Damian Tirado🎨 was born in Caracas, Venezuela. An autodidact, Triado has been passionate about painting and drawing since childhood.
He continued his studies at the school of Fine Arts "Cristobal de Rojas" in Caracas, and then began his career as a freelance visual artist. He has worked in theater world as a decorative painter and a makeup artist.

He has also worked as a fashion illustrator for major retailers including, "L'Oreal-Schwarzkopf", "Rembrandt Cosmetics", and the association "Intercoiffure Venezuela", he will also be interpreting the creations of the couturier Guy Melliet.
At 24 years old, he was offered a position as a professor of drawing and fashion at the drawing academies "Las Mercédès" and "Brivil".
He taught fashion drawing for 12 years in Caracas.
In 1999 he left for Europe where he lived in; Warsaw, Poland; Hamburg, Germany; and then finally in France.

Looking for space, he discovered the charm of Bresse du Jura where he installed his home workshop to invest his time in teaching the visual arts, and creation.
For this eclectic artist, the expression of art is not final, but extremely malleable; thus, he chooses to reject labels.
He says that he doesn't belong to any particular trend, instead he expresses himself through an open visual language. Damian exhibits both in France, and abroad.

Damian Tirado🎨 è nato a Caracas, Venezuela.
Autodidatta, appassionato di disegno e pittura fin da bambino, egli continuerà la sua formazione presso la Scuola di Belle Arti "Cristobal Rojas di Caracas".
Ha iniziato la sua carriera di artista visivo e lavorato come pittore e decoratore freelance, truccatore nel mondo del teatro e della moda e come illustratore con i principali rivenditori di "L' Oreal - Schwarzkopf", "Rembrandt Comestique", federazione "Intercoiffure Venezuela", sarà anche l'interprete delle creazioni di Guy Couturier Melliet.
A 24 anni, l'Accademie "Las Mercedes"e la "Brivil"gli offrirono le cattedre di design di moda.
Ha insegnato a Caracas per 12 anni il fashion design.
Nel 1999 parte per l'Europa dove rimarrà a Varsavia, in Polonia, in Germania, ad Amburgo e poi in Francia.
Damian Tirado🎨 sostiene di non appartenere a nessuna tendenza artistica in particolare, lui ama esprimersi attraverso ad un linguaggio libero.