Austria is known for its contributions to music, especially during the Classical and Romantic periods.
The major work of outsiders such as Ludwig van Beethoven (from Bonn [Germany]), Johannes Brahms (from Hamburg), and - in part - Richard Strauss (from Munich) is no less associated with Vienna than that of such natives of Austria and the empire as Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Gustav Mahler and Hugo Wolf.
Much of the pioneer work in modern music was done by Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, and Anton Webern, who are known collectively as the Second Viennese school. Vienna is also associated with two popular genres of music: the waltz and the operetta.
Both forms find a common source in the person of Johann Strauss the Younger, who with his father, Johann the Elder, and his brothers, Josef and Eduard, constituted a virtual musical dynasty in the 19th century.
In painting, a distinctly Viennese school developed in the movement known as the Vienna Secession (referring to its breakaway in 1897 from the academic painters of the Künstlerhaus), which was part of the Jugendstil, as Art Nouveau is known in the German regions.
Led by Gustav Klimt, the movement tangentially involved a number of innovative architects, including Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos and Josef Hoffmann, who also helped found a cooperative enterprise for crafts and design called the Wiener Werkstätte (“Vienna Workshop”). Led by Klimt, a later group split from the Secession and held an exhibition known as the Kunstschau (“Art Show”); from this group emerged some of the most illustrious modern Austrian painters, including Oskar Kokoschka, Alfred Kubin and Egon Schiele.

Among later 20th-century artists, the abstract paintings of Friedensreich Hundertwasser recall the Secession.
The Vienna School of Fantastic Realism has leaned toward surrealism. Other groups have included Junge Wilde (“Young Wild Ones”), of whom Siegfried Anzinger has won acclaim abroad.
In sculpture, which in the interwar years was dominated by Anton Hanak, the preeminent figure after 1945 was Fritz Wotruba.
Clemens Holzmeister, perhaps the best-known 20th-century Austrian architect, had considerable influence on modern church design and was responsible for the two major festival theatres in Salzburg.
The designs of Adolf Loos, Roland Rainer, Erich Boltenstern, and Carl Auböck had an impact on housing and office development.
The avant-garde architecture firm Coop Himmelblau and architect Hans Hollein were well known in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Moviemaking in Austria has tended to concentrate on highbrow or controversial themes. The German-language motion picture industry has not been able to keep pace with Hollywood imports, and foreign films and television shows outnumber Austrian or German productions.
A number of 20th-century Austrian actors began their careers in Austria and later found success in Hollywood, including Paul Henreid, Oscar Homolka, Hedy Lamarr, and Maximilian Schell.
Also born in Austria were the directors Erich von Stroheim and Otto Preminger. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born bodybuilder, actor, and politician, is admired for his films and other accomplishments in the United States. | © Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
List of Austrian Artists: Painters, Sculptors, Photographers, Poets, Musicants, Writers and the artistic movements definition
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller | Genre / Orientalist painter
Hugo Charlemont | Impressionist / Genre painter
Emil Barbarini | Impressionist painter
Austrian Artists | Sitemap
Gustav Klimt | Art Nouveau painter
Leopold Schmutzler | Genre painter
Marie-Louise von Motesiczky | Expressionist painter
Eugene de Blaas | Academic /Genre painter
Marie Egner | Impressionist painter
Alois Arnegger | Romantic landscape painter | Part.4
Alois Arnegger | Romantic landscape painter | Part.3
Alois Arnegger | Romantic landscape painter | Part.2
Alois Arnegger | Romantic landscape painter
Bob Pejman, 1963 | Neo-Romantic Realism painter
Erich Fried /Lotta Blokker | It is what it is /É quel che è..
Erich Fried / Igor Mitoraj | Non so cosa sia l'amore / I don’t know what love is..
Helmut Leherb | Surrealist / Fantastic Realism painter and sculptor
Franz Christoph Janneck | Baroque Era style
Rainer Maria Rilke ~ Do not be afraid, it’s me / Non aver paura, sono io..
Rainer Maria Rilke ~ Love Song /Canto d'amore, 1907
Rainer Maria Rilke ~ Letters on Rodin /Lettere su Rodin
Rainer Maria Rilke ~ Letters on Cézanne /Lettere su Cézanne
Rainer Maria Rilke ~ La sera/The evening
Klimt's Schubert am Klavier, burned by the Nazis in 1945
Hugo Charlemont | Impressionist painter
Hubert Sattler | Landscape painter
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm | Patron of the Arts
Franz Richard Unterberger | Romantic landscape painter
Hans Zatzka | Madonna with the Infant Jesus, 1930
Olga Wisinger-Florian ~ Austrian Mood Impressionism
Fino al 18 Gennaio, Egon Schiele esposto a Londra
Egon Schiele ~ Schizzo per un Autoritratto.. | Le lettere
Peter Gric, 1968 ~ Magic Realism painter
Concerto di Capodanno di Vienna, 2014
Dal 1939 la Wiener Philarmoniker in concerto
Christian Schloe | Digital Surrealist / Visionary painter
Franz Kafka | Domenica saremo insieme | Lettere d'amore
Camilla Göbl-Wahl ~ Floral Still Life painter
Karl Kaufmann | Landscape painter
Franz's Kafka Memorial, Prague 2003 | Public Art
Tina Blondell, 1953 | Visionary / Figurative painter
Friedrich Von Amerling | Academic painter
Leo Putz | Impressionist / Expressionist painter
The Secession Art
Egon Schiele ~ Expressionist painter
Hans Zatzka ~ Academic painter
Paul Jaarsma, 1957
Eugene de Blaas | Academic painter
Albert Reuss 1889-1976
Oskar Kokoschka ~ Expressionist painter
