Syrian artist Elias Naman was born in Yabruod, Syria. Currently residing in Carrara, Italy.
Graduated in 2002 in sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Damascus, Syria. Later he proceeded for a master in "superior studies in sculpture" at the same Faculty.
In 2003 he interrupted his studies in Syria and was admitted in the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, Italy. In 2009 graduated with maximum vote with a thesis entitled "A journey into sculpture between Syria and Italy". In 2010 master in "Sacred Art" Italy.
In 2011 graduated with maximum vote in specialist master of marble sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara. With a thesis entitled: "From the idea to the stone: a method of direct carving sculpture", the method of direct processing of marble sculpture.
Sculptor Elias Naman has worked for important sculpture’s studios in Italy, especially in the area between Carrara and Pietrasanta, where he helped in the realization of monumental sculptures.
- 2012: Group exhibition (Marble weeks) "studies by Baluardo" Carrara Italy.
- 2012: Group exhibition (Days of Art) fairs at Carrara Italy.
- 2012: Solo exhibition of sculpture at the exhibition hall of the Bank Cassa Rurale di BCC Treviglio Treviglio (BG) Italy.
- 2011: Group exhibition (Days of Art, whole house) at Carrara fairs Italy.
- 2011: Group exhibition of Sacred Art in the town of Norcia, Italy.
- 2010: Group exhibition of Sacred Art at "Castle Scopoli" Italy.
- 2008: Group exhibition of sculpture of alabaster in Volterra.
- 2008: Personal exhibition (Halle DARDE) Lodeve, France.
- 2007: Group exhibition of sculpture at Varese group (Torano day and night) Carrara.
- 2006: Group exhibition of sculpture in Torrita di Siena. Group exhibition of sculpture in Florence "Marble Art in Florence" at the Art Park Pazzagli.
- 2005: Sculpture stand at the Academy of Carrara Marble Fair. Exhibition of the Biennale Stone Worked in Arezzo.
- 2004: Staff in Genoa at the Municipal Hall exposure of Sestri Ponente. Group exhibition of sculpture dedicated to Moses Bianchi at Monza.
- 2003: Exhibition of sculpture in Damascus. Group exhibition of sculpture in Damascus.
- 2002: Exhibition of sculpture in Damascus. Group exhibition of sculpture in Damascus.
- 2001: Group exhibition of sculpture "young artists" in Damascus.
- 2012 International Biennale of Sculpture of the Chaco "resistencia" Argentina, and won the prize of the public.
- 2012 winner of the competition (BENQ International workshops) Taiwan.
- 2009 International Symposium of Sculpture Litzndorf, "Bamberg", Germany.
- 2008 International Symposium of Sculpture in alabaster in Volterra (PI). The sculpture was acquired by the City Council of the City and is currently on permanent display in Piazza dei Priori in Volterra.
- 2007 International Sculpture Symposium "Oberschleichach" in Germany, for the event of the "Day Bavarian Culture".
- 2007 International Symposium of Sculpture Wunsiedel, Germany.
- 2006 International Symposium of Sculpture at the firm M + Q Carrara (MS).
- International Sculpture Symposium "Brusque" in Brazil, at the International Museum of Sculpture Brusque.
- 2005 International Symposium of Sculpture Wunsidel, Germany.
Elias Naman è nato a Yabroud, Siria. Laureato presso la facoltà di Belle Arti di Damasco, nel 2002 giunge in Italia e si iscrive all'Accademia di Carrara, dove nel 2009 consegue la laurea quadriennale con il massimo dei voti. Nel 2011 consegue la laurea specialistica con il massimo dei voti.
Ha partecipato a numerosi simposi in tutto il mondo e ha esposto i suoi lavori in alcune mostre collettive e personali in Italia, Siria, Brasile, Germania e Francia.
Predilige da sempre lo stile figurativo e lavora il marmo esclusivamente a mano, senza l'aiuto di macchinari, esattamente come lavorava Michelangelo oltre cinquecento anni fa. Il suo metodo di esecuzione ripercorre la tradizione e la classicità , infatti Elias lavora partendo dal blocco di marmo senza l'intermediazione di un modello o di disegni.
Ha collaborato con diversi laboratori della zona apuo-versiliese, attualmente lavora presso il suo atelier, sito in via del Baluardo a Carrara.
Forme sinuose che emergono dal marmo cristallino, corpi in tensione che cercano di liberarsi dalla fredda materia, il dualismo maschile/femminile come arcaica dicotomia che nasce dalla natura e si perde nell'inconscio della cultura: questi sono i temi che emergono dalle opere di Elias Naman, per lo più sculture in marmo statuario che l'artista, più di altri, ha saputo trasformare in palcoscenico romantico delle tensioni della vita.