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Antonella Lucarella Masetti, 1954

Antonella Masetti Lucarella was born in Taranto Italy.
She actually lives and works in Milan. She works using mixed techniques.
Talking about her practice, the artist says she has chosen to create "Italian" art, despite the fashion of the times.
Her paintings have a timeless beauty and the artist has reached international fame.

Her predilection toward figurative painting generates images of great beauty, refined and ethereal, but at the same time strong and introspective: her paintings are not just mere scenes of daily life, but portraits that gaze beyond the surface, and convey all the characters' drama and inner torment.
Those faces, those glances magnetically capture the attention of the viewer by taking the mind in their thoughts, their concerns and torments.

The artist mostly creates magisterially composed and produced portraits of women.
The painting technique creates a visual richness from varnishes, patinas and transparencies, from which sometimes pitch black surfaces emerge.

Antonella Lucarella Masetti è nata a Taranto, vive ed opera da diversi anni a Milano.
Dipinge acquerelli, chine acquerellate e realizza opere con tecnica mista.
Ha partecipato a numerose rassegne artistiche, in gallerie e centri culturali.
Nel 2000 realizza il bozzetto del francobollo emesso in occasione del Simposio internazionale sul Tumore al seno, Roma.