Greek art began in the Cycladic and Minoan civilization, and gave birth to Western classical art in the subsequent Geometric, Archaic and Classical periods (with further developments during the Hellenistic Period).
It absorbed influences of Eastern civilizations, of Roman art and its patrons, and the new religion of Orthodox Christianity in the Byzantine era and absorbed Italian and European ideas during the period of Romanticism (with the invigoration of the Greek Revolution), until the Modernist and Postmodernist.
Greek art is mainly five forms: architecture, sculpture, painting, pottery and jewelry making.

List of Greek Artists by century and artistic movements definition
Sphinx of Naxos
Konstantinos Kavafis | La Città / Η Πόλις / The City
Aristotele: "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies"
Konstantinos Kavafis | Per le scale / On the stairs / Στες σκάλες
Konstantinos Kavafis | Muri / Walls / Τείχη
Ghiannis Ritsos | Moonlight sonata / Sonata al chiaro di luna, 1956
Eraclito: "Il carattere di un uomo è il suo destino"
Giorgos Seferis | A word for Summer / Una parola sull'Estate, 1936
Konstantinos Kavafis | Candele / Candles / Κεριά
John Keats | Ode on a Grecian Urn / Ode su un'Urna Greca, 1819
Pasolini, la Callas e l'Amore impossibile | Le Lettere
Kalliopi Asargiotaki, 1959 | Figurative painter
Lytras Nikephoros | Orientalist / Genre painter
El Greco | Tecnica e stile
Grecia antica
El Greco | Vita ed Opere
"Zorba the Greek" composer Theodorakis dies at 96
Pavlos Samios (1948-2021)
Saffo | Passione d'amore
Kríton Athanasoúlis | Brano dal mio Testamento/Απόσπασμα από την διαθήκη μου
El Greco | L'eredità artistica
Vassilis Solidakis, 1948 | Figurative Expressionist painter
El Greco | Technique and style
El Greco | Mannerist painter
Vassilis Antonakos, 1980 | Abstract painter /sculptor
Pavlos Samios | Greek romance
El Greco | Life and Artworks
Charis Tsevis, 1967 | Neo-futuristic designer
Ira Tsantekidou, 1967 | Pop / Art Déco painter
Antinous, the Greek God / Antinoo, il Dio Greco
George Rorris, 1963 | Abstract / Figurative painter
Panayiotis Beldekos, 1962 | Abstract Figurative painter
Yannis Moralis | Cubist painter
El Greco | Influence on other artists
Praxiteles | The Diana of Gabii | Musée du Louvre
Nikolaos Gyzis / Νικόλαος Γύζης | Genre painter
Venus de Milo
Sleeping Hermaphroditos / L'Ermafrodito dormiente
Vally Nomidou / Βαλλυ Νομιδου, 1959 | Figurative sculptor
Vassilis Antonakos / Βασίλης Αντωνάκος, 1980 | Abstract painter
Dmitri Spiros, 1971 | Impressionist painter
Greek Art History and Sitemap
The Marathon Boy, 340-330 bc | Underwater discoveries
Angelos Panayiotou, 1943 | Abstract Figurative painter
Apostolos Geralis / Απόστολος Γεραλής | Academic Genre painter
Theodoros Pantaleon, 1945 | Surrealist painter
Yannis Koutrikas, 1954 | Expressionist painter
Platone | The Philosophy of Music / La Filosofia della Musica
Odysseas Oikonomou, 1967 | Children portrait painter
Alekos Fassianos /Αλέκος Φασιανός, 1935 | Expressionist painter
Art of El Greco
Ancient Greek
Kostas Rigoula Tsigris, 1954 | Symbolist /Figurative painter
Théodore Ralli | Orientalist Academic painter
Igli Jorgo, 1965 | Abstract painter
Vangelis Rinas /Βαγγέλης Ρήνας, 1966
Ancient Greek sculpture
Pantelis Zografos, 1949 | Watercolors of Greek Islands
Il Dio di Capo Artemisio
Georgios Iakovidis | Genre/Portrait painter
Ancient Greek | Legacy
Georgia Kapetanaki /Γεωργια Καπετανακη, 1972
Spinario (Boy pulling a thorn from his foot)
Konstantinos Kavafis | Itaca / Ithaca / Ιθάκη, 1911
Konstantinos Kavafis | Quanto più puoi / As much as you can / Όσο Mπορείς
Konstantinos Kavàfis | Per quanto sta in te / As much as you can
Ghiannis Ritsos | Il tuo corpo sulla spiaggia..
Il Colosso di Rodi
Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss (1878) at the Louvre
Charis Tsevis, 1967 | Designer Neo futurista
Michel Devanakis, 1962 | Figurative painter
Marie Spartali Stillman | Pre-Raphaelite painter
Théodore Ralli | Pittore orientalista
Ghiannis Ritsos / Christian Schloe | Un albero
Yiannis Ritsos / Praxiteles | Omens / Segni, 1968
El Greco | Il periodo Italiano
Pantelis Zografos (Greek, 1949)
Yannis Ritsos | The Meaning of Simplicity / Il senso della Semplicità
Ghiannis Ritsos / Jeffrey T. Larson | Debito autunnale
J.H.W. Tischbein | Diogenes looking for an Honest Man, 1780
El Greco | The Adoration of the Name of Jesus, 1579
Charles William Mitchell | Hypatia of Alexandria, 1885
Nikolaos Gyzis / Νικόλαος Γύζης | Mother and Child, 1896
El Greco e l'Arte Bizantina
El Greco (1541-1614)
El Greco: "I hold the imitation of color to be the greatest difficulty of art"
Nikolaos Gysis (Greek, 1842-1901)
Ira Tsantekidou, 1967
El Greco e la sua pittura Manierista

L'arte greca ebbe inizio nelle civiltà cicladica e minoica, e diede vita all'arte classica occidentale nei successivi periodi geometrico, arcaico e classico (con ulteriori sviluppi durante il periodo ellenistico).
Assorbì gli influssi delle civiltà orientali, dell'arte romana e dei suoi mecenati, e della nuova religione del cristianesimo ortodosso in epoca bizantina ed assorbì idee italiane ed europee durante il periodo del Romanticismo (con il rinvigorimento della Rivoluzione greca), fino all'epoca modernista e Postmodernista.
L'arte greca è principalmente cinque forme: architettura, scultura, pittura, ceramica e creazione di gioielli.