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15th-16th century Artists | Sitemap

List of 15th-16th century Artists, artistic movements definition

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Natalia Tour /Наталья Тур, 1972 | Figurative painter

Наталья Тур, pittrice Russa, si è diplomata al Liceo Artistico Serov a San Pietroburgo, e poi ha ricevuto un diploma della San Pietroburgo Accademia di Belle Arti nella classe di pittura. Dal 1999, Natalia ha partecipato in numerose mostre internazionali. Espone regolarmente in Francia, Parigi, Strasburgo, Cote d'Azur. Dal 2006 è stata l'attività espositiva attiva a Mosca. Le sue opere si trovano in collezioni private in Russia, Francia, Gran Bretagna, Paesi Bassi e Stati Uniti. Membro dell'Unione degli artisti russi.

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Elena Katsyura /Елена Кацура, 1973 | Still Life / Cityscape painter

Elena Katsyura was born and learned how to paint in Russia, in the country with the old artistic traditions.
Russian realistic painters, such as Repin, Serov, Levitan, and French and American impressionists (Monet, Manet, Sargent) have always been her "guiding stars" and she draws inspiration from their works.
Her artistic creed is in combination of the traditions of Russian realistic art and French impressionism.

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Linda Lee Nelson, 1963 | Impressionist painter

Linda Lee Nelson has been painting unique commission work and works for sale since 2002 and painted over 200 commission is 10 years. Is the Inventor of the AHA Palette and Easele Box.
Her work has won several awards from notabel organizations as the Oil Painters of America, and the Portrait Society of America, and her award most recently won was Best In Show at the 2012 Arts In Harmony Exhibition in Minnesota.
Linda was a finalist in the prestigious ACOPAL Contemporary American and Chinese Realism Exhibition.

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Michelangelo | La Cappella Sistina | The Ceiling, 1508-1512

Julius II's decision to completely renovate the decoration of the Ceiling was probably due to the serious problems of a static nature that affected the Sistine Chapel from the earliest years of his pontificate (1503-1513).
They must have been the result of the excavations carried out both to the north and to the south of the building for the construction of the Borgia Tower and for the new St Peter's. After a long crack had opened in the Ceiling in May 1504, Bramante, then the Palace architect, was charged with finding a solution and he fixed some tie rods in the area above the Chapel. However, the damage suffered by the old painting must have been such as to convince the pontiff to entrust Michelangelo with a new pictorial decoration.

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Joadoor | Conceptual Neo-Classical painters

The artist name Joadoor labels the work of two Dutch painters, Ger Doornink and Hans-Jochem Bakker. Both men are conceptual artists, painters and photographers. Their work is characterized by Neo-Classical style that covers works of various themes.

Joadoor | Dutch Conceptual Neo-Classical painters

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Ilian Rachov, 1970 | Baroque Era style painter

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ilian Rachov starts his artistic career like self-taught man in 1988 realizing copies of medieval orthodox icons and frescoes, re-discovering ancient techniques of gilding methods and how to engrave after the golden backgrounds of the icons. His personal elaboration of that kind of old techniques and his modern view of this very antique art helps him to develop an own personal and unmistakable style in the iconography field.
This makes him very popular in Bulgaria and outside of the borders, gaining international appreciation and followers.

Donatella Versace ed Ilian Rachov

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Christine Comyn, 1957

Christine Comyn was born in Tielt, Belgium.
She studied at the St. Luke Academy in Ghent, Belgium, and later on at the Pedagogic Institute for Promotion, also in Ghent with the intention of becoming an educator.
As a result of the sold out status of her watercolors at the first solo exhibition, she began in 1989 to commit her time solely to producing the abstract watercolors that literally sold as quickly as she could paint them.

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21st Century Artists | Sitemap

Dimitra Milan

Kieron Williamson

List of 21th century Artists and artistic movements definition

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Angelos Panayiotou, 1943 | Abstract Figurative painter

"I would like my art to be an emotional and spiritual refuge. I would like the image to be serene, peaceful, opening a path towards our inner salvation" - Angelos Panayiotou
"Θέλω η ζωγραφική μου να είναι ένα συναισθηματικό και πνευματικό καταφύγιο. Θέλω να είναι μια εικόνα γαλήνια, ειρηνική, ανοίγοντας ένα μονοπάτι προς την εσωτερική μας" - Άγγελος Παναγιώτου

Άγγελος Παναγιώτου was born in Farkadona, Trikala-Greece. In 1962 he enrolled at The School of Fine Arts, Athens, where he studied painting under George Mavroides.
He continued his education by visiting many European Museums, in particular Le Louvre where he studied historical western art, mainly the Renaissance and Baroque period.

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Geoffrey Wynne, 1949 | Impressionist Watercolour painter

Born in Stoke, on Trent, Staffordshire, British painter Geoffrey Wynne moved to Spain soon after completing his degree in Fine Art at North Staffordshire University of Fine Art - BA Hons in Fine Art, 1985.
Geoffrey paints in watercolour and draws inspiration from the colour, sparkling light and vibrant culture of the Mediterranean - most notably Venice, Portugal, Morocco, Andalucia and Granada Spain, where he lives and works.

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Apostolos Geralis / Απόστολος Γεραλής | Academic Genre painter

Apostolos Geralis /Απόστολος Γεραλής (1886-1983) was born on the island of Mytelene and died in Athens, Greece.
In 1896 he enrolled at The School of Fine Arts, Athens, where he studied painting under Dimitrios Geraniotis, Spyros Vikatos, Georgios Jakobides and Georgios Roilos.
Between 1910-1915 he held a teaching position at the Pancyprian Gymnasium, Nicosia and later, between1919-1920 he continued his studies in Paris, at The Julian Academy.

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Kevin Sloan | Allegorical Realism painter

Kevin Sloan draws upon the diverse imagery acquired from his extensive travels around the world to create the unique magic realism paintings that have made him such a well-known, collected artist. With a portfolio of fine art that can be found in numerous public and private collections, his distinctive, provocative and occasionally humorous imagery create truly unique allegorical still lifes and landscapes.

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Erin Hanson, 1981 | Impressionist / Expressionist / Abstract painter

Hanging precariously and horizontally from red sandstone, hundreds of feet above the ground, may not seem like it would inspire the creation of beautiful oil paintings, but that is exactly what happened with Erin Hanson.
After a lifetime of experimenting in different styles and mediums, it wasn’t until Hanson began rock climbing at Red Rock Canyon that her painting style was consolidated by a single inspiration and force of nature.

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Arturo Martini | Symbolist sculptor

Arturo Martini, (born August 11, 1889, Treviso, Italy - died March 22, 1947, Milan), Italian sculptor and painter who was active between the World Wars. He is known for figurative sculptures executed in a wide variety of styles and materials.
Martini was trained in goldsmithing and in ceramics and worked for a time as a potter.
In 1905 he began sculpting; he attended art classes in Italy at Treviso and Venice before traveling to Munich, Germany, where he studied under the academic sculptor Adolf von Hildebrand in 1909.
Martini experimented with an angular and emotional Expressionist style in his early works (such as The Prostitute, 1909).
He first exhibited his sculptures in Paris in 1912.

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Diane Leonard | Plein Air Impressionist painter

Diane Leonard is an award winning artist, and one of America’s most highly respected contemporary impressionists.
A self-taught artist, Diane began painting in her early twenties while she lived in Boston.
She has enjoyed great success with her artwork, including numerous One-Woman Shows here in the U.S. and Japan.
She has studied with two renowned painters, Bettina Steinke and Helen Van Wyk.

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Theodoros Pantaleon, 1945 | Surrealist painter

Theodoros Pantaleon / Πανταλεων Θόδωρος was born in Athens.
He studied graphic arts at the Athens Technological Institute Doxiadis School taught by A. Tassos, A. Asteriadis, I. Dekoulakos, G. Georgiadis and S. Lydakis. He lives and works in Athens.
In his works, he uses typical elements of surrealism, while he adds elements of mannerism with portraits where he uses dreamy and imaginary sets.

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David Farres, 1955 | Figurative / Cityscape painter

David Farrés Calvo was born in Badalona, Barcellona, Spain.
"David Farrés trained in the studio of renowned painter Manuel Sanchez Almendros (director of the Academy longed Mediterranean in Barcelona who founded the failed Joaquim Torrents Lladó).
It belongs to the "Cercle Artistic de Sant Lluc" of Barcelona, founded in 1893 Great artists have been associated with this circle as Joan Miró and Antoni Gaudi.

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Charles-Clos Olsommer | Symbolist / Art Nouveau painter

Of French origin, Charles-Clos Olsommer (born March 17, 1883 in Neuchâtel, Switzerland died June 3, 1966) in Sierre, Switzerland, is naturalized in Neuchâtel in 1899.
He studied painting at the Art School in La Chaux-de-Fonds from 1901 to 1902 Professor Charles L'Eplattenier.
He attended the Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich (1902-1903) and the School of Fine Arts of Geneva (1904-1905). He settled permanently in Veyras in 1912. He created there, in a style out of common, the totality of his works.

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Ippolito Caffi | Romantic / Visionary Landscape painter

Italian painter Ippolito Coffi (1809-1866) was the most modern and original architectural subjects, seascapes and urban vedute artist of his time, and his paintings are so special in immortalising the soul of the places and peoples he encountered during his many trips.

For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Ippolito Caffi see part 1.
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Massimo Fedele, 1964 | Abstract Figurative painter /sculptor

Massimo Fedele was born in Turin, Italy. After a few months his family moved to Apulia, in San Vito dei Normanni (Brindisi) where he still lives and works. After obtaining a diploma from the local Technical and Commercial Institute, he realised he was not on the right track.

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Leonard Cohen / Jack Vettriano | Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now
dance me on and on dance me very tenderly
and dance me very long we’re both of us beneath our love
we’re both of us above
dance me to the end of love

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Andrius Kovelinas,1958

Andrius Kovelinas è da molti anni in prima linea nel panorama dell'arte contemporanea internazionale.
Più recentemente ha vinto l'ambito secondo premio alla più prestigiosa biennale dell'Accademia d'Arte Anglo-Italiana al Museo d'Arte di Chianciano, in Italia, con il suo dipinto 'Red Dance'. Vive in Irlanda da quasi 10 anni.
Il suo stile e la sua immaginazione straordinari sono stati in mostra alla Green Gallery poco dopo aver messo piede su queste coste.
Per molti anni Andrius aveva viaggiato in tutta Europa producendo le sue opere magistrali ovunque andasse Mostre personali più recenti: 2012, Galleria La Vittoria, Roma, Italia
Andrius ha vinto il secondo premio alla più prestigiosa biennale dell'Accademia d'Arte Anglo-Italiana al Museo d'Arte di Chianciano, Italia per il suo lavoro 'Red Dance'.

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Abdalieva Akzhan,1975 | VideoArt

Abdalieva Akzhan /Aбдалиева Aкжана is an painter from Alma-Ta, Kazakhstan, known for working in the Figurative style. For biographical notes -in english and italian- and works see Abdalieva Akzhan ~ Figurative painter

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Lilliana Comes | Symbolist Figurative painter

Daughter of an artist -her father was a sculptor, painter-, Lilliana Comes graduates from Istituto d’Arte di Napoli “Filippo Palizzi”, where she studies under sculptor Lelio Gelli and painter Enrico Cajati. She has her works displayed in many exhibitions, both individual and collective, in places such as Copenaghen, Berlin, Bern, London, New York, and at the International Boat Show of Qingdao (China) with the Mediterranean series.

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Yannis Koutrikas, 1954 | Expressionist painter

Greek🎨 painter and sculptor Γιάννης Κούτρικας was born in Kalamata. From 1966-1978 he lived in Chicago, USA where studied Biology at the University of Illinois.
On his return to Greece, he studied painting in the National School of Fine Arts in Athens (1982-1987) under the supervision of Dimitris Mytaras. After graduating, he won a scholarship by the State Scholarship Institute for the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux - Arts in Paris.

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Marco Busoni, 1962 | Surreal figure /Plein air painter

- The focal point of my artistic production is light. Painting and taking photos are two aspects of the same inspiration that I have form natural light in its spectacular and evanescent exhibitions.
In bright and sunny days or just before a thunderstorm brakes, sometimes I feel a compelling need to cache the beauty that I see around me. Photography is cure to this need a hunt made without caring of the heavy weight of my backpack full of lenses, a struggle of technology and passion.

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Nikolay Reznichenko, 1958 | Surrealist Figurative painter

Russian painter Николай Резниченко was born Saratov region.
Throughout his life he has had various experiences and occupations which have enriched him, in a variety of ways, as an artist, and made him what he presently is.
After graduating from an art college, Николай entered nautical one in Kerch.
He was on his military duty in Kiev, afterwards there followed the period of studying architecture and arts in Krasnodar.

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Christine Peloquin | Abstract painter

Christine Peloquin is a 2-D mixed media artist who has been selling her artwork for 30 years.
She is currently showing her work at Arts on Douglas Gallery in New Smyrna Beach, Bennett Galleries in Knoxville, TN, and Studio E Gallery in Palm Beach Gardens.
She has also shown in numerous galleries around the country including Atelier Galleries in Asheville, NC and Charleston, SC, Matre Gallery, Atlanta, GA, Longstreth-Goldberg Gallery in Naples, Hanson Gallery, Knoxville, TN, Loretta Goodwin Gallery, Birmingham, AL, Blue Gallery, Kansas City, MO, Orlando Museum of Art Gift Shop and Kristal Gallery, Sugarbush, VT to name a few.

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Charles Bukowski | Che cosa diranno i vicini?

I miei genitori erano sempre dietro a
naturalmente non mi importava un fico di
che cosa diranno i vicini.
mi facevano pena i vicini,
codardi che spiavano da dietro le

Waldemar J. Marszałek

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | The Umbrellas, 1881-1886

Renoir's 'Umbrellas' shows a bustling Paris street in the rain. The composition of the painting does not focus on the centre of the picture which is a tangle of hands. It even cuts of figures at either edge like a photographic snapshot. This kind of unconventional arrangement was something that several of the Impressionists, including Renoir and Degas, enjoyed experimenting with.

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Salustiano Garcia Cruz, 1965

Spanish painter Salustiano García Cruz graduated from the University of Seville.
The paintings of this artist are red or white pictures in a pure concept of Renaissance style, transmitting calm through a detailed study of form and a clear brush stroke.
The characters are lone busts and faces over an empty and monochrome space, appearing like in dreams where everything turns red.

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Loui Jover, 1967 | Abstract /Surrealist painter

Loui Jover is an Australian based painter with a unique style of art. He basically uses ink on pages from vintage books to create eye-catching and emotionally charged images of women’s faces. His images also incorporate couples in intensely emotional states. His works have been hailed as truly creative and emotional. As an avid artist who draws every single day creating books of cartoons and drawings, Loui has travelled extensively all over Europe and Asia.

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Johan Messely, 1953 | The Secret Gardens

Johan Messely is a painter from Belgium. Johan Messely grew up in the artistic world of his father Paul Messely,1927, also a painter, who served as his great example and motivation.
After his studies into technical engineering and later photography, Johan settled as a professional photographer in Menen, Belgium, but eventually decided to turn painting from being just a hobby into his main occupation.
Johan aims to create scenes in which the subtle play between light and shadow takes the central stage.

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Alex Bertaina, 1963 | Venice painting

"Maybe my sky and my sea are united, as our existence,
between transport towards nature and departure from it and they shall treat these wounds" - Alex Bertaina

Alex Bertaina is an Italian painter, born in Turin. He lives and work in Cuneo, in North West Italy.
- "I am an autodidact painter. Since I was a child drawing has been to me a prime channel of expression, I remember that at school I enjoyed drawing pictures from the incomprehensible scribbling made by my classmates.