Of French origin, Charles-Clos Olsommer (born March 17, 1883 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland died June 3, 1966) in Sierre, Switzerland, is naturalized in Neuchâtel in 1899.
He studied painting at the Art School in La Chaux-de-Fonds from 1901 to 1902 Professor Charles L'Eplattenier.
He attended the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich (1902-1903) and the School of Fine Arts of Geneva (1904-1905). He settled permanently in Veyras in 1912. He created there, in a style out of common, the totality of his works.
He studied painting at the Art School in La Chaux-de-Fonds from 1901 to 1902 Professor Charles L'Eplattenier.
He attended the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich (1902-1903) and the School of Fine Arts of Geneva (1904-1905). He settled permanently in Veyras in 1912. He created there, in a style out of common, the totality of his works.

His models are mostly members of his family, his mother, his father, his wife and children Veska. He also painted portraits of old men in the region and many self-portraits.
Influenced by symbolism and the Art Nouveau movement, his work is displayed to full advantage in the place where it was created.