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Podgaevskaya see:
Marina Podgaevskaya / Марина Подгаевская, 1963 | Abstract Figurative painter🎨.
Marina Podgaevskaya / Марина Подгаевская, 1963 | Abstract Figurative painter🎨.

Eric Wallis, 1968 | Ballet dancers
"I love the movement and anatomical definition that dancers have characteristically. There is power in their bodies that they use to convey beautiful grace and emotional verbiage. It is difficult to capture that in a 2 dimensional work and therefore it embodies a challenge that I enjoy" Eric Wallis.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Wallis see:
Gina Higgins | Noir artist
Born in New Orleans, the granddaughter of the founder of Delta Airlines, Gina Higgins was raised in the Hollywood Hills of LA. Accepted into the University of Southern California Roski School of Fine Arts at 17, she also received formal training in figurative painting in Paris and Florence, before returning to complete her BFA.
Gina's illustrative clients include Liz Claiborne, Etienne Eigner, Alexander McQueen, CBS Studios, and AandM/Polygram records. Gina has also emerged as a highly desirable figurative painter, specializing in contemporary film noir. Her works have exhibited in galleries across the west coast and are included in numerous celebrity and corporate collections.
Gina has exhibited with the following artists: Fabian Perez, Thomas Arvid, Manuel Nunez, Michael Cheval, Michael Parkes, Todd White, Jaline Pol, Sabzi, Carrie Graber, Rob Hefferan, Michael Goddard, Svetlana Valueva, and Pino.

Florian Nicolle | Graphic designer and illustrator
Florian Nicolle is graphic designer and illustrator freelancer from Caen, France.
- "I already have a degree in Graphic Design, there was a section devoted to the illustration that i have worked a lot, which finally took a big place in my work.
I try to create an image that retains its freshness of the first paint stroke, the expressions of the line have to be very free and spontaneous.
While keeping a rigorous drawing.
So i use fast techniques, like a bic, large brush, watercolor and chines ink.
I draw a picture as if I wrote a text, with the same tool, the same freedom, erasures, lines, scribbles".

Hernan Javier Muñoz, 1983 | Surrealist painter
Hernan Javier Muñoz is an Argentine painter born on April 5, 1983 in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In 1996 he entered the Art School "Rogelio Yrurtia". There he graduated as Professor of Plastic Arts in the year 2000. During these years he had his first approaches to art in general but without feeling them part of his current profession.

Henriëtte Ronner-Knip | The painter of cats
Born in Amsterdam, Dutch painter Henriëtte Ronner-Knip (1821-1909) came from an artistic family and she studied art under her father, the well-known Neo-Classical painter Joseph Augustus Knip.
After selling her first painting at the age of fifteen she produced an outstanding body of work which is now on display in many European museums, including the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Dordrecht Museum.
Giulio Monteverde | Monteverde Angel, 1882
The Monteverde Angel or Angel of the Resurrection is the name given to a marble statue of 1882 that guards the tomb of the Oneto family in the cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa, Northern Italy.
It is one of the most famous works by the Neo-classical Italian sculptor Giulio Monteverde (1837-1917) and was commissioned by Francesco Oneto, a president of the Banca Generale, in honour of deceased members of his family.
Portraying a pensive angel with long, richly detailed wings, it is acknowledged as one of the most beautiful and sensual sculptures in its genre, to which Monteverde contributed other important Neoclassical works.

Andrew Atroshenko, 1965 | The passion of music

Andrew Atroshenko, 1965 | Ballet dancers

Andrew Atroshenko* is a Russian artist*, known for working in the Figurative style.
Atroshenko was born in 1965 in the city of Pokrovsk, Russia.
Atroshenko was born in 1965 in the city of Pokrovsk, Russia.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Atroshenko see:

Greg Dubuque | Hollywood legends
Greg Dubuque, American painter, was born and raised in a small, average, suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. Chasing frogs and turtles in the neighborhood pond by day, while watching Wild Kingdom and old Creature-Feature monster movies by night.
Those early experiences led to his love for the outdoors, its scenery and wildlife, as well as the creepy-crawly side of nature.
After a short stint in a Junior College Art Program, Greg went on to attend the prestigious Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design in Los Angeles, CA where he received a BFA in Illustration and Design.

Daniel Densborn, 1946 | Flamenco dancers

Daniel Densborn* is a French* self-taught painter who using a technique called Palette knife painting. His paintings are bold and romantic.
For biographical notes and other works by Densborn see Daniel Densborn, 1946 | Abstract palette Knife painter ➢

Anna Rose Bain, 1985 | Ballet Dancers

Anna Rose Bain is a fine art oil painter and commissioned portrait artist based in Denver, CO. Her paintings often depict people in peaceful settings or places that evoke happiness. She especially loves painting women and children.
Anna was self taught until college. Inspired by her grandfather, who started painting at the age of 70, Anna spent her free time as a child sketching from nature and poring over art books.

Paolo Veronese | Renaissance painter
Paolo Veronese, byname of Paolo Caliari (born 1528, Verona, Republic of Venice [Italy]-died April 9, 1588, Venice), one of the major painters of the 16th-century Venetian school.
His works usually are huge, vastly peopled canvases depicting allegorical, biblical, or historical subjects in splendid colour and set in a framework of classicizing Renaissance architecture.
A master of the use of colour, he also excelled at illusionary compositions that extend the eye beyond the actual confines of the room.

Ichiro Tsuruta 鶴田-郎, 1954 | Bijin-ga Art
Ichiro Tsuruta was born in Hondo-shi (current Amakusa-shi), Kumamoto.
He grew up surrounded by rich nature of Amakusa area.
He has liked to paint since his childhood.
After graduating from high school, he entered Tama Art University, majored in graphic design and tried to become an illustrator.
In early days when he started professional painting, as he painted realistic pictures influenced by Western culture, he began to be conscious that "he is Japanese" and gradually devoted himself to Japanese unique sense of beauty such as the Rimpa or Maitreya of Buddhism art and "Bijine (beautiful woman portraits)" or "Onnae (romantic painting)" of Ukiyoe prints.

Lee Bogle, 1946 | Native American Love

Lee Bogle's🎨 technical skills as a draftsman are especially evident in his renderings of the human figure.
He combines vivid, realistic detail with expressive qualities of abstraction🎨 in the Oriental tradition.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Bogle, see:
Fred Wessel, 1946 | Egg Tempera painter
Fred Wessel is a Professor of Printmaking at the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford in Connecticut, where he teaches drawing, tempera painting and lithography. He also leads workshops in Italy to paint and study the Italian Renaissance.
He particularly looks to the early Renaissance for inspiration, saying "The ever-changing inner light that radiates from gold leaf used judiciously on the surface of a painting, and the use of pockets of rich, intense colors that illuminate the picture's surface impressed me deeply".

Lori Earley | Pop surrealism painter

Lori Earley is a contemporary surrealist* figurative artist who began exhibiting her works in 2004. Born and raised in New York, Earley was an accomplished and gifted artist from a young age.
As a maturing adolescent, she discovered her distinct style and fondness for painting deeply personal subject matter.
She then began her journey towards becoming a professional oil painter through fine art training at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.
As a maturing adolescent, she discovered her distinct style and fondness for painting deeply personal subject matter.
She then began her journey towards becoming a professional oil painter through fine art training at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.

Eric Barjot | Vintage style painter

The following collection include Still-life paintings in vintage style by French painter* Eric Barjot.

Kevin Beilfuss, 1963
Kevin Beilfuss è un pittore Americano che vive a Chicago.
Ha frequentato l'Illinois State University, conseguendo il Bachelor of Fine Art Degree in pittura nel 1985.
Dopo aver lavorato in un'agenzia pubblicitaria per un anno, Beilfuss ha frequentato l'American Academy of Art, dove si è concentrato sulla pittura e l'illustrazione.

Rodrigo Zaniboni | Figurative / Plein air painter

Rodrigo Zaniboni is a Brazilian painter from the São Paulo countryside. His brushstrokes have a contemporaneous, realistic style reminiscent of the Impressionists*. Zaniboni uses a very particular palette to emphasize the correct use of the color scale, and the technique of painting by layers is one of his strongest skills; he uses the technique in his routine work and considers it one of the most important activities for artist.
Bjorn Thorkelson, 1971 | Figurative painter
G. Bjorn Thorkelson was born in Orange, CA. He has been working as an illustrator for the last 13 years and is currently making the transition to fine art. He currently shows at Gasov and Gurule in Scottsdale and The Wilcox Gallery in Jackson.
A native of Southern California, Bjorn lives with is wife Connie and four boys, T'Jae, Braden, Shawn and Riley in his Southeastern Idaho studio/home. Art has been his passion since early childhood and he cannot remember wanting to do anything else.
His early "crayon studies" of kindergarten took on more importance as he realized that he wanted to be an artist. "I've always loved to draw," he says, "it's as simple as that. Painting is merely an extension of that desire".

Ron Hicks, 1965 | Romantic Soul

"I see things very abstractly, so I think of myself as a painter who sees shape, value, edges and texture. I like to romanticize life. I love the interaction of people doing...'things' -- whatever it is. It could be the most mundane thing to any passer-by, but I find great beauty in that" - Ron Hicks*

Jack Vettriano: "I don’t apologise for what I have painted.."
• "I miei dipinti raccontano le cose che ho fatto e quelle che vorrei poter fare".
• "I painted beach scenes not because I was feeling nice, but because I wanted to get a particular effect of reflection".

Fabian Perez, 1967 | Embrace series
"Art happens in the sublime moment when the human being expresses his emotions through skills" - Fabian Perez
For Fabian Perez, the purpose of art is to perpetuate beauty.
"That is what I am always striving for. God created the world and embellished it with the wonders of nature. I think it is the artist’s job to embellish it with his work".
"I am constantly fighting for a more romantic world, one where the woman and the man have defined roles and power isn’t always the goal".
Pausing, he says, "I would like to say that it is not important what you have, but how you enjoy it".

Jaime Sabines | I’m not dying of love: I’m dying of you / Non è che muoia d’amor, muoio di te

Ron Hicks* - Study of a Couple
I’m not dying of love:
I’m dying of you,
my love-dying of the love of you,
of my dire need for my skin of you,
of my soul and my mouth of you,
of the miserable wretch I am without you.
I’m dying of you and me, of both
of us, of this-
ripped to shreds, torn apart,
the two of us are dying, dying of it.

Jean Béraud (1849-1935)
Si dedicò alla pittura di genere, in prevalenza dell'ambiente parigino.
Jean Béraud nacque a San Pietroburgo con la sorella gemella Melania, poiché suo padre, scultore, lavorava probabilmente alle opere della cattedrale di Sant'Isacco.
Nel 1853 suo padre morì ed il giovane Béraud rientrò a Parigi con la madre, Geneviève Eugénie Jacquin, e le tre sorelle.

Stanislaw Zoladz, 1952 | Watercolour painter

Stanislaw Zoladz was born in Poland, and has studied at Kraków Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1978 he lives and works in Sweden.
To find motifs for his paintings, Stanislaw is always on the hunt for exiting light settings.
In the summer he paints where growth gives way to rocks by the water in Stockholm's archipelago.
Nature is a predominant theme in his works of art.
But quite often an abandoned tractor, or a red cottage by the horizon, also remind us of human presence.

David Gray | The Storyteller | VideoArt

David Gray* - American painter* - acquired a strong foundational education in art while obtaining his BFA from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington.
His art education has continued with independent and occasional formal studies in pictorial expression and oil painting.
Peregrine Heathcote, 1973 | Academic Realism painter

Peregrine Heathcote is an British painter*, known for working in contemporary academic realism style.
Heathcote was born in London.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Heathcote see Peregrine Heathcote, 1973 | Figurative painter*.

Elihu Vedder | Symbolist painter
Elihu Vedder (February 26, 1836 - January 29, 1923) was an American symbolist painter, book illustrator and poet, born in New York City.
He is best known for his fifty-five illustrations for Edward FitzGerald's translation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (deluxe edition, published by Houghton Mifflin).
Elihu Vedder was born February 26, 1836 in New York City, the son of Dr. Elihu Vedder Sr. and Elizabeth Vedder. His parents were cousins. His father, a dentist, decided to try his luck in Cuba, and this had a profound impact on Elihu Jr.'s childhood.

Denis Nolet, 1964 | Romantic painter

Canadian painter* Denis Nolet preferring moonlight to sunlight. He paints scenes saturated with the romance of the night. Denis Nolet was born in Quebec.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Nolet see Denis Nolet, 1964 | Night Tango in Paris*.

Paris painting
"Paris is an ocean.
Explore it, and you still won’t know its depths".

Frida Kahlo | You rain on me - I sky you, | Tu mi piovi - Io ti cielo, 1947

Today, Wednesday 22 of January 1947
You rain on me - I sky you
You’re the fineness, childhood,
life - my love - little boy - old man
mother and center - blue - tender-
ness - I hand you my
universe and you live me
It is you whom I love today.
= I love you with all my loves

Gerard ter Borch | Baroque Era painter
Gerard Terborch, Terborch also spelled Ter Borch or Terburg (born 1617, Zwolle, Netherlands - died December 8, 1681, Deventer), Dutch Baroque painter who developed his own distinctive type of interior genre in which he depicted with grace and fidelity the atmosphere of well-to-do, middle-class life in 17th-century Holland.
Terborch’s father had been an artist and had visited Rome but from 1621 was employed as a tax collector. Surviving drawings made by the young Terborch in 1625 and 1626 are proudly inscribed and dated by his father. In 1632 Gerard was in Amsterdam, and in 1634 he was a pupil of Pieter de Molijn in Haarlem.

Anne-Louis Girodet | Neoclassical painter
Anne-Louis Girodet [Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson 1767-1824] is a French painter whose works exemplify the first phase of Romanticism in French art.
Girodet began to study drawing in 1773. He later became a student of the Neoclassical architect Étienne-Louis Boullée, with whose encouragement he joined the studio of Jacques-Louis David in late 1783 or early 1784.
Girodet won the Prix de Rome 1789 for his Joseph Recognized by His Brothers, which shows the influence of David’s Neoclassicism.

Camille Pissarro | Rue Saint-Honoré, in the afternoon. Effect of rain, 1897
Rue Saint-Honoré, dans l'après-midi. Effet de pluie ("Rue Saint-Honoré, in the afternoon. Effect of rain") is an 1897 oil painting by Camille Pissarro.
The work was made towards the end of Pissarro's career, when he abandoned his experiments with Pointillism and returned to a looser Impressionist style.
It is part of a series of works that Pissarro made in 1897-98 from a window of the Grand Hôtel du Louvre, looking down across the edge of the Place du Théâtre Français (now the Place André-Malraux) and along the rue Saint-Honoré, portraying the people, carriages and buildings, the trees, fountains and streetlamps, in an early afternoon shower of rain.

Camille Pissarro | Rue Saint-Honoré, in the afternoon. Effect of rain, 1897 | Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

Johan Barthold Jongkind | Landscape painter

Johan Barthold Jongkind (born June 3, 1819, Lattrop, Neth.- died Feb. 9, 1891, Côte-Saint-André, France) painter and printmaker whose small, informal landscapes continued the tradition of the Dutch* landscapists while also stimulating the development of Impressionism*.
Jongkind first studied under local landscape painters at The Hague. In 1846 he moved to Paris and worked under the genre painter* Eugène Isabey and François Picot.
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