Ancient Art refers to the many types of art produced by the advanced cultures of ancient societies with some form of writing, such as those of ancient China, India, Mesopotamia, Persia, Palestine, Egypt, Greece and Rome.
The art of pre-literate societies is normally referred to as prehistoric art and is not covered here.
Although some pre-Columbian cultures developed writing during the centuries before the arrival of Europeans, on grounds of dating these are covered at pre-Columbian art and articles such as Maya art, Aztec art, and Olmec art.


Ancient Art and Artists at Tutt'Art@
- Galla Fattah, 1970 | Symbolist painter | Touching Egypt
- Antinous, the Greek God / Antinoo, il Dio Greco
- Ancient Egypt / La Civiltà Egizia
- Praxiteles | The Diana of Gabii | Musée du Louvre
- Venus de Milo
- The Tribuna of the Uffizi, 1581-1583 | The first museum of the Modern Age
- Thutmose | The Sculptor of the famed bust of Nefertiti
- Hindu Art | Ancient Origins
- Bust gallery | Louvre Museum, Paris
- Hatshepsut | The first woman Pharoah / La prima donna Faraone
- Ancient Art | Sitemap
- The Marathon Boy, 340-330 bc | Underwater discoveries
- Nefertiti, la Dea dell'Egitto
- Platone | The Philosophy of Music / La Filosofia della Musica
- Alekos Fassianos /Αλέκος Φασιανός, 1935 | Expressionist painter
- David Roberts RA | Romantic Orientalist painter
- Ancient Greek / La Civiltà greca
- William Wetmore Story | Delilah, 1877
- William Wetmore Story | The Libyan Sibyl, 1867
- Ancient Rome / La Civiltà romana
- William Wetmore Story | Medea, 1865
- William Wetmore Story | Cleopatra, 1858
- Kostas Rigoula Tsigris, 1954 | Symbolist /Figurative painter
- Edward McCartan | Figurative/Art Déco style sculptor
- Edward McCartan | Dream Lady, 1922, Lincoln Park
- Edward McCartan | Isoult, 1926
- Ettore Forti | Genre painter
- Wonders of the Antique World/Le Meraviglie del mondo antico, 1572
- La Bocca della Verità / The Mouth of Truth, Roma 1485
- India ~ Ancient Art History
- Antinoo, il fascino della bellezza | Mostra alla Villa Adriana di Tivoli
- The Altamira cave paintings
- Egypt - Land of the Gods and Pyramids
- Greek sculpture
- Jordanian site of Petra
- Il Gruppo del Laocoonte | Roma Barocca, anno 200 a.C.
- Sleeping Hermaphroditos / Ermafrodito dormiente | Ancient Art
- Pompei, la città sepolta dal Vesuvio
- Ancient Greek | Legacy
- Pompei sotto l'ira del Vesuvio
- Petra ~ La Città Rosa
- Ancient Jordanian site of Petra
- Ancient Persian sculptures
- Ancient Petra ~ Video Art
- Ancient Persian, Assyrian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian
- Ancient Chinese, Buddhis, Oriental Asian
- Confucio /Hartwig Kopp-Delaney | Aforismi /Quotes

Three faces from a four-faced linga - 10th Century - Indian Art - Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
African art in pre-colonial times

Site of Palmyra