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17th century Artists | Sitemap

The 17th century was the century that lasted from January 1, 1601, to December 31, 1700, in the Gregorian calendar.
It falls into the Early Modern period of Europe and in that continent (whose impact on the world was increasing) was characterized by the Baroque cultural movement, the latter part of the Spanish Golden Age, the Dutch Golden Age, the French Grand Siècle dominated by Louis XIV, the Scientific Revolution, and according to some historians, the General Crisis.
The greatest military conflicts were the Thirty Years' War, the Great Turkish War, and the Dutch-Portuguese War.
It was during this period also that European colonization of the Americas began in earnest, including the exploitation of the silver deposits, which resulted in bouts of inflation as wealth was drawn into Europe.

In the Islamic world, the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires grew in strength.
Especially in the Indian subcontinent, Mughal architecture, culture and art reached its zenith, while the empire itself is believed to have had the world's largest economy, bigger than the entirety of Western Europe and worth 25% of global GDP.

In Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa shogunate at the beginning of the century, beginning the Edo period; the isolationist Sakoku policy began in the 1630s and lasted until the 19th century.
In China, the collapsing Ming dynasty was challenged by a series of conquests led by the Manchu warlord Nurhaci, which were consolidated by his son Hong Taiji and finally consummated by his grandson, the Shunzi Emperor, founder of the Qing dynasty.
From the middle decades of the 17th century, European politics were increasingly dominated by the Kingdom of France of Louis XIV, where royal power was solidified domestically in the civil war of the Fronde.

The semi-feudal territorial French nobility was weakened and subjugated to the power of an absolute monarchy through the reinvention of the Palace of Versailles from a hunting lodge to a gilded prison, in which a greatly expanded royal court could be more easily kept under surveillance.
With domestic peace assured, Louis XIV caused the borders of France to be expanded.
It was during this century that English monarch became a symbolic figurehead and Parliament was the dominant force in government – a contrast to most of Europe, in particular France.

By the end of the century, Europeans and Indians were aware of logarithms, electricity, the telescope and microscope, calculus, universal gravitation, Newton's Laws of Motion, air pressure and calculating machines due to the work of the first scientists of the Scientific Revolution, including Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, René Descartes, Pierre Fermat, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Christiaan Huygens, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It was also a period of development of culture in general (especially theater, music, visual arts and philosophy). | © Wikipedia

List of 17th century Artists and artistic movements definition

  1. Donato Creti | Astronomical Observations, 1711
  2. Mattia Preti | Baroque Era painter
  3. Johannes Vermeer | Baroque Era painter
  4. Johannes Vermeer | The Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1665
  5. Adam de Coster | Baroque / Genre painter
  6. Gerrit van Honthorst | Baroque Era painter
  7. Baroque art | History and Sitemap
  8. Sir Peter Paul Rubens | Baroque Era painter
  9. Giacomo Ceruti | Baroque / Genre / Portrait painter
  10. Guercino (1591-1666) Baroque Era painter
  11. Saint Cecilia: Patroness of Musicians
  12. Hendrick Goltzius | Mannerist painter
  13. Bartholomaeus Spranger | Mannerist painter
  14. Artemisia Gentileschi | Baroque Era painter
  15. Giovanni Battista Piazzetta | Rococo Era painter
  16. William Shakespeare / Maria Amaral | Il mio occhio si è fatto pittore / Mine eye hath played the painter
  17. Orazio Gentileschi | Portrait of a Young Woman as a Sibyl, 1620-1626
  18. Jusepe de Ribera | Baroque Era painter
  19. Orazio Gentileschi | Baroque painter
  20. Artemisia Gentileschi | Mary Magdalene as Melancholy, 1622-1625
  21. Giovanna Garzoni | Baroque painter
  22. Johannes Vermeer | The Milkmaid /La Lattaia, c. 1657-1658
  23. Caravaggio | Baroque Era painter
  24. Guido Reni (1575-1642) | Baroque Era painter
  25. Guido Reni | Baroque Era painter
  26. Onorio Marinari (1627-1715) | Sant’Agnese
  27. Pieter de Hooch (1629-1684) | Baroque Era painter
  28. Pieter de Hooch | Baroque Era painter
  29. Claude Lorrain | Baroque Era painter | Part ²
  30. Claude Lorrain | Baroque Era painter
  31. Annibale Carracci | Baroque Era painter | Part ²
  32. Annibale Carracci | Baroque Era painter
  33. Rembrandt | Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem, 1630
  34. Simon Vouet | Baroque Era painter
  35. Georges de la Tour | Baroque Era painter
  36. Jan Steen | Baroque Era painter
  37. Nicolas Poussin | Baroque Era painter
  38. Aelbert Cuyp | Baroque Era painter
  39. Francisco De Zurbarán | Baroque Era painter ⁽²⁾
  40. Francisco De Zurbarán | Baroque Era painter
  41. Jacob Jordaens | Baroque Era painter ⁽²⁾
  42. Jacob Jordaens | Baroque Era painter
  43. Jusepe de Ribera | Baroque Era painter ⁽²⁾
  44. José de Ribera | Baroque Era painter
  45. Luca Giordano | Baroque Era painter ⁽³⁾
  46. Luca Giordano | Baroque Era painter ⁽²⁾
  47. Luca Giordano | Baroque Era painter
  48. Bernardo Strozzi | Music players in the Baroque era
  49. Bernardo Strozzi | Portraits of composer Claudio Monteverdi
  50. Bernardo Strozzi | Baroque painter
  51. Adam de Coster | A young woman holding a distaff before a lit candle
  52. Pietro Paolini | Baroque painter
  53. Elisabetta Sirani | Baroque painter
  54. Michael Sweerts | Boy in a Turban Holding a Nosegay (1658-1661)
  55. Francesco Hayez / Shakespeare | The Kiss, 1859 | Art in Detail
  56. Gerard ter Borch | Baroque Era painter
  57. Valentin De Boulogne | Baroque painter
  58. Caravaggio | Baroque Era painter | The Hands | Art in Detail
  59. Caravaggio | Baroque Era painter | The Portraits | Art in Detail
  60. Valentin de Boulogne | The Crowning with Thorns, 1620 | Art in Detail
  61. Caravaggio | The crowning with thorns, 1607 | Art in Detail
  62. Vermeer | A Young Woman standing at a Virginal, c. 1670-1672 | Art in Detail
  63. Shakespeare | Shall I compare thee to a summer's day.. / Dovrei paragonarti a un giorno d'estate..
  64. Vermeer | Lady with Her Maidservant Holding a Letter, 1667 | Art in Detail
  65. 17th century Artists | Sitemap
  66. Aert van der Neer | Dutch Baroque Era painter
  67. Rembrandt | The Return of the Prodigal Son, 1668 | Art in Detail
  68. Rembrandt | Self-Portrait, 1658 | Art in Detail
  69. Rembrandt | Portrait of an Old Man, 1645 | Art in Detail
  70. Rembrandt | Susanna and the Elders, 1647 | Art in Detail
  71. Gerrit Dou | Baroque Era painter
  72. Johannes Vermeer | The Allegory of Painting, 1666 | Art in Detail
  73. Cristoforo Stati | Orpheus with Violin, 1600-1601 | Art in Detail
  74. Rembrandt | Venus and Cupid, 1640-1660 | Art in Detail
  75. Rembrandt | Saul and David, 1655-1660 | Art in Detail
  76. Rembrandt | Danaë, 1636 | Art in Detail
  77. Rembrandt | Adoration of the Magi, 1632 | Art in Detail
  78. Bartholomeus Spranger | Mannerist painter
  79. Jacob Ferdinand Saeys | Architectural Fantasies painter
  80. Cornelis Van Poelenburgh | Dutch Golden Age Landscape painter
  81. Gennaro Greco | Imaginary Architecture /Landscape painter
  82. Dirck van Delen | Architecture Fantasy painter
  83. Aert de Gelder | Baroque Era painter | Rembrandt’s pupil
  84. Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Painting and Drawing | Baroque Era style
  85. Diego Velázquez | Baroque Era painter
  86. Rembrandt | The Jewish Bride /La sposa ebrea, 1667
  87. El Greco | Mannerist painter | Detail painting
  88. William Shakespeare | Sonnets, 1609
  89. William Shakespeare ~ I Sonetti, 1609
  90. Rembrandt | Musical Company, 1626
  91. Rubens and Brueghel ~ The Five Senses Allegory | Art workshops
  92. Cornelis de Vos | Mother and child, 1624
  93. Salvator Rosa | Allegory of Fortune, 1659
  94. Salvator Rosa | Baroque Era painter
  95. Archduke Leopold Wilhelm | Patron of the Arts
  96. Caravaggio | Baroque Era painter | Quotes /Aforismi
  97. Carlo Dolci | Baroque Era painter
  98. Cornelis de Vos | Children portrait, c. 1600
  99. Francesco Lavagna ~ La natura morta Napoletana del settecento
  100. La Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi /The fountain of the four rivers, 1651
  101. Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
  102. William Shakespeare ~ Aforismi...
  103. Giulietta Capuleti ~ Il balcone a Verona
  104. Shakespeare & Yves Pires ~ Tu sei per la mia mente, come cibo per la vita...
  105. Rembrandt | Oggi il compleanno ~ 407 anni della nascita
  106. Francesco Furini ~ Baroque Era painter
  107. Willem Haenraets and William Shakespeare | Romantic Rhythm
  108. Sir Anthony Van Dyck | Baroque Era painter
  109. La Fontana di Trevi ~ Roma Barocca e Rococò
  110. Caravaggio | The Fortune teller, 1630
  111. El Greco | Mannerist painter
  112. Rembrandt van Rijn | Baroque painter
  113. Frans Hals | Dutch Golden Age painter
  114. Rembrandt ~ Self-portraits
  115. Caravaggio | Baroque Era painter | Art in Detail
  116. Sleeping Hermaphroditos / Ermafrodito dormiente | Ancient Art
  117. La cattedrale di Orleans
  118. La Reggia di Versailles
  119. Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Baroque Era sculptor
  120. Rembrandt van Rijn | Baroque painter | Portraits
  121. Stefano Maderno | Baroque era style sculptor

Il 17 ° secolo fu il secolo che durò dal 1 gennaio 1601-31 dicembre 1700, nel calendario gregoriano.

Cade nell'età moderna dell'Europa caratterizzata dal movimento culturale barocco, l'ultima parte dell'età dell'oro spagnola, l'età dell'oro olandese, il Grand Siècle francese dominato da Luigi XIV, la rivoluzione scientifica, e secondo alcuni storici, la crisi generale.

I più grandi conflitti militari furono la Guerra dei Trent'anni, la Grande Guerra Turca e la Guerra Olandese-Portoghese.
Fu durante questo periodo anche che la colonizzazione europea delle Americhe iniziò sul serio, compreso lo sfruttamento dei giacimenti d'argento, che portò a periodi di inflazione mentre la ricchezza veniva attratta in Europa.

Nel mondo islamico, gli imperi ottomano, safavide e moghul si sono rafforzati. Soprattutto nel subcontinente indiano, l'architettura, la cultura e l'arte di Mughal raggiunsero il loro apice, mentre si crede che l'impero abbia avuto la più grande economia del mondo, più grande di tutta l'Europa occidentale e vale il 25% del PIL mondiale.

In Giappone, Tokugawa Ieyasu fondò lo shogunato Tokugawa all'inizio del secolo, iniziando il periodo Edo; la politica isolazionista di Sakoku iniziò negli anni Trenta del secolo scorso e durò fino al XIX secolo.

In Cina, la dinastia Ming è stata sfidata da una serie di conquiste condotte dal nobile della guerra Manchu Nurhaci, consolidate dal figlio Hong Taiji e infine consumate da suo nipote, l'imperatore Shunzi, fondatore della dinastia Qing.

A partire dai decenni centrali del XVII secolo, la politica europea fu sempre più dominata dal Regno di Francia di Luigi XIV, dove il potere reale fu solidificato a livello nazionale nella guerra civile della Fronda.
La nobiltà francese territoriale semi-feudale fu indebolita e soggiogata al potere di una monarchia assoluta attraverso la reinvenzione della Reggia di Versailles da una casetta di caccia ad una prigione dorata, in cui una corte reale molto ampliata poteva essere più facilmente tenuta sotto sorveglianza. Con la pace domestica assicurata, Luigi XIV fece espandere i confini della Francia.

Fu durante questo secolo che il monarca inglese divenne un prestanome simbolico e il Parlamento fu la forza dominante nel governo - un contrasto con la maggior parte dell'Europa, in particolare la Francia.
Alla fine del secolo, europei ed indiani erano a conoscenza dei logaritmi, dell'elettricità, del telescopio e del microscopio, del calcolo, della gravitazione universale, delle leggi del moto di Newton, della pressione dell'aria e delle macchine calcolatrici a causa del lavoro dei primi scienziati della rivoluzione scientifica, tra cui Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, René Descartes, Pierre Fermat, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Christiaan Huygens, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton e Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Fu anche un periodo di sviluppo della cultura in generale (in particolare teatro, musica, arti visive e filosofia).

Peter Paul Rubens | Baroque Era painter