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Tyson Snow, 1977 | Figurative Sculptor /painter

Award winning artist Tyson Snow has always had a passion for fine art and a desire for an outlet where he could create work that was powerful, personal and beautiful.
Tyson has worked tirelessly to improve that idea and has since found the pathway to success.
Tyson has focused on fine art for more than 10 years.

He started showing his work in 2004 in The Marshall Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ. He had near instant success which brought a growing public interest in his work.
He has been selected and featured as a finalist for the "Cover Art Competition" in the American Artist Magazine (drawing issue).
He was also featured in the American Art Collector Magazine a number of times, as well as other publications and newspapers.

Tyson’s work has primarily consisted of black and white work; complex drawings created in reverse with white pencil over black substrate.
These are mostly formal type portraits of tribal peoples that Snow visits in his travels between Northern Namibia and South Africa. Renowned for his delicate figurative renderings in white on black, his reputation for nuanced pen-and-ink interpretations of old world architecture are also well deserved.

Due to a compelling desire to create in different mediums, Snow began sculpting in clay/casting in bronze and painting in oils. His ability has allowed him to find early successes in both of those mediums.
Tyson has been accepted into several museum and juried art exhibitions were he has been the recipient of 1st place ribbons, merit awards and purchase awards for his sculpture, paintings and drawings. He has also been selected as a semi-finalist and winner of several public works bronze monuments.

Tyson Snow ha iniziato ad esporre i suoi lavori nel 2004 alla Marshall Gallery di Scottsdale, AZ.
Ha avuto un successo quasi immediato che ha portato un crescente interesse pubblico per il suo lavoro.
È stato selezionato come finalista per il "Cover Art Competition" nell'American Artist Magazine.
È stato anche presentato nell'American Art Collector Magazine diverse volte, così come in altre pubblicazioni e giornali.

Il lavoro di Tyson in precedenza consisteva in lavori in bianco e nero; disegni complessi creati al contrario con matita bianca su substrato nero.
A causa di un desiderio impellente di creare in diversi mezzi, Snow ha iniziato a scolpire in argilla/fondere in bronzo e dipingere ad olio.
La sua abilità gli ha permesso di trovare i primi successi in entrambi i mezzi.
Tyson è stato accettato in diversi musei e mostre d'arte con giuria, dove ha ricevuto nastri per il 1° posto e premi al merito per i suoi dipinti e sculture.

Più di recente Tyson ha vinto il primo posto nella categoria scultura attraverso l'International Art Renewal Center Salon.
Tyson ha installato e continua ad installare importanti opere pubbliche in bronzo in tutto il paese (America).