Czech artist Miloslava Vrbova-Štefková (1909-1991) was an traditionalist post-impressionist painter.
During the 1937-1938 Miloslava Vrbova-Štefková studied at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris with Czech Abstract painter František Kupka (September 23, 1871 - June 24, 1957).
Besides the dancers, the ballet scenes and portraits, Miloslava Vrbova also painted landscapes and the Prague urban motifs, religious scenes (the Crucifixion in the church Žinkovie), still lifes and flowers.
Besides the dancers, the ballet scenes and portraits, Miloslava Vrbova also painted landscapes and the Prague urban motifs, religious scenes (the Crucifixion in the church Žinkovie), still lifes and flowers.

Miloslava Vrbova was a respected portrait painter; in the seventies he went to the United States to paint family portraits of President Ronald Reagan.
In his paintings you can see the admiration for Edgar Degas* and French post-impressionists.

L'artista Ceco Miloslava Vrbova-Štefková (1909-1991) è stato un pittore post-impressionista tradizionalista.
Nel 1937-1938, si reca a Parigi, dove studia presso l'Académie des Beaux-Arts con il prof. František Kupka (1871-1957).
Miloslava Vrbova era un ritrattista rispettato; negli anni Settanta si reca negli Stati Uniti per dipingere ritratti di famiglia del presidente Ronald Reagan.
Oltre ai ballerini, le scene di balletto ed i ritratti, Miloslava Vrbova ha dipinto anche paesaggi e motivi urbani dalla Praga, scene religiose (la Crocifissione nella chiesa di Žinkovie), nature morte e fiori.
Nei suoi dipinti si nota l'ammirazione per Edgar Degas* ed i post-impressionisti francesi.