"...It is as if the artist has created his own mythology. It is a very romantic, evocative painting, technically well balanced and very strong, formally" - Lucinda Barnes, curator of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art commenting on the painting "Journey".

Douglas Girard: The results are in for the Art Renewal Center’s 2014/2015 Salon! 2500 paintings were submitted from around the world by 1050 artists. 31% were chosen as finalists. I had not one but two paintings selected by an esteemed panel of judges for the Imaginative Realism Category. My paintings “Awakening” and “Procession” will be included in the 11th International 2014-2015 ARC Salon Catalog. I am quite honored to be included in this group of very talented artists!

Growing up in Africa I spent many hours studying pictures of Europe, Canada and Alaska in the National Geographic magazine. The grasslands and rolling hills of Africa never inspired me as did the mountains of the northern continents.
I longed to be in northern forests looking out across a vista dominated by towering mountain peaks. These distant places of my imagination became symbols for me of a bygone era when mankind lived as one with nature in a time free of the clutter and distractions of our age.
My studies of mythology has increased my love for these faraway places I yearned for as a child. The ancient cultures considered hidden lakes, shady forests, pools of water and high mountain peaks as mystical places where they could feel closer to their gods. It was these places that I really wanted to get closer to.
For time in memorial mankind must have stood in awe of nature at these places and been touched by the same spiritual feeling that I feel. This is the fountainhead of my inspiration.
I finally moved to Alaska in 1993, and it was here that I found landscapes that truly inspired me. In the mountains of the Chugach and Talkeetna ranges, I found those cathedrals of stillness I had dreamed about. Feeling the cool wind on my face while standing on the shores of hidden mountain lakes surrounded by jagged mountain peaks, a great sense of awe overcame me. Here at last my soul was in harmony with nature.
My paintings are a synthesis of Alaska mountain lakes, the Italian landscape, dance and elements of the sacred sites that I have painted in Europe.

I have been painting since I was thirteen years old. I was accepted into the Pretoria School for Art, Ballet, Drama and Music in South Africa where I won many awards and competitions.
I have been interviewed by NBC TV, reviewed in the Anchorage Daily news and won many awards for my paintings.
My paintings are in many national and international collections.