Надежда Стрельцова was born in in Leningrad, St. Petersburg.
1983-1991 studied at the Art School at the Institute Repin in St. Petersburg (Academy of Arts).
1992-1998 studied at the State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Repin in the studio of prof. Непринцева and Еремеева and Eremeeva.
For the thesis "The White Night" was awarded° the grant "The Muse of St. Petersburg" and the State grant of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in 1999.
- In 2002 again awarded* the grant "The young artists of St. Petersburg".
Since 2001 - member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
Her works are in private collections in the USA, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Russia.

Participation in exhibitions:
- 1990 Exhibition of works by students of the Art School in Wiesbaden (Germany);
- 1990 Exhibition of works of students of the Art School in Monza (Italy);
- 1990 Personal exhibition of landscapes in the Art School;
- 1993-1997 Exhibition of works by students of Arts Summer Academy;
- 1997 Autumn Exhibition of Artists Union;
- 1997 exhibition of students and teachers Institute. Repin at the fairgrounds;
- 1997 Exhibition "Memory Master" (Yu.M.Neprintseva) at the Salon Institute Repin;
- 1998 Exhibition "Autumn 98";
- 1999 Exhibition "Autumn 99";
- 2001 Exhibition "Autumn 2001";
- 2002 Exhibition "Autumn 2002";
- 2001 August - Exhibition of Russian artists in gor.Naples (Florida, USA);
- 2002 Exhibition Russian Hudozhnikov. Meriya city Puebla del Rio - Spain;
- 2002 Exhibition of Russian artists, Commercial center "Plaza of Arms" - Sevilla;
- 2002 Exhibition of Russian artists in the palace "Penia Flor" g.Esiha - Spain;
- 2003 February Exhibition "Saint-Petersburg artists" Society of Industry and Commerce - Sevilla;
- 2003 exhibition 300 May- Anniversary of St. Petersburg Union of artists;
- August 2003 Exhibition of Russian artists in Osborne, Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain;
- 2003 October 11-22 10 Rieti International Meeting of Finest Art, Italy;
- 2003 Exhibition of Russian artists, Lugano, Switzerland.