Jinnie May has always had an appreciation for art, but it wasn’t until she retired in 2000 that she began to seriously pursue art. Currently Jinnie is interested in the use of watercolor for its spontaneity, portability and indecisiveness. Her initial inspiration comes from studying California Watercolor artists from the 1940’s and 50’s, who painted genre paintings on large paper using big brushes and bold colors.
From her holidays spent traveling around the United States and Europe, she has acquired a taste for a wide range of subject matter from city and seascapes, to architecture. In her paintings, she tries to give life to old buildings in a city and urban scene. Jinnie attributes her distinct style to being slightly askew, both in sight and insight.
Her deliberate disregard of perspective in her buildings adds a touch of her personality and gives the buildings a whimsical feel.
"Art has been in my life since childhood however it got pushed to the side while I began a career in a non-art related position in the pharmaceutical industry. After retirement in 2000 I took a watercolor class in Bermuda with Bryan Atyeo, a wonderful Canadian artist and teacher. That was enough to spur my interest and suddenly I was hooked.
Since then I have taken many classes with well known instructors including, but not limited to; Toni Chaplin, Frank Webb, Serge Hollerbach, Skip Lawrence, Don Andrews, Judi Betts, Alvaro Castagnet, John Salminen and Pat Dews. I truly admire the California watercolor artists of the past; Rex Brandt, George Post and Barse Miller and many others. I have many of their books and their paintings enhance my enthusiasm and inspiration.
I've been experimenting with different mediums and surfaces and I guess you could say subject matter as well. In the past two years I've added quite a few new paintings to my abstract collection.
Since 2004 I have exhibited in many local and statewide shows, winning numerous awards and many of my original paintings are in private collections.
I belong to several Art Associations (see Associations and Awards page) and am currently the President of The New Jersey Water Color Society.
Studio paintings are created in the ASKEW-IS-ME Studio in Randolph, NJ".
- W. Emerton Heitland Memorial Award-PWCS-October.
- Guerrilla Painter Award II- NEWS- October.
- Dagmar H. Tribble Memorial Award -GSWS-August.
- Finalist -The Artist Magazine's Annual Art Competition/ Abstract/ Experimental.
- AirFloat/Golden Paint Award -BWS-June.
- Award of Excellence-NJWCS Members Show-June.
- Merit Award-PWCS Members' Show -March.
- Best in Show-EWCC-February.
- Winsor-Newton Award ($150m)-NEWS-October.
- First place Abstracts-Tewksbury Historical Society-September.
- The Virginia Fleugel Memorial Award-NJWCS 72nd Annual Open-September.
- John Young-Hunter Memorial Award ($500) AAA-September.
- Honorable Mention -GSWS-June.
- Best in Show-NJWCS Members-June.
- Second Place-MSAHC-May.
- Award of Merit EWCC-April.
- Award of Excellence MSHAC-March.
- Award of Excellence EWCC-January.
- Judson Outfitters Award-NEWS -October 2013.
- Award of Excellence-Mountain Art Show-October.
- Honorable Mention -GSWS-October.
- The Nummie Warga Memorial Award NJWCS-October.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC-September.
- Best in Show-GSWS Signature Members Show-June.
- Award of Merit-MSHAC-March.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC-February.
- Special Recognition -Mixed Media Category-Light,Space,Time Gallery-Feb.
- The Connecticut Pastel Society Award - AAA-November.
- The Pat and Richard Morgan Award- NEWS-October.
- Honorable Mention-Tewksbury Historical Society -October.
- The Pat and Richard Morgan Award-GSWS-October.
- American Frame Award -BWS-September.
- Award of Merit-EWCC-September.
- Award of Excellence-GSWS Members-May.
- Honorable Mention-NJWCS Members-May.
- Award of Merit -EWCC*-April.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC*-February.
- Award of Excellence-MSHAC*-January.
- Award of Excellence-NJWCS Members-November.
- Best in Show-MSHAC*-October.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC*-October.
- Norman Webb Memorial Award-NJWCS-Sept.
- Best in Show-EWCC-Sept.
- Harry C. Hobbs Jr. Memorial Award -GSWC-August.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC-June.
- Edith Strange Memorial Award -BWS-March.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC-Feb.
- Third Place-Landscapes-Tewksbury Historical Society Oct.
- The Nummie Warga Memorial Award(NJWCS)-Oct.
- The Frank Nofer Memorial Award (PWCS)-Oct.
- The Charles Tice Award (Skylands)-Sept.
- Award of Merit -Millburn-Short Hills Art Center (M-SHAC)-Sept.
- Honorable Mention-Millburn-Short Hills Art Center (M-SHAC)- July.
- Award of Excellence-Millburn-Short Hills Art Center (M-SHAC)-July.
- Merit Award Watercolor-Salmagundi Club-July.
- Award of Merit-EWCC-April.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC-Feb.
- Winsor-Newton Award-AAA-Nov.
- Xylem Award-NEWS-Oct.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC -Oct.
- Silver Medal of Honor-NJWCS-Sept.
- Award of Excellence-SAA-July.
- Best in Show-AAR-May.
- Edith Strange Memorial Award -BWS-March.
- Harriet Kaftanic Memorial Award- GSWS-March.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC-Feb.
- Best in Show -EWCC Nov.
- Best of Tewksbury- Tewksbury Historical Society-Oct.
- Best in Show-AAR May.
- Best in Show-EWCC May.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC Feb.
- Award of Excellence Annual Juried Show Jan.-SAA.
- Best in Show-Tewksbury Historical Society Sept.
- First Place-Flowers-Tewksbury Historical Society Sept.
- Best in Show-EWCC Sept.
- Award of Excellence-AAR May.
- Award of Excellence-EWCC Feb.
- Millburn-Short Hills Art Center-MSHAC.
- EssexWater Color Club-EWCC.
Amante dell'arte fin da bambina, Jinnie ha cominciato a dipingere solo dopo essere andata in pensione dal suo lavoro nell'industria farmaceutica.
Finalmente libera da impegni, ha potuto seguire dei corsi di acquarello con artisti di fama.
I suoi ispiratori sono i famosi acquarellisti californiani del passato. Ha esposto in varie località con buon successo e ha vinto numerosi premi.