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Claude WeisBuch | Impressionist /Modern painter

Plaude Weisbuch (1927-2014) was born in Thionville, France and was a pupil at L'École des Beaux-Arts in Nancy.
As a painter, engraver, and exceptional lithographer, Claude Weisbuch has painted active motifs, such as musicians, horses, characters.
Dominating in his work, by the relief and the velvety line which characterizes dry-point, his etchings are the strongest representations of his figures, intensely lively after 1960s.

Using dark tones which express his sharp sense, Claude Weisbuch ceaselessly captures life's dynamics, as the pictorial, musical and literary expressions that are essentially human.
Whether it is the impassioned violinist, the mercurial actor, or the sitter shrouded with silent intensity, they have all been rendered with Weisbuch's love for drama.
The brushstrokes are sweeping and bold while the paint is fluid. His pictures, full of movement, give one the impression of time-lapsed motion, and display an expression of passionate humanity tinged with a unique energy.

1997 Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur

Claude Weisbuch (1927-2014) è nato l’ 8 Febbraio a Thionville, France.
Dopo aver studiato alla scuola di Belle Arti di Nancy. Viene nominato professore alla scuola di Belle arti di Saint-Etienne. Dal 1951 le sue ricerche grafiche e la sua pittura attirano l’attenzione della critica che nel 1961 lo insignisce del suo Premio Annuale. Nel 1968 diventa membro titolare della Società dei Pttori e disegnatori di Francia.
Dal 1957, data della sua prima esposizione e Parigi, non ha ai cessato di esporre nel mondo intero. Sue opere sono presenti in numerosi musei.
Nel 1997 ha ricevuto le Legion d’Onore.